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2015-2016 AMS Cheerleader Tryouts. Meet the coaches 7 th grade=coach Richardson 8 th grade=coach Edwards.

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Presentation on theme: "2015-2016 AMS Cheerleader Tryouts. Meet the coaches 7 th grade=coach Richardson 8 th grade=coach Edwards."— Presentation transcript:

1 2015-2016 AMS Cheerleader Tryouts

2 Meet the coaches 7 th grade=coach Richardson 8 th grade=coach Edwards

3 Am I eligible to tryout? -Each candidate shall have no grade below a 70 for any subject, pre ap or on level, based on first semester averages -each candidate must have no more than one “u” in conduct. two “n’s” equal one “u”. -you are ineligible if you have been assigned to more than one Thursday class, ISS, long term, removed from school (suspended) or removed from the squad the previous year. -You have a Physical on file at the school or will turn in a physical by March 2 nd. 2014-2015 & 2015-2016 Physicals are accepted!

4 Constitution -Lets look over the guidelines

5 What are the procedures for tryouts? February 6 packet and $10 tryout fee due by 4:10, no exceptions Principal Evaluation forms will be sent to Mrs.George once packet and tryout fee is turned in. (Principal Evaluation is part of scoring)

6 What are the procedures for tryouts? (cont.) February 27 any ineligible candidate will be notified March 2-4 (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday) practice for tryouts 4:10-6:15 *On Wednesday candidates draw for tryout # March 5 (Thursday) Mock Tryouts 4:10-6:30 March 6 (Friday) Tryouts 4:30-end (usually 9pm) 6 th grade tryouts start at 4:30 7 th grade tryouts start around 6:30pm

7 What do I wear for practices? -cheer shorts/athletic shorts -t-shirt with sleeves -athletic shoes -hair in pony tail -no jewelry -PE uniform is ok *you must be in dress code

8 What do I wear for tryouts? -royal blue cheer/athletic shorts -white t-shirt -white socks -white athletic shoes -white sports bra -hair in pony tail with blue or white bow -no jewelry *PE outfit accepted

9 Judges, Score, Results How is the scoring done? -Principal Evaluation 25% (this replaces the teacher evaluations like in years past-New district policy) -Cheer 25% -Dance 25% -Jumps 15% -Tumbling 10%

10 What does my principal evaluation include?

11 Judges, Score, Results (cont.) What are the judges scores based on? Cheer Appearance, facials/spirit/enthusiasm, confidence/memory, voice projection, motion sharpness/placement Dance facials/showmanship, rhythm/timing, motions/technique, memory confidence

12 Judges, Score, Results (cont.) What are the judges scores based on? Jumps (toe touch, herkie, optional) Tumbling (running, standing) *there will be a mat this year


14 Judges, scores, results (cont.) How many candidates make each squad? 14 per squad, No alternates How & when do I find out if I made the squad? Tryout numbers will be posted on commons doors. Candidate names will be posted on cheer webpage. Names and numbers will be posted around 10pm How many girls tryout? it varies. Last year we had over 50 candidates, year before we had over 75

15 Tryout Order At 4:30 6 th grade tryouts start in groups of 3, candidates will perform the dance Afterwards… Individually candidates will go in separately and perform the following in this order: -Running tumbling/spirit in -Standing tumbling -Jumps (toe touch, herkie, optional) -cheer Following 6 th grade tryouts, 7 th grade tryouts start-same order Candidates must leave campus after individual tryout. You can return around 10pm

16 Parent to dos week of tryouts Practices, mock tryouts and tryouts are closed, however there are times allowed for you: -Tuesday at 6:10 to video dance, cheer, and a tryout scenario -Friday at tryouts, tables will be in commons for you to wait (parents are not allowed in cafeteria this year) *Make sure your student has a ride home by 6:15 Monday-thursday Be supportive throughout the week, for it can be very stressful!

17 Commitment for squad members If your student makes the 2015-2016 Squad, be prepared for practices to start asap and money to be turned in asap Mandatory parent/cheerleader meeting march 18 th 4:45 $225 due at this time Mandatory uniform fitting March 23 rd 4:15/5:15 Practices: Wednesdays (starting march 25 th ) 4:15-5:30 AMS gym Mondays (starting April 20) 4:30-5:30 Texas xtreme Summer camp June 7-10

18 What to remember: -Cheerleaders are held to a higher standard. We strictly follow the AMS cheer constitution and UIL regulations. -Discipline and academic success are stressed -As a cheerleader, you are obligated to represent your school in an honorable fashion

19 Q&A

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