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Smokeless & Spit Tobacco Summit September 2009.

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1 Smokeless & Spit Tobacco Summit September 2009


3 Defy the Lies Defy is a Louisiana youth movement that takes down the influence of the tobacco industry and Promotes Tobacco-Free Lifestyles.  A movement against the Manipulation of the tobacco industry.  Spreading the Truth about Tobacco and the practices of the industry all across Louisiana.

4 A Defy Team is……  Adult Coordinator  15-20 youth  Ages 11-17  From diverse backgrounds  Highly motivated and focus driven!!

5 Defy-Campaigns  Chosen by Youth!!!!  Must target local policies  Youth Projects created and guided by youth!

6 Current Defy Campaigns  Counter POP  Creating awareness of point of purchase advertising in convenience stores  Urging city council members senators, and representatives in their community to make local changes now allowed by FDA regulation of tobacco  Example: New Orleans City Council just recently passed an ordinance on July 23, 2009 that prohibits any new retailer from selling tobacco products within 300 feet of any playground, church, public library, school, childcare facility or any similar entity providing structured, organized care for youth. In addition, no tobacco retail will be allowed in residential or park zoned districts. All current operating retailers are exempt under the ordinance

7 Current Defy Campaigns  Clean Sweep  Works to increase the number of tobacco-free parks and recreational areas.  Works to increase number of tobacco or smoke-free fairs and festivals

8 Current Defy Campaigns  Spitfire  Works to create an awareness of the impacts of smokeless tobacco products  Works to increase number of parks and recreational areas with tobacco free policies  Works to increase number of school districts with tobacco-free policies

9 Louisiana Youth Statistics  7.6% of Louisiana youth use smokeless tobacco 6.3% of Middle Schoolers 8.7% of High Schoolers  More white students (11.7%) use smokeless tobacco than black students (2.2%)  More males (13.3%) use smokeless tobacco than females (1.8%) Source: 2008 Louisiana Youth Tobacco Survey, LA Dept of Health and Hospitals, LA Tobacco Control Program

10 Three Common Purposes for Tobacco Prevention & Control Activism  Education-about the industry and it’s practices with the desire to motivate people to change  Legislation-higher tobacco taxes and smoke-free laws are proven ways to decrease smoking  Deglamorization- by deglamorizing tobacco this will help keep kids from early on-set of smoking

11 Campaigns with Policy Priorities CounterPop/CleanSweep/Spitfire Measures of Influence (MOI’s) Surveys, Web Ads, Message Cards, etc… Youth-Led Projects Community Events, School Events, Group Events, etc….

12 Planning & Helix Project Planning  Project leader  Helpers/Team Six Steps 1. Purpose 2. MOI’s 3. Place, Supplies, Environment 4. Strategy 5. Timeline 6. Start Helix Online System Adult coordinators and youth use helix to do project planning, reporting, evaluation and networking. This system is a large part of what helps the Defy teams stay organized and on task.


14 Measures of Influence (MOI’s)  Message Cards, Web Ads, and Surveys -tobacco free school policies -tobacco free parks and recreational areas  Example of Collecting MOI’s: -Collect message cards at a sports tournament -Take surveys to a local festivals or other outdoor event -Place web ads on Facebook





19 Info Cards


21 Campaigns with Policy Priorities CounterPop/CleanSweep/Spitfire Measures of Influence (MOI’s) Surveys, Web Ads, Message Cards, etc… Youth-Led Projects Community Events, School Events, Group Events, etc….


23 Take Action

24 Taking Action Defy Member, at this point work with Adult Defy Coordinator meet on a monthly basis with their regional tobacco subcommittee( subcommittee consists of TFL grantee, TCP grantee, and partners). Campaign outcomes/events are reported and linked to local policy efforts hopefully resulting in tobacco-free policy ordinances at local level- driving a stronger grassroots push for policy change statewide.

25 Take Action Next Step: Defy member with Adult Coordinator share the specifics about how to put collected MOI’s into action. This is done in cooperation with: -Louisiana Tobacco Control Program -Community Partners -Tobacco Free Living -Regional Coordinators -TFL Defy Program Coordinator

26 Take Action Ways to take action -Present message cards at a School Board Meeting or principals meeting -Talk to and present surveys at a city council meeting -Present surveys and enlist help of local Youth Sports Organizations


28 Contact Information Shawna Shields, MPH-Associate Director The Louisiana Campaign for Tobacco-Free Living (TFL) Louisiana Public Health Institute (LPHI) 1515 Poydras Street, Suite 1200, New Orleans LA 70112 504-301-9803 direct 504-301-9801 fax April Cabrera-Program Coordinator The Louisiana Campaign for Tobacco-Free Living (TFL) Louisiana Public Health Institute (LPHI) 1515 Poydras Street, Suite 1200, New Orleans LA 70112 504-301-9843 direct 504-301-9801 fax Jenna Klink, MPH-Evaluation Coordinator Louisiana Public Health Institute (LPHI) 1515 Poydras, Suite 1200, New Orleans, LA 70112 504-301-9829 direct 504-301-9801 fax “Bringing People, Ideas and Resources Together”

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