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Welcome Education, Science and Medical Relationships October 21, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome Education, Science and Medical Relationships October 21, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome Education, Science and Medical Relationships October 21, 2013

2 Meeting Topics Introductions Itinerary for the Day CWRU School of Medicine Background and Vision Science Without Borders Program Goals for CAPES MOU and education discussion Discussion and Q&A

3 Overview of CWRU School of Medicine Christopher D. Masotti, CPA, MBA Vice Dean for Finance and Administration

4 School of Medicine Quick Facts Full-Time Faculty MD Students PhD Students Master Students Employees Revenue as % of CWRU Total 2,400 850 360 350 1,960 46%

5 Sources of Funds Total Revenue: $464M Tuition Revenue: $52M Total Revenue: $460M Tuition Revenue: $65M Total Revenue: $515M Tuition Revenue: $95M

6 FY13 Sources of Research Funding

7 School of Medicine Affiliations University Hospitals Case Medical Center Primary affiliate; full-time faculty; clinical FTE employed University Hospitals Medical Group, research SOM MetroHealth Medical Center Major affiliate; full-time faculty employed by MetroHealth Cleveland Clinic Foundation—Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine Full-time faculty employed by Cleveland Clinic Foundation Louis Stokes Veterans Affairs Medical Center Full-time faculty employed by Veterans Affairs Medical Center

8 Ranked in U.S. News & World Report Honor Roll 1 of only 5 cities with more than one hospital on the Honor Roll A top healthcare destination Only three universities in the country with multiple affiliated hospitals in the top rankings Case Western Reserve University Harvard University University of California—Los Angeles Cleveland as Healthcare Destination

9 Overarching Goals of SOM 1.Leadership in medical and graduate education 2.Innovative and strategic research environment 3.Meaningful community engagement and partnerships 4.Enhanced institutional climate From Discoveries to Cures

10 Medical Education Overview Clint W. Snyder, PhD Interim Vice Dean for Education and Academic Affairs

11 Attracting and training the best students We enroll some of the nation’s top students Medical College Admission Test (MCAT) Ranked 12 th in the country in MCATS in 2012; ranked 8 th in 2011 And they become even better while they’re here National Medical Licensing Examination U.S. Avg: 221 Case Western Reserve: 231

12 School of Medicine Education Primary educational program is at CWRU School of Medicine (WR2 Curriculum) – 165 students per year CWRU Cleveland Clinic Lerner College has a separate track (CCLCM) – 32 students per year

13 Research and Scholarship  MD Thesis 1 st Year2 nd Year 3 rd Year4 th Year Basic Sciences and Early Clinical Training Core Clerkships Basic Science Integration Electives and Board Study USMLE Step 1 Acting Internships Transition to Residency Advanced Electives USMLE Step 2 (CK/CS) Research and Scholarship  MD Thesis Foundations of Medicine and Health Advanced Clinical Experiences and Residency Preparation


15 Match Day 2013 Of our school’s 191 matches, 20 percent matched to top-ten hospitals as ranked by U.S. News & World Report Cleveland Clinic Duke Johns Hopkins Massachusetts General UCLA 39 will stay in Cleveland: University Hospitals Case Medical Center Cleveland Clinic MetroHealth Medical Center

16 Medical Education Opportunities Clinical Electives: Sydney Medical School (Australia) Nanjing U Hospital Internal Medicine (China) Zhejiang U (China) FEDEPO Santa Domingo (Dominican Republic) Pop-Wu Medical Clinic (Guatemala) New OB/GYN residency (Guyana) Internal medicine Al-Gandhi Hospital; Hyderabad (India) Saitama Medical U at Saitama Medical Center (Japan) U of Tokyo (Japan) Maseno U School of Medicine (Kenya) Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades Respiratorias (Mexico) Lamay (Peru) Jagellonian U (Poland) U of Puerto Rico (Puerto Rico) Baragwanath Hospital; Johannesburg (South Africa) Khon Khaen U (Thailand) St. Mary’s Hospital (Uganda) Bioethics The Netherlands Costa Rica France Spain India Fogarty-Global Health mentored experience (red stars) in Papua New Guinea/Dominican Republic/Uganda/Brazil

17 Inside the New Medical Education Building Expanded medical education programs New joint programs Expanded Community Health initiatives Separate identities and curricula, but will share sim center, anatomy lab, food service, etc.

18 Medical Education Building Curriculum Goals Future approaches to medical education Practical sharing between CCLCM and the University Program Encouraging inter-professional education Multiple educational resources Pathways: Urban Health, World Medicine, Medical Humanities, Business of Medicine

19 Campaign: Impact the Care and Health of the Community $25 million to establish the Weatherhead Institute for Family Medicine and Community Health Vision: to promote health and integrate care for the whole person and community through research, education, leadership and advocacy.

