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Disaster Preparedness and Recovery: Louisiana’s Experience Donald J. Vandal Deputy Commissioner for Finance & Administration Louisiana Board of Regents.

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Presentation on theme: "Disaster Preparedness and Recovery: Louisiana’s Experience Donald J. Vandal Deputy Commissioner for Finance & Administration Louisiana Board of Regents."— Presentation transcript:

1 Disaster Preparedness and Recovery: Louisiana’s Experience Donald J. Vandal Deputy Commissioner for Finance & Administration Louisiana Board of Regents SHEEO Professional Development Conference Chicago, Illinois August 17, 2006

2 FEMA Cost Estimates for Recent US Disasters Disaster FEMA cost Affected estimate population ($millions) (millions) Cost/capita Katrina/Rita (2005) $37,100 4.5 $8,244 World Trade Center (2001) $8,140 19.0 $428 Northridge Earthquake (1994) $9,170 29.8 $308 Hurricane Andrew (1992) $2,500 12.9 $194 Hurricane Iniki (1992) $360 1.1 $329 Loma Prieta Earthquake (1989) $1,360 23.7 $57

3 217,000 Louisiana homes destroyed

4 Number of Homes Destroyed by Major Hurricanes* Number for Louisiana alone estimated to be over 217,000 * Destruction is defined as a structure made uninhabitable or damaged beyond economic repair. Source: National Association of Home Builders; American Red Cross; Insurance Information Institute 9.8X 275,000 28,000

5 900 Louisiana schools damaged 12,000 Louisiana teachers displaced 40,000 school children displaced 20,000 Louisiana businesses disrupted 2,600 hospital beds offline; 10 hospitals closed


7 650,000 people displaced 240,000 unemployed At least 1,071 people killed

8 Impact of 2005 Disasters on Higher Education

9 Total enrollment statewide: 244,608 Total displaced students: 84,058 Displaced enrollment: 34%

10 Enrollment Recovery Affected Public and Private Institutions Displaced Students: 84,058 Current enrollment (preliminary - 3/1/06): 56,764 Still not in a LA classroom: 28,284

11 Southern University at New Orleans

12 University of New Orleans

13 Delgado Community College


15 Nunez Community College

16 LSU Health Sciences Center – New Orleans (Dental School)

17 McNeese State University (Lake Charles)

18 SOWELA Community Technical College (Lake Charles)

19 Private Institutions Tulane Dillard Xavier

20 Fall Enrollment in Louisiana Public Colleges and Universities Source: BOR SSPS Enrollment grew 20% between 2001 and 2004

21 Louisiana High School Graduates and Post-Katrina Projections Source: Post Katrina projection of total number of Louisiana high school graduates for school years 2005-2006 TO 2010-2011; Systems Solutions consulting, September 2005 ActualProjected

22 State budget cut: $75 million Total direct revenue loss: >$229 M (10% of total operating budget) Estimated direct revenue loss (tuition, fees, other) : LSUHSC-NO$95.5 million UNO$34.8 million Delgado$16.25 million Nunez$2.03 million SOWELA$1.0 million SUNO$4.5 million LTC$0.8 million Total>$154 million Financial Impact (public campuses only) Damage to facilities and infrastructure: $400-$500M

23 Disaster Recovery Recovery will be a long-term proposition for Louisiana and many Louisiana higher education institutions Housing is and will be a continuing issue for thousands in Louisiana Louisiana and its citizens are appreciative of the tremendous efforts and contributions by individuals, organizations, other states and their institutions, and the nation toward our recovery “Silver Linings” –Greater communication between all components of higher education in Louisiana, both public and private –Better planning for any future disaster

24 Disaster Recovery Extensive “After Action Report” sessions have been conducted in the aftermath of the disaster –State level –Postsecondary education system and institutions Our Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP) has now taken on a whole new meaning –Each management system of our postsecondary education community now has clear representation and presence in the COOP planning activities –Regular meetings and exercises are now in place –Coordination with the campuses is now actively pursued

25 Lessons Learned On-going disaster preparedness must be a priority and maintained over time Each institution and system must develop an individual “Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP) for disaster preparedness, response and recovery efforts Plans must be regularly validated through active exercises to ensure relevancy Implementation of a formal and interoperable communications plan – both human and technical All plans must be flexible, scalable and adaptable to a multitude of potential disaster events

26 Lessons Learned The COOP must include development, testing and implementation of the ability to restore critical data and systems at a geographically remote location Future facility planning and construction should include disaster impact mitigation and recovery strategies Physical security of plant, property, assets and personnel must be carefully planned, tested and maintained Institutions and systems must identify critical management personnel (Incident Management Teams) and assignments Self reliance must be the cornerstone of the initial emergency response

27 Observations Higher Education’s disaster preparedness and planning must be part of the overall state effort Higher Education institutions, campuses, facilities, resources and personnel are tremendous resources available for disaster response and recovery – they must be well coordinated with state and federal authorities for maximum benefit of all

28 Observations It is impossible to even estimate how many lives were lost or how much damage was done last year by our collective inability to respond fully with thoughtfulness and expediency. But there is no doubt that lives will be saved and damage prevented if we challenge ourselves to think, plan and execute in new ways and with a new sense of unity and purpose. Bob Nardelli, President and CEO of Home Depot and Chairman of Business Roundtable’s Partnership for Disaster Response Excerpt from an article “Let’s Apply Lesson from Katrina” distributed by McClatchy-Tribune News Service







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