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Senior Capstone Parent Meeting November 19, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Senior Capstone Parent Meeting November 19, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Senior Capstone Parent Meeting November 19, 2014


3 Verona Public Schools Mission

4 Goals

5 In order to support our mission, we will…

6 What’s to gain by a high school internship? Jacksonville News Clip

7 Student Feedback Sarah Conboy Piloted the program May - June 2014 Careers in Education course Worked at Forest Avenue School Interview

8 Application Process Applications will be distributed in March Forms for students, parents & employers to complete Deadlines & requirements must be met in order to be accepted. Acceptance will be announced by the end of April

9 Eligibility Accepted students will: be in good academic standing Graduation requirements and credits have been met Final Grade of C as of Friday, May 16, 2014 have a satisfactory discipline record Multiple discipline infractions may cause ineligibility Examples: Suspensions  Fighting, Possession of Drugs/Alcohol, Theft, Excessive Cutting meet attendance requirements Excessive absences in a full year, semester or quarter course, may cause ineligibility

10 FAQ Q: What about AP classes? A: Internships begin immediately following the last day of AP tests. Q: What about final exams? A. Participation in this program would exempt students from all final exams, unless students choose to take the test to help final grade. Q: How often will students have to report to school? A: As long as students are satisfying their 20 hours at chosen workplace, then they are not required to attend school except for senior class obligations as they relate to graduation. Q: Will students be monitored or evaluated by employers? A. Employers will have a midpoint evaluation form to ensure that students are meeting requirements. Q: How can my child find work? A: Students may find their own job option, or choose from the Capstone Database.

11 Capstone Database Linked to my teacher webpage Capstone Program Calendar Database Will be updated weekly until program begins Capstone Program Database

12 Program Outcomes We believe in this program and feel potential outcomes for students may include: Being able to “test drive” a potential career and find out positives and/or negatives Realizing skills & abilities they never knew they had Making connections and meet new people Becoming more confident and open to new experiences Gaining maturity through responsibility

13 Questions? At this time we will take any questions you may have. Thank you for your interest in your child’s involvement in the Senior Capstone Program. Email:

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