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Administrative Actions
Objectives Discuss admin actions for PFA failures
Discuss the ADSEP process Discuss CFLs role in admin actions Discuss ADSEP boards
1st and 2nd PFA Failures Member is notified in writing
Enlisted: Page 13 Generated via NSIPS for validation and ESR Forward original to PERS 312C with signatures Officers: Letter of Notification (LON) File at command Forward to PERS 834, Officer Performance and Separation Branch to delay promotion Enrollment in FEP No advancement/promotion or frocking until a mock PFA is passed Command sends message to PERS 48 to hold promotion or advancement until the promotion limiting cycle
Page 13 Counseling
Promotion Cycle Limiting Dates For Enlisted Personnel
Pay Grade Exam Date Limiting Date E-4/5/6 Feb/Mar 31 Dec Aug/Sep 30 Jun E-7 Jan/Feb 31 Aug E-8/9 N/A Promotion Cycle Limiting Dates For Enlisted Personnel 5 5
3rd PFA Failure Adverse evaluation / or fitness report
Start ADSEP process Member is NOT eligible for Reenlistment , Advancement, PCS and Tuition Assistance (TA) CO may request readiness waiver through their ISIC Echelon 3 (or higher) commanders maintain responsibility for approval and disposition of all waivers for readiness. Command request must be initiated within 14 day after the command PFA cycle
3rd PFA Failure (cont) Evaluation / FITREP marks
A grade no greater than 1.0 in "Military Bearing“ For enlisted, marks of "Significant Problems" and "Retention Not Recommended”, respectively For officers, marks of “Significant Problems” for promotability
ADSEP for PFA Failures ADSEP processing shall occur for all members who fail 3 PFA cycles in the most recent 4 year period ADSEP for over 18 years of service Members with 18 or more years of service are not exempted from ADSEP Members with a third failure prior to 30 June 2011 and a approved fleet reserved or retirement date will be allowed to retired, those with a third failure subsequent to 30 June 2011 will be process for ADSEP
Retirement USC Title 10 PFA failures via PERS 832/834 Enlisted and Officers separation will not apply, ADSEP processing begins CNP has delegated authority to NPC to grant conditional reenlistment for members over 18 years, but under 20 years to remain on AD until Fleet Reserve eligibility date. 18 to 20 years, if they remain otherwise eligible, member must submit paperwork to transfer to Fleet Reserve >20 years earliest convenience to the government or less than 1 year
ADSEP Board Held at local command for enlisted members with greater than 6 years Under 6 years of service may request one, but are not entitled Member may have legal representation Board members decide whether member was provided an opportunity to correct deficiency
CFL Role in ADSEP Board Provide supporting data to the board
Weekly PT logs Monthly Mock PFAs Fitness and nutrition resources offered Page 13 counseling or LON Other pertinent information
Board of Inquiry (BOI) Non-probationary officers (more than 5 years of commissioned service) are entitled to Board of Inquiry (BOI) If Board recommends retention, officer must be retained on active duty. Board recommendation to retain cannot be overturned Process takes approximately 6 to 9 months to complete Probationary officers (less than 5 years of commissioned service) require 4 to 6 months to complete
Detailing Personnel “Not Recommended for Retention” who cannot meet obliserve requirements will not transfer Detailers have PFA data in detailing system (EASIS and OASIS) Contact Physical Readiness Program office if you receive members that did not meet detailing requirements
Individual Augmentation (IA)
Unless most recent PFA was passed, personnel who failed two PFAs in the past three years will not be assigned to: OSA – Operation Support Assignment GWOT/GSA – Global War on Terror / Support Assignment IAMM – Individual Augmentee Manpower Management IA’s may be designated in PRIMS as “IA” participation status If either the BCA, PRT or both were not completed due to conditions, location, safety of assignment. IA’s shall be treat as newly reported personnel upon return, but must meet Navy standards Overseas Contingency Operations (OCO) Support Assignments (OSA)
NAVADMINS Incorporated in OPNAVINST 6110.1J NAVADMIN 277/08
NAVADMIN 277/08 Sailors with 2 PFA failures and one being the most recent cycle are restricted from: Overseas billets Pre-commissioning billets Special Programs Recruiting, Equal Opportunity Advisors, Washington DC, Joint Staff and Millington, TN GWOT/ GSA / IAMM assignments Instructor Duty
NAVADMIN 277/08 Progress/Readiness Waivers documented in PRIMS
October 2009 Progress Waivers are discontinued Physical Readiness Program Office will now perform QA CNIC will conduct 5 day CFL Course Short Term Extensions unauthorized for 3 or more PFA failures
