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Published byMaxim Laufer Modified over 10 years ago
2010-2011 S PRING S TUDENT R ECORD C OLLECTION U PDATES Virginia Department of Education Office of Educational Information Management
A GENDA Updates on Elements and Reporting Requirements Overview of Due Dates Resources Questions & answers
S PECIAL E DUCATION R EGIONAL T UITION R EIMBURSEMENT Claims for regional tuition reimbursement for services provided by state approved regional special education programs will be collected in the March 31 st SRC and the EOY. These claims were previously collected through the SpedSys application.
S PECIAL E DUCATION R EGIONAL T UITION R EIMBURSEMENT, CONT. Dollar amounts will likely be obtained from your special education office. Report the amount requested for the 1 st semester on the current SPR SRC and the amount requested for the 2 nd semester on the EOY SRC.
S PECIAL E DUCATION R EGIONAL T UITION R EIMBURSEMENT, CONT. First semester claims are for services provided from July 1 to January 31 of the reporting year. Second semester claims are for services provided from February 1 to June 30 of the reporting year.
S PECIAL E DUCATION R EGIONAL T UITION R EIMBURSEMENT, CONT. The tuition amount must be a valid positive number with a two place decimal, report dollars and cents. Decimal must be included. The dollar amount is required when the Serving Division is between 280 and 299, except Division 283. These are FATAL errors.
S PECIAL E DUCATION R EGIONAL T UITION R EIMBURSEMENT, CONT. If there is a dollar amount in the Special Ed Regional Tuition Reimbursement field, then the disability code reported must be in: 3 = MD - Multiple disabilities, 6 = HI - Hearing impairment, 8 = ED - Emotional disturbance, 12 = DB - Deaf-blindness, 13 = AUT - Autism, or 14 = TBI - Traumatic brain injury. This is a FATAL error.
S PECIAL E DUCATION R EGIONAL T UITION R EIMBURSEMENT, CONT. The disability code reported could be the primary, secondary or tertiary disability code. Generally, the Primary disability would be reported. If the disability code reported is not the same as the primary disability reported on the December 1 special education child count, you will receive a warning. You will also be contacted by VDOE staff to explain the difference.
S PECIAL E DUCATION R EGIONAL T UITION R EIMBURSEMENT, CONT. If the student was only in attendance during the summer at a Regional Program, then they need to be reported with an N record. If a student attended both the summer and academic year, use an A or I as appropriate for the academic year.
S PECIAL E DUCATION R EGIONAL T UITION R EIMBURSEMENT There will be a separate verification form for superintendents to sign for regional tuition reimbursement data.
S PECIAL E DUCATION R EGIONAL T UITION R EIMBURSEMENT, CONT. Contact Paul Raskopf, Director Financial and Data Services in the Office of Special Education for further instructions and details. Contact Information: Email: Phone: 804-225-2080
C OMPREHENSIVE S ERVICES A CT SPR SRC now includes an additional data verification to compare the ADM and headcount of students marked as CSA funded (Tuition Paid Code = 7) in the SRC to a headcount and approximated ADM from CSA. In order to verify this data, there is now a new sheet in the Spring Finance Verification comparing the ADM and headcount between the SRC reported data and CSA reported data. Your superintendent must sign-off on this data.
C OMPREHENSIVE S ERVICES A CT, CONT. If your division has a large discrepancy between the SRC reported data and CSA reported data, then additional explanations may be required. NOTE: You will not receive a superintendent’s signature line on the Spring Finance Verification Report until the explanation is given for the data discrepancy.
C OMPREHENSIVE S ERVICES A CT, CONT. A screen has been added to the Miscellaneous Collection to enter the explanation for the discrepancy The link to enter the CSA explanation will be added here
M IGRANT F LAG Reminder: The Migrant Flag has been retired. As a result, the edits about the migrant flag have been removed.
A SIAN S UBGROUP Per the Superintendent’s Email sent 2/28/2011, the Asian subgroup is now part of AYP. As a result, the verification reports with percent of attendance have been updated to include Asian subgroup.
D ECEMBER 1 ST C HILD C OUNT A new edit was created to verify data from the Dec. 1 Child Count data submission and the SPR SRC. If a student was reported on the Dec. 1 Child Count data submission, then they should be reported on the SPR SRC. This is a WARNING.
$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ A Spring resubmission may often lead to reimbursement of funding from your LEA back to DOE
Please Verify All Warnings
SRC R EPORTS Data submitted is reported back to you for verification purposes DOE strongly recommends you enlist & involve program area contacts in the verification process Superintendent’s signature is required
SRC D UE D ATES Spring is Data as of: March 31 st Due date: April 22 nd
R ESOURCES AND C ONTACT I NFORMATION General Phone: (804) 225-2099 Email: Fax: (804) 530-4516 SRC Website: ection/student_record_collection/index.shtml ection/student_record_collection/index.shtml
C ONTACTS FOR D ATA C OLLECTIONS Region 1 – Linda Major (804) 371-7875 Region 2 – Vickie McCrary (804) 225-2827 Region 3 – Linda Major (804) 371-7875 Region 4 – Carol Wells Bazzichi (804) 225-4847 Region 5 – Vickie McCrary (804) 225-2827 Region 6 – Linda Major (804) 371-7875 Region 7 – Vickie McCrary (804) 225-2827 Region 8 – Carol Wells Bazzichi (804) 225-4847
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