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Atene de Naga University Transition Strategy K+12 Education Reform.

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1 Atene de Naga University Transition Strategy K+12 Education Reform

2 1. Notes on the Proposed GEC The proposed CA-Level GEC hopes to contribute to the Education Vision of the Enhanced K+12 Basic Education Program where every graduate “has learned the foundations of learning throughout life, the competence to engage in work and be productive, the ability to co-exist in fruitful harmony with local and global communities, the capability to engage in autonomous critical thinking, and the capacity to transform others and one’s self.”

3 1. Notes on the Proposed GEC The “Senior High school” or “Career Academy” proposed CA-level GEC is differentiated according to two tracks: one is for non-college-bound and the other is for college bound.

4 2. Proposed GEC for Non-College Bound CA

5 Objectives The proposed GEC for non-college bound Senior High School envisions that by the end of the GE program, the student should:

6 The student should: Have explored different ways of knowing self, society, the natural world, and the world of work Be able to acquire functional communication, quantitative, scientific and technological skills appropriate for employment/self-employment Be capable of exercising citizenship and social responsibility as a member of Philippine society and the world. Be able to analytically and critically make sound and ethical decisions in family, work, and various circumstances of his/her life.

7 Subjects (30 Units) English6 units Mathematics for Specific Pursposes3 units Fundamentals of Environmental Science3 units Computer Education and Office Productivity Tools3 units Philosophy of the Human Person and Society3 units General Psychology3 units Marriage and Family Life3 units Citizenship Education3 units Work Ethics and Labor Education3 units

8 Career Academy Curriculum Summary Merchandizing and Office Management Program

9 Course Title Credit UnitsPay Units LectureLabTotal Hours/ Week Jesuit Core Courses History of Salvation3033 Christology3033 Philosophy of the Human Person and Society3033 Christian Vocation: Marriage and Family Life3033 Sub-total120

10 Course Title Credit Units Pay Units LectureLabTotal Hours/ Week General Education Computer Literacy, Keyboarding and Office Productivity Tools 3033 Business Mathematics and Statistics3146 General Psychology3033 Business English 13033 Business English 23033 Citizenship Education3033 Fundamentals of Environmental Science3033 Sub-total2112224

11 Course Title Credit UnitsPay Units LectureLabTotalHours/Week Career Specialization Courses (Part 1) Business Career Core  Personality Development and Business Etiquette 3033  Business Ethics and Labor Education 3033  Basic Mandarin 3033 Office Management Services  Principles of Office Management 3033  Support Services for Personnel Management Processes 3033  Records Management and Digital Filing Systems 2135  Desktop Publishing and Webpage Development 2135

12 Course Title Credit UnitsPay Units LectureLabTotalHours/Week Career Specialization Courses (Part 2) Bookkeeping Services  Bookkeeping 1 2135  Bookkeeping 2 1237 Sales Services and Customer Relations  Principles and Methods of Retail and Merchandizing 3033  Seminar in Sales Techniques & Customer Relations 3033 Stenography and Transcription Services  Fundamentals of Stenography 3033  Shorthand Speed Development with Introductory Transcription 3033  Advanced Transcription 3033

13 Course Title Credit UnitsPay Units LectureLabTotalHours/Week On-the-Job Training Courses Practicum 1606* Practicum 2909* Sub-total150 *

14 Course Code Course Title Credit UnitsPay Units LectureLabTotalHours/Week Jesuit Core Courses Sub-total120 General Education Sub-total2112224 Career Specialization Courses Sub-total 37 5 42 52 On-the-Job Training Courses Sub-total150 * TOTAL85691

15 Career Academy Curriculum Summary Early Childhood Teacher-Aide Program

16 Course Title Credit UnitsPay Units LectureLabTotalHours/Week Jesuit Core Courses History of Salvation3033 Christology3033 Philosophy of the Human Person and Society3033 Christian Vocation: Marriage and Family Life3033 Sub-total120

17 Course Title Credit UnitsPay Units LectureLabTotalHours/Week General Education Computer Literacy and Office Productivity Tools3033 Functional Mathematics3033 General Psychology3033 Communication Skills 13033 Communication Skills 23033 Sining ng Pakikipagtalastasan3033 Panitikang Filipino3033 Citizenship Education3033 Fundamentals of Environmental Science3033 Labor Education and Ethics for Teachers3033 Sub-total300

