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Plans for Fourth LBA Scientific Conference in Belém, July 2007 19 th LBA SSC – SCIENTIFIC STEERING COMMITTEE Brasília - 18-19 May, 2006 Ricardo Figueiredo.

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Presentation on theme: "Plans for Fourth LBA Scientific Conference in Belém, July 2007 19 th LBA SSC – SCIENTIFIC STEERING COMMITTEE Brasília - 18-19 May, 2006 Ricardo Figueiredo."— Presentation transcript:

1 Plans for Fourth LBA Scientific Conference in Belém, July 2007 19 th LBA SSC – SCIENTIFIC STEERING COMMITTEE Brasília - 18-19 May, 2006 Ricardo Figueiredo

2 First step –Who can help in the organization? Still waiting for a volunteer in Belém LBA Central Office in Manaus LBA Regional Office in Belém “Temple Eventos” (experience with congress in Belém): take care of everything (partner “Eventum”) –Location? “Temple” says that for a public > 500 there is only one place: HANGAR Other possibility: Prepare auditorium, rooms, etc. in a space where some events has taken place OBS: Despite of promisses of “Temple”, we have no budgets until now, but only a proposal for the place (prepared by “Eventum”)





7 Second step –Define dates: July 3-6 ? (need to avoid conflict of date with SBPC meeting in Belém on July/2007) –Approve the budget (SSC and Central Office?) –Look for financial support (Central Office?) –Define the scientific committee: Flávio Luizão ? Paulo Artaxo ? Mercedes Bustamante ? Michael Keller ? Others ?

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