NAVADMIN 073/09 PRIMS data is used as part of the promotion/advancement process Justification for non-participation must be documented in PRIMS BCA must be accomplished on all members unless medically waived
NAVADMIN 247/09 Billet restrictions for 2 failures with one being the most recent No overseas, instructor duty, pre-commissioning, schools Requests for exceptions for active duty transfers shall be addressed to PERS-4 via the chain of command PRIMS codes DEP/OP PRT for deployments IA for Individual Augmentee BCA even if less than 10 weeks
NAVADMIN 131/10 Effective 1 Jul 2010
The provision to waive the BCA criteria to the DoD maximum is rescinded Males: 26% Female: 36% Any sailor that exceeds Navy BCA standards will be recorded as a failure
NAVADMIN 193/10 Refer to Buperinst C; Navy Performance Evaluation Instruction Navy performance evaluation system effective 01 Aug 10 Established new one letter PFA codes for block 20 In block 29, enter PFA cycles DEP/OP for BCA must be approved by ISIC
NAVADMIN 256/10 Revision to stationary bike equation
Effective in PRIMS starting Cycle1, 2011 Will require more calories to be burned to achieve lower category scores Will require less calories to be burned to achieve “Outstanding” scores
NAVADMIN 338/10 Effective Cycle 1, 2011 the following elliptical trainers are approved for PFA use: LifeFitness 95X Engage LifeFitness 95X Inspire Precor EFX556i Precor EFX576i Technogym Synchro 700ISP A complete listing of testing procedures available on Physical Readiness Program website
NAVADMIN 420/10 Involuntary separation pay (ISP) for PFA failures
PRT failures only – no ISP authorized BCA and/or PRT failures – may receive ½ ISP if otherwise eligible NAVADMIN 420/10 If a member is being separated solely for failing the physical readiness test (PRT) portion of the PFA and has passed the body composition assessment (BCA) portion in each of the failed cycles, they shall be assigned an spd code ending in “FT" (physical standards) and will not be authorized involuntary separation pay (ISP). If a member fails to pass the BCA portion of the PFA in any of the failed cycles, they shall be assigned an spd code ending in “CR" (weight control) and may receive one half ISP. The sailor must be eligible in all other respects including the requirement to serve in either the selected reserve or individual ready reserve components in order to receive ISP. This provison will not be used to separate members who meet the criteria for separation under other, more appropriate provisions of Navy separation policy. For example, a member who is separated for weight control and is also involved in misconduct or unsatisfactory performance should be separated for misconduct or unsatisfactory performance and not for weight control. Due in updated: opnavinst , separation pay for involuntary separation from active duty
NAVADMIN 203/11 This NAVADMIN outlines policy changes that go into effect upon release of OPNAVINST J Medical Screening, Medical Waivers, Echelon 3 Commanders Responsibilities, BUMED Responsibilities, Commanding Officers shall, BCA, Bad Day, Unauthorized Absences, 10-week PFA Notification Policy, PTU, Altering BF Measurements,
NAVADMIN 203/11 Cont. PRT Safety, Administrative Separation, Waiver for Readiness and Retention following an ADSEP board.
Team Work……….. POP QUIZ Petty Officer Terry – What admin actions are required for the first failure? What about the second failure? What happens with the third failure?
Petty Officer Terry Fails First PFA
Page 13 Enrolled in FEP Establish a fitness progression Block 20 eval marked
Petty Officer Terry Fails Second PFA
PG 13 issued Enrolled in FEP Block 20 entry
Petty Officer Terry Fails Third PFA in 4-Year Period
Grade of 1.0 in military bearing Marks of ‘significant problems” and “retention not recommended” May not reenlist, advance, or re-designate. ADSEP process starts immediately
How Does Petty Officer Terry Recover?
No Recovery!!!!!! Start the ADSEP Process Immediately.
Case Study Petty Officer Jones checks in to your command on 1 October 200X Your fall PFA is scheduled for 31 October 200X PO Jones appears to be “carrying some extra weight” What is your plan?
Reference OPNAV 6110.1J, Enclosure (1), paragraphs 7, page 7 (e).
Physical Readiness Operating Guide 4, BCA, Section 3 Table NAVADMIN 073/09 and 247/09.
Case Study You elected to conduct a BCA on PO Jones.
His height is 72.25” His weight is 205 pounds Is he within Navy standards?
Case Study Height - 72.25” Weight - 205 pounds
Does PO Jones require measurements? What if his weight was 215 pounds?
References OPNAVINST 6110.1J, Enclosure (3) Table 1
Physical Readiness Operating Guide 4, Body Composition Assessment, Section 3 Tables
Case Study You enter PRIMS with PO Jones’ (less than 10 weeks on board) measurements His body fat is calculated to be 24% PO Jones is 39 years old Should you hit “save” in PRIMS after the calculation to record this as an official BCA? Is he “out of standards”? Are you allowed to enroll him in FEP?
