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Country Number of secondaries Of which offer Latin % offering Latin UK4723104822.2% England382195725.0% Wales243208.2% Scotland4355512.6% Northern Ireland224167.1%

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Presentation on theme: "Country Number of secondaries Of which offer Latin % offering Latin UK4723104822.2% England382195725.0% Wales243208.2% Scotland4355512.6% Northern Ireland224167.1%"— Presentation transcript:

1 Country Number of secondaries Of which offer Latin % offering Latin UK4723104822.2% England382195725.0% Wales243208.2% Scotland4355512.6% Northern Ireland224167.1% UK secondary schools offering Latin May 2008

2 Country Number of state secondaries Of which offer Latin % offering Latin Number of independent secondaries Of which offer Latin % offering Latin UK397159515.0%75145360.3% England314654817.4%67440960.7% Wales22373.1%201365.0% Scotland382246.3%533158.5% Northern Ireland220167.3%400.0% Number of state and independent secondary schools offering Latin May 2008

3 Proportion of secondary schools offering Latin in independent and state sectors Independent 43.2% State non-selective 45.2% State selective 11.6%

4 Independent schools offering Latin

5 State secondary schools offering Latin May 2008 0-5% 5-10% 10-15% 15-20% 20-25% 25-30% 30-35% 35-40% 40-45% 45-50% 50-55% 55-60% 60-65%

6 State secondary schools offering Latin May 2007 0-5% 5-10% 10-15% 15-20% 20-25% 25-30% 30-35% 35-40% 40-45% 45-50% 50-55% 55-60% 60-65%

7 Estimate of state secondary schools offering Latin 2001-2002 0-5% 5-10% 10-15% 15-20% 20-25% 25-30% 30-35% 35-40% 40-45% 45-50% 50-55% 55-60% 60-65%

8 212 Hours 290 288 282 schools responding to CSCP survey October 2007 entering GCSE Average tuition time before entering GCSE examinations

9 Schools with number of years study before pupils enter GCSE 1 yr%2 yrs%3 yrs%4 yrs% Total51.8%269.3%3412.2%8831.5% … of which independent10.7%21.3%96.0%4731.1% … of which state43.1%2418.8%2519.5%4132.0% … of which non-selective33.6%2226.2%2023.8%2934.5% … of which selective12.2%24.4%511.1%1226.7% Schools with number of years study before pupils enter GCSE 5 yrs%6 yrs%7 yrs% Total13046.6%165.7%10.4% … of which independent10066.2%1610.6%10.7% … of which state3023.4%00.0%0 … of which non-selective89.5%00.0%0 … of which selective2248.9%00.0%0 282 schools responding to CSCP survey October 2007 entering GCSE (schools entering pupils in more than one year appear in table more than once) Years tuition before pupils enter GCSE

10 State non-selective Independent State selective Years tuition before pupils enter GCSE

11 Average tuition hours per year School years Hours of tuition 340 schools responding to CSCP survey October 2007

12 Schools offering Latin Schools offering Latin per year

13 Percentage of year group entering GCSE Hours tuition before GCSE Effect of tuition time on GCSE entries

14 % Earlier study of Latin 340 schools responding to CSCP survey October 2007

15 a. Is GCSE Latin accessible to all pupils? b. Should GCSE Latin be accessible to all pupils? c. How does the amount of content in the GCSE Latin syllabus compare with other subjects? d. Is the amount of content in the GCSE Latin syllabus appropriate for the majority of students? e. Is the grading of GCSE Latin in line with other subjects? Opinions on GCSE Latin 282 schools responding to CSCP survey October 2007

16 a. Is GCSE Latin accessible to all pupils? Schools answering ‘Is it your view that GCSE Latin is accessible by the full ability range of students in all secondary schools?’ Independent State selectiveState non-selective YesNoNo response Yes 15 (9.8%) No 133 (86.9%) No response 5 Yes 1 (2.2%) No 43 (95.6%) No response 1 Yes 4 (4.8%) No 76 (90.5%) No response 4

17 b. Should GCSE Latin be accessible to all pupils? Schools answering ‘Is it your view that GCSE Latin ought to be accessible by the full ability range of students in all secondary schools?’ YesNoNo response Independent State selectiveState non-selective Yes 58 (37.9%) No 87 (56.9%) No response 8 Yes 18 (40.0%) No 23 (51.1%) No response 4 Yes 37 (44.0%) No 42 (50.0%) No response 5

