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Order based on MPS & associate material plan. Open to suggestion, use finite loading technique An Overall framework for production Planning and Scheduling.

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Presentation on theme: "Order based on MPS & associate material plan. Open to suggestion, use finite loading technique An Overall framework for production Planning and Scheduling."— Presentation transcript:

1 order based on MPS & associate material plan. Open to suggestion, use finite loading technique An Overall framework for production Planning and Scheduling Managerial decision in production Decision  lead to Frame work The bottom line is How to manage resource input or process flow with the needs Continous Process Assembly Process Batch Flow / Line Flow Job Shop / jumble Coordinates items at Single bottleneck operation Contoh pabrik pupuk Coordinates raw materials, component, Multistage operation Coordinates raw material Single bottleneck operation coordinates few components and material, etc Moving bottleneck Short term scheduling Strategic (Long-range) done by Seniors in Mgt, very aggregate Tactical (med-range) done by Mid & Top Mgt, aggregate Operational (short-range) done by Lower& Nonmanagerial, very detail 6 months – 2 years planning, basic production capacity constraints Day to day operational flexibiliity Meet customer requirement Production interact with all functionals; cost, quality, delivery, flexibility, & competition Projected demand pattern. Decision might be adjusted from dimension : labor size, overtime working, number of shift, production rate, inventory, and shipping Structural decision  to SCM  production plan and Scheduling Anthony (1965) Hierarchy Managerial decision The Framework Aggragate planning Embrace Anthony’s Hierarchy of Decision And Integrate operation al level Demand management Master Production Scheduling Material Planning Capacity Planning Capacity Control Characteristic of Different Production Process Material requirement : Very predictable Inventory raw material : Large Operation Challenge : Avoiding downtime Bottelneck : Known and stationary Contoh : Perakitan mobil Material requirement : predictable Bottelneck : Generally known and stationary Contoh : pabrik Gear, dan analogi masak di dapur Material requirement : more predictable Material requirement : difficult to predict Concern to smooth flow Contoh : pabrik soft drink, myk goreng Proses flow : No pattern continuous process penting  utilize cap dan kesamaan produk dan aliran proses  mudah aggregate Establish production rates, workforce size & inventory levels, serve to Order 6-24 months u/ continuous process  use available cap @ bottleneck stage  apply MPS Take aggregate plan & disaggregate If MPS is not done, activate shipping schedules, initiated by customer requuest, push- pulll inventory system Perkiraan keb. Cap ( rough cut cap check) Short- Range Scheduling Final Process, give feedback & corective action on posible error  customer orders & forecast changes, manufacture, vendor, inventory, engineering, etc. Finished ProdAuct Scheduling Production /Material Control & Feedback Monitor output suit to planned levels & correction to error, check the input either. To encounter problem;, overtime, labour tranfer, jobs routing,etc. Assembly  complicated, crucial task Job shop  straightforward Emanate from MPS (timing&quantities) of all component and material Teknik forcasting demand Key point  production decision consistent in other functional in the organizations diskrit repetitif

2 Memahami Sistem Manufaktur Modern (CH1) Manajemen Permintaan (CH3) Design Process Strategic Konsep Dasar Sistem Produksi Teknik Peramalan Peralaman (Tidak pasti) Pelayanan Pesanan (Pasti) InputProses Storage Tasks Respons consumen demand Flows 3 Kategori Make to Order Assemble to Order Make to Stock Make to Demand Design to Order Proses manufaktur PPO Metode kualitatiff Project Jobshop / Jumble Line Flow Flexible Manufacture System Agile Manufacturing System JIT Continuous Process Control Agile Control System Flexible Process Control Constraint Management Pendapat eksekutif Delphi Survey Pasar Analisa Regresi Proses Transformasi Barang atau jasa Kausal Arima (Box-Jenkins) Perkiraan Trend  Regresi Varialsi Musiman Exponential Smoothing trend Pemantauan angka ramalan Exponential Smoothing Moving Average Deret Waktu Regular / terpola Mengelompok/lumpy All related resources Metode kuantitatif Independent Dependent Continuous Small batch Repetitif Project Management Manufacturing Resource Planning Output Nilai tambahmaterial informasi JIT

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