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(337) 521-8956 Agenda End of Course (EOC) high stakes testing Final exam schedule for ECA and SLCC courses PLAN results ACT …

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Presentation on theme: "(337) 521-8956 Agenda End of Course (EOC) high stakes testing Final exam schedule for ECA and SLCC courses PLAN results ACT …"— Presentation transcript:

1 (337) 521-8956

2 Agenda End of Course (EOC) high stakes testing Final exam schedule for ECA and SLCC courses PLAN results ACT … future impact on SPS Scheduling for Fall ‘12 semester Associate degree information

3 End-of-Course (EOC) Tests End-of-Course (EOC) testing is a recommendation of the High School Redesign Commission and is an increasingly common practice in many other states. End-of-Course tests help ensure consistent and rigorous instruction and expectations throughout the state. EOC tests are gradually replacing 9 th grade iLEAP, 10 th grade GEE, and 11 th grade GEE.

4 Implementation Schedule

5 Curriculum and Instruction Policies For incoming freshmen in 2010-2011 and beyond, students must meet the assessment requirements below to earn a standard diploma. a.Students must pass three End-of-Course Tests in the following categories: i. English II or English III; ii. Algebra I or Geometry; iii.Biology or American History b. Students enrolled in a course for which there is an EOC test must take the EOC test. i. The EOC test score shall count for 15 % of the students final grade Test dates for Spring ‘12: Thursday, May 10 th and Friday, May 11th 5

6 Curriculum and Instruction Policies The grades assigned for the EOC test achievement levels shall be as follows 6 EOC Achievement LevelGrade ExcellentA GoodB FairC Needs ImprovementD or F Needs Improvement Student will be allowed to retest at next test administration.


8 ms_eoc.html

9 ilities/index.html

10 Student Test Center Screen 10

11 Student Test Item Screen 11

12 SLCC Final Exam Schedule SLCC classes – last day Monday, April 30 Tuesday, May 1st: Health Wednesday, May 2nd: Spanish &French Thursday, May 3rd: Psychology Friday, May 4 th : Math 92 (algebra II) ECA Final Exam Schedule Thursday, May 17 th : English/Science Friday, May 18 th : Social Studies/Math

13 PLAN Results Results sent home in December PLAN is a “practice ACT test” PLAN scores determine eligibility for Early Start funds “Louisiana Early Start Program” Funds from the BoR- Today* Pays for one 3 credit course each semester Parent and student both sign form and return ASAP

14 Importance of the ACT Today's announcement by the Department centers on the following initiatives: ACT: Every 8th-11th grade student in Louisiana will participate in the EXPLORE/Plan/ACT series, which will be funded by the state, beginning in the 2012-2013 school year. This series of ACT tests will serve as a guide for teachers and families as to what each high school student needs in order to be prepared to achieve at high levels, starting in 8th grade. The role of ACT in the school accountability system will be considered by the Board of elementary and Secondary Education later this year. ACT Beginning next school year, the state will fund the cost of administrating a series of ACT tests to all public school students enrolled in grades 8, 9, 10, and 11. Currently, students pay for testing, or in some cases, schools or districts may pay for students to participate in the ACT test. Under this new initiative, the state will pay for a single administration of the ACT for each student. For students qualifying for the federal free and reduced meal program, the state will fund two additional administrations of the test. Furthermore, as prescribed by Louisiana's Elementary and Secondary Education Act Waiver Application, the state intends to include student scores on ACT tests in a simplified school performance score, beginning in the 2012-2013 school year. The ACT - a nationally-normed assessment - will account for 25 percent of the School Performance Score for high schools. Additionally, schools will earn points for students who demonstrate growth throughout their performance on the series of ACT tests.Louisiana's Elementary and Secondary Education Act Waiver Application FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Date: 04/17/2012 Contact: Rene' Greer, (225) 342-360, Fax: (225) 342-0193

15 Factors for My Child’s Schedule High School Graduation Requirements (24 credits) TOPS (19 units *** new beginning this graduating class) Associate degree requirements Plan of Study at next institution attending Course availability (SLCC has limited offerings) Time and date of offerings Transportation Interest

16 Scheduling Notes Fall ‘12/Sp ‘13 – Students must take and maintain a minimum of four classes each semester. Homeroom – attendance is mandatory Textbook purchase – MUST follow procedure Communication is KEY – Students must check email/JOULE. Students may “cross-enroll with ULL) ** To date: Tuition paid by LPSS; books paid by student ULL Transfer Coordinator, Lana Rodriguez,, 521-2059

17 FALL 2012SPRING 2013 FALL 2013SPRING 2014 1ENG 1010ENG 1020 (ENG 3 w/ EOC)1ENG 2010 2 2 3 3 4 4 1. Review possible course choices ENG 1010 Junior Homeroom MATH 1100 BIOL 1015, General Biol I Extended CHEM 1035, General Chem I Extended HIST 2020, US History II, (EOC) Additional Course toward Concentration Area 2. Attend advising appointment : Holly Greer, 3. After being advised, student will be responsible for inputting schedule request into Banner

18 SLCC Tuition on-and-fees on-and-fees Currently- When a student repeats a class they have failed, student will pay tuition when class is repeated. Policy on tuition (and several other) will be reviewed this summer

19 -schedule/fall_2012_schedule_4-16-12.pdf

20 alog

21 Associates of General Studies

22 7 areas of concentration for the Assoc. Degree


24 Questions And Answers

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