18 c. How does the amount of content in the GCSE Latin syllabus compare with other subjects? Schools answering the question ‘Do you consider the quantity of content in the GCSE Latin syllabus to be [More than/Similar to/Less than] that found in the majority of other subjects your students study at GCSE?’ More thanSimilar to Less than No response Independent State selectiveState non-selective More than 105 (68.6%) Similar to 38 (24.8%) Less than 3 (2.0%) No response 14 More than 28 (62.2%) Similar to 13 (28.9%) Less than 2 No response 2 More than 60 (71.4%) Similar to 19 (22.6%) Less than 0 (0.0%) No response 5

19 d. Is the amount of content in the GCSE Latin syllabus appropriate for the majority of students? Schools answering the question ‘Do you consider the quantity of content in the GCSE Latin syllabus to be [Too much/Appropriate/Too little] for the majority of students who study, or wish to study, Latin at your school?’ Too muchAppropriate Too little No response Independent State selectiveState non-selective Too much 29 (19.0%) Appropriate 144 (74.5%) Too little 7 (4.6%) No response 3 Too much 11 (24.4%) Appropriate 34 (75.6%) Too little 0 (0.0%) No response 0 Too much 41 (48.8%) Appropriate 40 (47.6%) Too little 0 (0.0%) No response 3

20 e. Is the grading of GCSE Latin in line with other subjects? Schools answering the question ‘Do you consider the grading of the GCSE Latin examination to be [More severe than/In line with/Less severe than] the grading of the majority of other subjects your students study at GCSE?’ More severe than In line with Less severe than No response Independent State selective State non-selective More severe than 99 (64.7%) In line with 43 (28.1%) Less severe than 0 (0.0%) No response 11 More severe than 29 (64.4%) In line with 15 (33.3%) Less severe than 0 (0.0%) No response 1 More severe than 57 (67.9%) In line with 17 (20.2%) Less severe than 0 (0.0%) No response 10

21 Opinions on GCSE and S-Grade compared

22 Specialist teachers leaving profession in next five years % specialist teachers … of which teaching Latin % specialist teachers teaching Latin … of which teaching Latin with teacher training qualification % specialist teachers teaching Latin with teacher training qualification Total41725.8%41226.4%32225.2% … of which independent25822.2%25622.5%19221.3% … of which state15835.2%15637.1%13034.7% … of which non- selective9337.3%9140.2%7637.5% … of which selective6533.0%6533.7%5431.6% Estimate for all secondary schools in the UK, based on CSCP survey October 2007 Specialist Classics teachers leaving profession in next five years

23 Total… of which by PGCE… of which by GTP Classics teachers gaining QTS per year 35287 Specialist Classics teachers trained per year Average 2003-2007 Data from TDA

24 Specialist teachers of Latin with teacher training qualifications leaving the profession per year Classics teachers achieving QTS per year Total6435 … of which independent3823 … of which state2612 … of which non-selective156 … of which selective116 Replacement of specialist Classics teachers

25 Region/Country Number of schools stating shortage of teachers as an obstacle to growth in number of pupils studying Latin % schools responding to survey in region Northern Ireland342.9% Scotland526.3% South West626.1% North East323.1% North West620.0% South East1716.8% London511.1% East311.1% East Midlands111.1% West Midlands310.3% Yorkshire15.6% Wales00.0% Schools with potential shortages of teachers by region/county 340 schools responding to CSCP survey October 2007

26 Teachers teaching Latin Percentage share of all teachers teaching Latin Average teachers teaching Latin per school Total21262.0 … of which independent131061.6%2.9 … of which state81638.4%1.4 … of which non-selective57827.2%1.2 … of which selective23811.2%2.0 All teachers teaching Latin Estimate for all secondary schools in the UK, based on CSCP survey October 2007

27 Proportion of Latin teachers in independent and state sectors Independent 62% State non-selective 27% State selective 11%

28 Teachers teaching Latin … of which are specialist teachers % teachers teaching Latin … of which are non- specialist teachers % teachers teaching Latin Total2126155873.3%56826.7% … of which independent1310113786.8%17313.2% … of which state81642151.6%39548.4% … of which non- selective57822739.3%35160.7% … of which selective23819481.5%4418.5% Estimate for all secondary schools in the UK, based on CSCP survey October 2007 Specialist and Non-specialist Latin teachers

29 Proportion of specialist Latin teachers in state and independent sectors Independent 73% State non-selective 15% State selective 12%

30 Specialist and Non-specialist Latin teachers Independent 87%:13% State non-selective 39%:61% State selective 82%:18% Specialists Non-specialists

31 Qualifications of non-specialists All non-specialists Non-specialists with Latin qualifications No Latin qualification 19% Some Latin qualification 81% University 18% A Level 41% O Level/ GCSE 35% Non-UK qualification 5% 144 non-specialists in schools responding CSCP survey 2007

32 Non-specialists teaching Latin on their own Independent 20%:80% State non-selective 65%:35% State selective 16%:84% Teaching in schools without specialists Teaching in schools with specialists

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