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National Network of Public Health Institutes Strategic Directions: Priority Setting for NNPHI May 22, 2007.

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1 National Network of Public Health Institutes Strategic Directions: Priority Setting for NNPHI May 22, 2007

2 Brief history of NNPHI 1999 Michigan Public Health Institute undertakes study of existing public health institutes 2000 Louisiana, Michigan, several other states, Turning Point, and CDC explore the feasibility of establishing a network 2001 Turning Point/RWJF sponsor national planning meeting Formal Establishment of the National Network of Public Health Institutes (NNPHI) NNPHI incorporated as 501(c)3 non-profit NNPHI enters cooperative agreement with CDC

3 Brief history of NNPHI continued 2003 Robert Wood Johnson Foundation awards NNPHI 3-year grant to work with Emerging Public Health Institutes 2004 NNPHI receives funding in its Cooperative Agreement from CDC to conduct activities with the National Public Health Performance Standards Program. 2005 Robert Wood Johnson Foundation awards NNPHI two one-year grants to conduct collaborative projects on Bioterrorism and Accreditation

4 Brief history of NNPHI continued 2006 CDC increases the NNPHI cooperative agreement by $740,000 dollars – much of the new funding will be re-granted to public health institutes for research and programs RWJF invites NNPHI to submit proposals to continue the Fostering Emerging Institutes Project and the Multi-State Learning Collaborative. NNPHI Staff and Board plan to embark on a strategic planning initiative that will chart the course for future directions of the organization.

5 Roles of the Network Provides direct support to institutes Conducts multi-institute activities- specifically targeting program development that draws on capabilities of institutes Coordinates projects across multiple entities (not just institutes) Serves as a collective voice for the Public Health Institute membership Is the radar screen for the next hot topics

6 A Moment of Maturation Network Growth Rapid, recent growth, both in size and programmatic activity. Now taken seriously as a network via projects on the national stage Membership  Growth of membership at a rapid rate. 20 new organizations interested in recent Fostering Emerging Institutes RFP. Programs  CDC Office of Strategy and Innovation Demonstration Projects  MLC-2: Quality Improvement in the Context of Assessment and Accreditation Programs  Bioterrorism Collaborative Project

7 NNPHI growth chart

8 Visioning in a Moment of Maturation Revisit past plans, in light of recent growth Assure that the network is addressing member needs Chart a course for continued programs and success

9 Strategic Thinking: January 2007 Discussion Reflection on evolution of PHIs and NNPHI Reviewed insights from early plans  Identified strategic needs  Reviewed results of member survey Findings  Need to clarify vision for strategic directions  Need for more information regarding member activities in common areas such as obesity and HIT  Need to identify where institutes sit on the pathway of progression and the needs associated with their position

10 Strategic Thinking: March 2007 Discussion Typology of institutes: Matrix of Maturity Technical assistance needs for members and emerging institutes Clarification of strategic directions Findings Strategic directions developed Skeleton for a 3 year strategic plan created

11 Strategic Directions Foster high performing public health institutes within states and selected regions. Maintain a national network that effectively supports the establishment and growth of state and regional public health institutes. Improve the public’s health through selected strategic initiatives that capitalize on the unique characteristics and potential of public health institutes and our national network. Collaboratives will be established to support the work of member institutes and the national network in key areas **Please see Strategic Directions handout for more detail

12 Next Steps NNPHI wants to hear from you! Comments welcome: please submit to NNPHI staff by June 30 The staff, with board and membership input, will develop objectives, action items, and timeline for a 3 year strategic plan. The board will discuss and approve a revised plan at the August board meeting NNPHI will implement regular reporting mechanism to membership on progress

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