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Fungi. Bacteria Archaea Lobose amoebae Cellular slime molds Plasmodial slime molds Fungi Choanoflagellates Animals Parabasilids Diplomonads Euglenids.

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Presentation on theme: "Fungi. Bacteria Archaea Lobose amoebae Cellular slime molds Plasmodial slime molds Fungi Choanoflagellates Animals Parabasilids Diplomonads Euglenids."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fungi

2 Bacteria Archaea Lobose amoebae Cellular slime molds Plasmodial slime molds Fungi Choanoflagellates Animals Parabasilids Diplomonads Euglenids Kinetoplastids Glaucophyte algae Red algae Green algae Land plants Green plants Foraminifera Chlorarachniophytes Ciliates Dinoflagellates Apicomplexa Oomycetes Diatoms Brown algae STRAMENOPILA ALVEOLATA RHIZARIA PLANTAE EXCAVATA BIKONTA CHROMALVEOLATA UNIKONTA OPISTHOKONTA AMOEBOZOA All eukaryotes are protists except for the fungi, animals, and land plants EUKARYOTES





7 chytrids

8 zygomycota

9 basidiomycota

10 ascomycota

11 Lichens

12 Fungal parasites

13 The carbon cycle

14 mycorrhizae

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