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Closing the Revolving Door: An Evidence-based Success Story Lisa Gerow RN, MSN Assistant Professor, Nursing Chairperson, Learning Enhancement Committee.

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Presentation on theme: "Closing the Revolving Door: An Evidence-based Success Story Lisa Gerow RN, MSN Assistant Professor, Nursing Chairperson, Learning Enhancement Committee."— Presentation transcript:

1 Closing the Revolving Door: An Evidence-based Success Story Lisa Gerow RN, MSN Assistant Professor, Nursing Chairperson, Learning Enhancement Committee Ann Anthony RN, MSN Associate Dean, Nursing The Future of Caring is TCC Nursing

2 2 Our Story – Promoting Student Success  The challenge Growth + Retention Our students  Our Process The Evidence Our Options The Steps Our Results

3 The Future of Caring is TCC Nursing 3 The Challenge  Profound and growing nursing shortage Oklahoma ranks 46 th in RNs per capita Additional 1100 RNs needed annually to meet current demand Nationally – 1 Million needed by 2015 (11/14/05 –  The shortage is likely to increase due to: Decreasing labor pool – reduced birthrates and aging workforce Intensity of services have increased demand for RNs in healthcare

4 The Future of Caring is TCC Nursing 4 The Demand Graduate MORE nurses !!!

5 The Future of Caring is TCC Nursing 5 Who are our students?  Typical TCC Nursing Student: Raising a child Primary wage earner Seeking new career Nursing courses require 4-8 hours on campus, up to 16 hours of clinical + 20 hours of study & prep each week  Challenge – balancing work, family, & school

6 The Future of Caring is TCC Nursing 6 How well are we meeting the demand?  Enrollment in nursing is increasing Fall 03 – 233 Fall 04 – 240 Fall 05 – 281  Lack of space for qualified applicants SemesterApplicants% Accepted # Not Accepted Fall 0311768%42 Spring 0413258%56 Fall 0414850%74 Spring 0514950%75

7 The Future of Caring is TCC Nursing 7 If we lack space to add students,  We must retain & graduate those we accept  Retention within the program AY00 – AY03 67% (average)

8 The Future of Caring is TCC Nursing 8 The Evidence: Why do we lose students?  2001 – Attrition Study  Purpose: Determine any patterns of admission criteria of students who have done poorly in the program  Process Record review “How did that student get into the program in the first place?”

9 The Future of Caring is TCC Nursing 9 The Evidence: Why do we lose students? Findings:  Two groups of students n=20 GPA > 3.0 with < 40 college credits (30%) GPA > 2.9 with > 40 college credits (70%)  Few similarities within higher GPA group  Focused on lower GPA group

10 The Future of Caring is TCC Nursing 10 The Evidence: Why do we lose Students?  Lower GPA Group GPAs below TCC Nursing admission criteria (2.5)  Avg GPA = 2.5 Multiple courses repeated  Avg credits attempted = 70  Science courses repeated 2.6 (avg) Algebra CPTs below TCC standard 77  Avg. Alg CPT 42

11 The Future of Caring is TCC Nursing 11 The Options – Select & Retain Select the Right Students Help them succeed & Stay in to graduate!!

12 The Future of Caring is TCC Nursing 12 The Options – Select & Retain  Better selection – Admission Criteria Focused on criteria Changed process Rank applicants based on point system,  Weighted points GPA Science > nonscience courses PCT vs. CNA Perseverance  Retain - Identify Vulnerable Students & Help Them!

13 The Future of Caring is TCC Nursing 13 Goal – Retain Vulnerable Students  Faculty Task Force Brainstormed ideas Impaired student policy Proposed  Learning Enhancement Committee  LE Facilitator Role  Standardized testing – external benchmarking Faculty development

14 The Future of Caring is TCC Nursing 14 Step 1: Learning Enhancement Committee  Members – Nursing Faculty, Nursing & Allied Health Counselor  Goals: Identify students & resources Offer remediation Interface with Counselor (Nursing & Allied Health Counselor) Promote faculty awareness

15 The Future of Caring is TCC Nursing 15 LEC works closely with Admissions Committee Provisional Admissions Readmission/Reentry Nursing Admissions Committee Learning Enhancement Committee At Risk Students

16 The Future of Caring is TCC Nursing 16 Step 2: LE Rep Role  Volunteer, no additional nonteaching responsibilities  Accepts referrals Previous performance – clinical & classroom  Case finding – “Early Warning System” Entrance testing Course test scores Behavioral issues  Develop learning prescription  Exit interview & re-entry guidance

17 The Future of Caring is TCC Nursing 17 Step 3 – LE Rep Outcomes  One-to-one contact with nursing faculty Promotes dialogue, surfaces issues Thinking process vs. personal/family distractions  Behavioral checklist – measure of progress  Promotes communication – with support services  Earlier referrals to counseling  LER Counselor dSRC

18 The Future of Caring is TCC Nursing 18 Results - Program  Retention within the program is increasing AY00 – AY03 67% (average) AY 0480% AY 0588%  NCLEX Pass Rate is UP: 88 – 93%

19 The Future of Caring is TCC Nursing 19 Results – Spring 2004 Level 2 Student Referrals & Outcomes Referral Reason # Referred # GraduatesCurrently Enrolled Previous Failure 1372 Test Grades33 Transfer11 ESL77 Stress22 Late work, not focused 21 Totals28212 75% Graduation Rate 82% Retention Rate + + Academic Issues Behavioral/ Personal Issues

20 The Future of Caring is TCC Nursing 20 Summary of Results  28 Referrals to Level 2 LEC 21 graduated 2 currently enrolled 4 failed, ineligible for readmission 1 lost to follow-up

21 The Future of Caring is TCC Nursing 21 Examples & Anecdotes  Learning Prescriptions  Success stories

22 The Future of Caring is TCC Nursing 22 Conclusions: Lessons Learned  At risk students can be identified  Remediation materials & resources must be available  Faculty involvement is essential

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