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MIG-KOMM-EU QUALITY ASSURANCE PROSPER-ASE Language Centre Lect. Drd. Panait Adina Bucharest, September 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "MIG-KOMM-EU QUALITY ASSURANCE PROSPER-ASE Language Centre Lect. Drd. Panait Adina Bucharest, September 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 MIG-KOMM-EU QUALITY ASSURANCE PROSPER-ASE Language Centre Lect. Drd. Panait Adina Bucharest, September 2011

2 PROSPER-ASE Background Goal Staff Resources Beneficiaries -Quality assurance -ROMANIAN as a foreign language -MIG-KOMM-EU

3 Goal Meet ever-growing demand High quality services Language training Testing European Projects

4 Staff Resources modern facilities blended learning Highly experienced lecturers Professional standards

5 Beneficiaries 1.Romanian and multinational companies 2.Embassies 3. Institutions belonging to the financial and banking system : 4. Government Dpt. 5.Institutions involved in international projects 6.Individuals from various fields

6 QUALITY ASSURANCE QUEST – The Romanian Association for Quality Language Services EAQUALS – The European Association for Quality Language Services

7 PROSPER-ASE Quality Assurance Romanian as a foreign language Providing quality language classes through: Focus on assessment acc. CEFR: Placement tests, progress tests, End-of-course tests Addressing tailored needs analysis/ Skills by using the ELP Classroom Observation Carefully selecting staff Beneficiaries Diplomatic staff, emphasis on accuracy, organisation, coherence. Skills: Reading & Listening comprehension + Speaking Top management in multinationals. Drawbacks

8 PROSPER-ASE Quality Assurance Romanian as a foreign language Beneficiaries profile / Client expectations One-to-one tuition. Why? 1.5 hr classes. Why? Up to what levels? How much homework? What is the learning style? What skills?

9 Speaking Interactive Communication This refers to the candidate´s ability to use language to achieve meaningful communication through initiating, responding and keeping interaction going.

10 Why? MIG-KOMM-EU Trainer’s & Course Participant’s Perspective Common Ground: Blended learning - alternative to traditional classroom experience Quality materials General business language & specialized business vocabulary Providing support in preparation for Certification CPs Perspective Cost-effective way of language learning Independence Up-to-date information Intercultural communication - awareness raising towards the Romanian business context

11 MIG-KOMM-EU Strength Context Purpose Coherence: the quality of meaning, unity and purpose perceived in the materials testify for a structurally unified progression of ideas and tasks +

12 These are the reasons why we should continue promoting the outcomes of the European Project Thank you!

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