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“Access to Fungal Biodiversity Data from past and future NZ Fungal Forays” Project funding to FUNNZ from the Terrestrial & Freshwater Biodiversity Information.

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Presentation on theme: "“Access to Fungal Biodiversity Data from past and future NZ Fungal Forays” Project funding to FUNNZ from the Terrestrial & Freshwater Biodiversity Information."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Access to Fungal Biodiversity Data from past and future NZ Fungal Forays” Project funding to FUNNZ from the Terrestrial & Freshwater Biodiversity Information System Programme (TFBIS)

2 What is TFBIS?  A contestable fund managed by DOC resulting from the NZ Biodiversity Strategy (200).  TFBIS “supports the conservation of New Zealand's indigenous biodiversity, by increasing awareness of and access to fundamental data and information about terrestrial and freshwater biota and biodiversity”

3 Proposal based on a trial last year …  the 2005 Foray generated data on 438 collections representing 298 taxa  the material was accessed into the national collection (PDD) and made publicly available through the NZFUNGI website  3 species had a Nationally Critical conservation status (from a total of 49 fungi in this category)  Ramaria junquilleovertex, Squamanita squarrulosa, Russula littoralis  In addition 44 more species were listed as Data Deficient

4 The project …  Jerry Cooper, Peter Buchanan, Peter Johnson & David Orlovich applied on behalf of FUNNZ  We asked for funding to support:  Digitizing past foray lists and making available through NZBRN (more later)  Processing collections and data from the foray  Accessing material into national collections  Accessing information into national databases

5 What will we do at the foray this year?  The same, but hopefully with improvements to allow us to track information, and hopefully generate more information  We want information for both named & unnamed interesting collections (even if you keep the material for your own collection/herbarium)  It would be useful (but not a priority) if we also recorded observations where collections were not made (perhaps because the species is common).

6 What will we do at the foray this year? 1.Encourage forayers to record details of collections 2.Ask for good material to be deposited in national collections 3.Keyboard as much data as possible (and keyboard remainder after the foray) 4.Take digital photographs of good collections in the workroom (Jerry & Helen)

7 Collection Recording/Foray Table Slips The slips are pre-numbered. Making a note of this number will allow you to track what happens to your specimen if it ends up in one of the national collections

8 What else will we do?  Purchase a laptop for recording data and to keep copies of useful information resources to use on the foray (e.g. the NZFUNGI database and website)  Make laptop available between forays for digitizing extensive personal historical records (using a simple database)

9 What else will we do?  Keyboard past foray lists and make information available through: 1.FUNNZ website 2.the forthcoming NZ Biodiversity Recording Network (NZBRN) website

10 What is the NZBRN?  A national web-based recording system for species occurrence data  Provides maps, reports, charts, images etc  Initially for birds, plants and fungi  Adapted from an award winning system used in Sweden called ArtPortalen  Under development for launch late 2006  Funded by TFBIS and governed by members of many national societies  Aimed at non-professionals

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