References NAVADMIN 073/09 and 247/09
Physical Readiness Operating Guide 4, Body Composition Assessment, Section 3 Tables Physical Readiness Operation Guide 11, Member’s Responsibilities, Section 1, Pg. 7
Case Study You are preparing for the next PFA, PO Jones has been on board for 8 months. He does not have a current PHA. How do you clear him for the PFA scheduled for March 200X +1?
Case Study You send him to the authorized medical representative for clearance. He returns from medical with a Body Fat waiver signed by a HM1. Do you accept the body fat waiver?
Reference OPNAVINST J, Enclosure (1), paragraph 6 (1)D.1, 2 and 3 Physical Readiness Operating Guide 6, Section 1, Pg 6
Case Study If you do not accept this as a valid BCA Waiver, what are your options?
References Refer member back to medical for evaluation
Enclosure (1), paragraph 6 (1)D.1, 2 and 3 Physical Readiness Operating Guide 6, Section 1, Pg 6
Case Study PO Jones is now cleared to participate if the PFA and passed his BCA. As you start the PRT, you ask the group the pre-physical activity questions, PO Jones mentions he has been having chest pains. What should you do?
References Call 911 and escort member to medical
Physical Readiness Operating Guide 5 PRT, Section 2, Pg. 7
Case Study Assume that PO Jones’ complaint was a head cold the morning of the PFA. What should you do?
References Send member to medical for clearance to participate in PRT
Physical Readiness Operating Guide 5 PRT, Section 2, Pg. 7
Case Study PO Jones’ BCA was 22%, he is 39. The test was conducted below 1,000 feet. His PRT scores are: Sit Reach: Pass Push-ups: 70 Curl-ups: 83 Run: 14:30 Did PO Jones pass the PFA?
Reference Yes, Physical Readiness Operating Guide 5, Section 4
Case Study Must PO Jones be assigned to FEP?
Reference No. Physical Readiness Operating Guide 5 PRT, Section 2, Pg. 7
Case Study BCA: 22% Sit Reach: Pass Push-ups: 70 Curl-ups: 83
Run: 15:30 (age 39, male, under 1,000 feet) Did PO Jones pass the PFA?
Reference No. Physical Readiness Operating Guide 5, Section 4, Tables
Case Study Must PO Jones be assigned to FEP?
Reference Yes Physical Readiness Operating Guide 5, Section 4, Table
Case Study BCA: 22% Sit Reach: Pass Push-ups: 70 Curl-ups: 83
Run: 15:30 (age 39, male, under 1,000 feet) PO Jones’ overall score is?
References Failure Physical Readiness Operating Guide 5, Section 4, Table
Case Study If PO Jones has a valid waiver for the run what would his overall score be?
Reference Pass Physical Readiness Operating Guide 5, Section 4, Table
Case Study Chief Andrabado has failed the BCA. She is 20 pounds overweight and her BCA measurement is 38%. This is her first BCA failure. What actions are required of the CFL?
References Refer member to medical for evaluation, Issue member a Pg 13 via NSIPS, enroll member into FEP OPNAVINST J, Encl 2, Pg 1
Case Study You are troubled so you look up Chief Andrabado’s record in PRIMS and discover she has had 2 previous PFA failures in last 4 years. What actions of the CFL would change?
References She receives an adverse evaluation, not recommended for retention and advancement, ADSEP process begins OPNAVINST J Encl (1),Pg 1 and 2
Case Study Chief Andrabado has served for 19 years.
Does the time served affect anything?
References No OPNAVINST J, Encl (2), Pg 4
Case Study If Chief Andrabado has served for 23 years, what, if any changes occur?
References Member must submit paperwork to transfer to Fleet Reserve or be ADSEP. MilPersMan OPNAVINST J, Encl (2) Pg 4
References OPNAVINST 6110.1J BUPERSINST 1430.16 (Series)
Command Policy DODI Impact of PFA Failures on the Navy. Navy Manpower Requirements System MILPERSMAN Articles1220, 1300, , , and BUPERSINST (Series) Command policy DODI Impact of PFA Failures on the Navy. Navy Manpower Requirements System MILPERSMAN Articles1220, 1300, , , and NAVADMIN 041/06, 277/08, 073/09 247/09, 131/10, 193/10, 256/10, 338/10, and 420/10
References NAVADMIN 277/08, 073/09 247/09, 131/10, 193/10, 256/10, 338/10, and 420/10, 203/11 SECNAVINST (Series) OPNAVINST (Series), Para 8 SECNAVINST (Series) U.S. Code TITLE 10 OPNAVINST Series PRIMS (Active Duty). April 2007 PFA PRIMS Data SECNAVINST (Series) OPNAVINST (Series), Para 8 SECNAVINST (Series) U.S. Code TITLE 10
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