20 Vision Topic – World Medicine The World is Shrinking Diseases arise abroad and sweep the U.S. AIDS Drug resistant TB SARS Conversely, our scourges are exported Metabolic syndrome Some cancers

21 Vision Topic – World Medicine – Approaches to health care differ abroad – Strategies for delivering care in under- resourced countries might inform urban and rural health here – Developed countries public health and health care may inform new models for the U.S. – Our students may benefit from wealth of clinical experience abroad

22 Graduate Education Overview Paul MacDonald, PhD Associate Dean for Graduate Education

23 SOM Graduate Education Office Paul MacDonald Martin Snyder Robert Petersen Monica Montano George Dubyak Diana Ramirez-Bergeron Joseph Williams Deborah Noureddine Malana Bey Dan Korgan

24 Seeds of Discovery The Ph.D. White Lab Coat Ceremony 76 students entering 11 different programs 57 % female, 43 % male 11 different countries (33 %) 36 % from Ohio, 11 % from CWRU

25 Guiding Principles for Graduate Education preparing students for success as future leaders in the rapidly changing biomedical research environment of the 21 st century. Interdisciplinary and collaborative Concept-driven and self-directed study Professionalism and life-long learning Faculty and students as colleagues

26 Biochemistry Tracks: RNA Biology Structural Biology & Biophysics Bioethics Biomedical Engineering Cell Biology Epidemiology and Biostatistics Genetics Tracks: Developmental Biology Molecular Biology and Microbiology Molecular Medicine Molecular Virology Neurosciences Tracks: Developmental Biology Nutrition Pathology Tracks: Cancer Biology Exp. Pathology Immunology Mol. Cell. Basis of Disease Pharmacology Tracks: Cancer Therapeutics, Molecular Pharmacology, Membrane Structural Biology, Translational Therapeutics Physiology and Biophysics Systems Biology & Bioinformatics Ph.D. Graduate Programs at CWRU

27 1.Biomedical Sciences Training Program – BSTP 2.Medical Scientist Training Program – MSTP Dual-degree – M.D./Ph.D. 3.Direct Admission to programs SOM Ph.D. Entry Routes

28 Students enter together, then earn a PhD in one program First semester: cell & molecular biology Lab rotations with prospective advisors PhD: Biomedical Sciences Training Program

29 Over 200 faculty advisors Smaller labs with individual attention PhD: Biomedical Sciences Training Program

30 CWRU MSTP NIH funded Medical Scientist Training Program, 1956 2 years medical school + 4 years PhD + 2 years clerkships Accept about a dozen students/year 90 current students and 194 graduates AMCAS Application opens in June

31 Time to Degree (TTD) and Publications Average TTD (years) Average number of publications/program Number of publications/grad Average primary publications/program Primary publications/grad 5.7 103.1 3.8 47.9 1.7 5.5 109.4 3.1 54.7 1.5 2002-20072008-2013

32 Diversification Educational Programs Expanded Programs Masters of Science in Anesthesiology Masters of Science in Medical Physiology Masters in Biostatistics Upcoming Programs Physician Assistant (2016) Masters in Informatics Masters of Science in Medical Education

33 Research Overview and Strategy Christopher D. Masotti, CPA, MBA Vice Dean for Finance and Administration

34 Translating Research from Discoveries to Cures School and its affiliated hospitals attract $569 million in research funds annually No. 17 in the nation in NIH research grants awarded to medical schools No. 1 in Ohio—more in NIH grants to CWRU SOM than any other medical school in Ohio

35 Research Abroad - Institutions Imperial College (UK) Institute Pasteur (France & Madagascar) Medical Microbiology & Parasitology, University Hospital (Germany) Max Planck Institute Walter and Eliza Hall Institute, U Queensland, (Australia) James Cook U, ICGEB (Delhi, India) Washington U (St. Louis) Notre Dame U (South Bend) Zhabei Health District (Shanghai) From Discoveries to Cures

36 Research Areas Malaria Filariasis Vector Ecology HIV TB Schistosomiasis Lymphatic Filariasis Rift Valley Fever Onchocerciasis Dengue Fever Genetics Bioethics Community Assessment

37 Collaboration... is the order of the day Research centers and cores – CTSC, Cancer, AIDS, Proteomics, Imaging, Regenerative Medicine Institute for Computational Biology – Case Western Reserve University – University Hospitals Case Medical Center – Cleveland Clinic Foundation

38 CWRU to receive nearly $2 million from state to lead the Ohio Clinical Trials Collaborative Statewide clinical-trials platform Patients: quicker access to innovative treatments Ohio: gain edge in attracting clinical studies Collaboration among: Case Western Reserve University (lead) Ohio State University University of Cincinnati Economic Engine for Ohio

39 TranslationMarketingDrug Discovery Activities Consulting with over 50 faculty investigators 5 programs funded CAHH 25 programs funded HTS 6 programs funded CTSC 4 research incentive awards TTO Totaling over $4M in new investments Gary Landreth Kevin Cooper Mark Chance Hyoung-Gon Lee Clark Distelhorst Jerry Silver Susann Brady-Kalnay David Katz Push Program 30+ programs marketed at regular bi-annual meetings Commercialization

40 Key Focus Areas Driving Key Clinical Programs

41 SOM Investment Blueprint Invest in areas of interdisciplinary strength: Cancer, Infection/Inflammation, Imaging/Structural Biology, Visual Sciences, Cardiovascular Invest in emerging areas: Informatics, Translational Neuroscience, Population and Community Health, Genome Sciences Invest in high risk/high return areas: Therapeutics, Commercialization, Metabolic Sciences

42 Professor Jorge Almeida Guimarães President of CAPES Science Without Borders Program

43 Goals for CAPES MOU and Education Discussion

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