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FP7 First general results Warsaw, 12 th December 2007 Peter Jongebloed & Willem Wolters, Wageningen International Helpdesk.

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Presentation on theme: "FP7 First general results Warsaw, 12 th December 2007 Peter Jongebloed & Willem Wolters, Wageningen International Helpdesk."— Presentation transcript:

1 FP7 First general results Warsaw, 12 th December 2007 Peter Jongebloed & Willem Wolters, Wageningen International Helpdesk

2 Contents  Some general results of first calls FP7

3 ERC starting Grant 9167 incoming proposals 8799 eligible whereof 5 withdrawn 368 ineligible 8794 eligible proposals evaluated at first stage 8235 rejected 559 selected (LS=206, PE=251, SH=102) 289.5 M€ available for this call 250 projects funded? 2.7%

4 Proposals by country groups 

5 Country of residence of 559 PI selected stage 2 

6 Number of proposal by gender and country

7 Selected proposal per million inhabitants

8 Marie Curie Marie Curie Industry-Academia Partnerships and Pathways Fellowships Some 103 proposals were submitted, 41 project proposals go through to the contract negotiation stage. 40% success rate Marie Curie Initial Training Networks first call 197 proposal were submitted in step 2 (22% success rate in step 1), 184 above threshold. Funding for 65 projects.

9 First call thematic priority 2 ‘KBBE’ Thematic priority ‘Food, Agriculture and Fisheries and Biotech.  In total 414 projects submitted, 7 'ineligible‘ and 176 'below treshold', 221 projects above threshold. 62 projects on short list. submittedshort listsuccess rate Activity 1193 (14)33 (6)17% (18%) Activity 2139 (8)14 (3)10% (38%) Activity 364 (5)14 (2)22% (40%) Activity 41 (1)1 (1)100% (100%) Totaal 39762 (10)15% (43%)

10 NMP and Environment NMP small en medium sized collaborative projects first call (two-step application) 769 proposal submitted in step 1, 173 to step 2 (23% success rate). In step 2 81 projects above threshold, 45 on shortlist (6%) Environment first call (one-step application) 633 proposals submitted, 4 withdrawn and 37 ineligible, 263 below threshold 329 proposals above threshold (52%), 72 topics on shortlist (11.4% success rate)

11 In conclusion all programs: Competition is fierce all programs: Quality of proposals is very high Collaboration: 12 points is not enough! Relative low success rates in niches higher ERC a very competitive grant (2.7%)

12 Discussion How about Polish results in the first calls?

13 Further information your local / regional EU contact persons your National Contact Point

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