18 Course Title Credit UnitsPay Units LectureLabTotalHours/Week Career Specialization Courses Early Childhood Development3033 Teaching Principles in the Early Grades3033 Creative Learning Experiences3033 Developing Numeracy in the Early Grades3033 Language Development in Early Grades3033 Social Skills Development in the Early Grades3033 Assessment in the Early Grades3033 Behavior Management in the Early Grades3033 Instructional Materials Development & Production3033 Introduction to Early Childhood Special Education3033 Sub-total 300

19 Course Title Credit UnitsPay Units LectureLabTotalHours/Week Field Study and Practicum Courses Related Learning and Teaching Experience 11011 Related Learning and Teaching Experience 21011 Related Learning and Teaching Experience 31011 Related Learning and Teaching Experience 46 066 Sub-total9099

20 Course Title Credit UnitsPay Units LectureLabTotalHours/Week Jesuit Core Courses Sub-total120 General Education Sub-total300 Career Specialization Courses Sub-total 300 Field Study and Practicum Courses Sub-total9099 TOTAL 810

21 Computation of Break-Even Point for the Career Academy

22 Assumptions: Tuition fee - used the current rates Other fees - used the current rates with the exclusion of athletic fee Laboratory fees Computer/Desktop Publishing - used the current EDP rate Bus. Math and Statistics - used the current EDP rate on the assumption that these subjects will use computer laboratories Bookkeeping 1 - the fee is for the Bookkeeping kit, to include journals, worksheets, etc. Bookeeping 2 - used the current Computer Science subjects rate (for 2 subjects or 6 units) Entrep. Skills Development - new rate based on the current IGP rate plus 50% (for 9 hours) Digital Filing - new rate based on the current EDP rate (equivalent to 1 unit)

23 Assumptions: Salaries: In the absence of faculty line up, the faculty salaries were determined on the basis of the total number of units per program to its full-time faculty equivalent. Hence, for the Entrepreneurship program, the full- time faculty equivalent is 7, while for the Office Management and Pastoral Ministry Programs, the full-time faculty equivalent is 5. The average monthly salary used is P25,000.00 plus 15% benefits.

24 Assumptions: Overhead expenses: 30% of revenue Operating expenses/Capital expenditures: 10% of revenue

25 No. of students needed49 students Revenue3,114,583.33 Average annual tuition & other fees 64,366.45

26 PROJECTED REVENUEAt 49 students Tuition (65 units)2,326,005.50 Other Fees175,574.35 Lab fees Computer/Desktop Publishing168,506.10 Math168,506.10 Bookeeping 126,950.00 Bookkeeping 2254,547.65 Total Projected revenue3,120,089.70

27 PROJECTED EXPENSES Salaries60.00%1,868,750.00 Operating expenses10.00%311,458.33 Overhead expenses30.00%934,375.00 Total Projected expenses100.00%3,114,583.33

28 PROJECTED REVENUE Total Projected revenue3,120,089.70 PROJECTED EXPENSES Total Projected expenses3,114,583.33 BALANCE5,506.37

29 Notes: The projections for the CA Model were based on realistic assumptions so that the financial impact on the University will not be that significant, especially that the budget process/planning for next schoolyear is ongoing. The projections also considered the plan for possible implementation of the CA next school year.

30 Notes: Since we already have the existing College rates in place, it is hereby proposed that the regular tuition fee rate be used for the CA model. For other fees, the same rates were used with the exclusion of the Athletic fee in the absence of P.E. subjects in the curriculum.. For the laboratory fees, except for the Computer lab fee, the rest are new fees. The new fees were arrived at, with the existing laboratory fees of other subjects as basis. For Math and Bookkeeping 2, it is assumed that these subjects will use Computer laboratories.

31 Notes: The fees presented herein do not include other assessments. These fees may be determined once the CA model is implemented. As long as the ratio of salaries to the revenue does not exceed 60%, it is viable to implement the proposed CA model. It is to be noted, however, that any change in salary projections would affect the number of students required to break even.

32 Thank you

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