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Selkirk College Tuition Fee Review Survey Results.

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Presentation on theme: "Selkirk College Tuition Fee Review Survey Results."— Presentation transcript:

1 Selkirk College Tuition Fee Review Survey Results

2 Selkirk College Tuition Fee Review Survey Results Survey was conducted during the month of November 2002 – 35 responses – 25 staff – 9 students – 1 not identified

3 Selkirk College Tuition Fee Review Survey Results

4 Selkirk College Tuition Fee Review Survey Results

5 Selkirk College Tuition Fee Review Survey Results

6 Selkirk College Tuition Fee Review Survey Results

7 Selkirk College Tuition Fee Review Survey Results

8 Selkirk College Tuition Fee Review Survey Results

9 Selkirk College Tuition Fee Review Guiding Principles - Comparability Summary – Preferable to draw system comparisons on a program basis rather than on a unit basis (per contact hour) – Tuition fees for distance education offerings should be comparable within the institution – Difficult to maintain system comparability on a program by program basis and internal comparability on a per unit basis Driven by varying program lengths

10 Selkirk College Tuition Fee Review Guiding Principles - Affordability Summary – Student loans should be available for distance students – Students expressed some feelings that our tuition should be lower because they can’t afford to go elsewhere and our programming is not at 3 rd and 4 th year levels – Students and staff expressed the need for government to contribute “their fair share”

11 Selkirk College Tuition Fee Review Guiding Principles Reinvestment in Access and Quality for Students Summary – Currents students should see the benefits – Effective communication is required to ensure students are aware of this reinvestment – Resources should be invested in the core programming and learner supports in the institution

12 Selkirk College Tuition Fee Review Guiding Principles Program Delivery Costs Summary – Program costs should be considered to the extent that program tuition fees remain comparable – Program costs are expensive and the increase in these costs should not be passed directly onto students Cost controls should be in place – Program budgets should be increased in relation to the added fees for some programs – Student fundraising should be used to override fees

13 Selkirk College Tuition Fee Review Guiding Principles Keep It Simple in Approach Summary – The supplementary fees add to the complexity of the fee structure and it’s application – The fee structure should not be so simple that is no longer fair

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