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Jana Hájková. * Obrázky určené k popisu a srovnání * Soubor otázek k diskusi na dané téma * Jednotlivé otázky s ukázkami slovní zásoby * Zadání konverzační.

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Presentation on theme: "Jana Hájková. * Obrázky určené k popisu a srovnání * Soubor otázek k diskusi na dané téma * Jednotlivé otázky s ukázkami slovní zásoby * Zadání konverzační."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jana Hájková

2 * Obrázky určené k popisu a srovnání * Soubor otázek k diskusi na dané téma * Jednotlivé otázky s ukázkami slovní zásoby * Zadání konverzační situace k tématu včetně jednotlivých podbodů * Seznam použitých zdrojů * Řešení


4 * How would you characterize the country? * What is typical for Czech cuisine? * Who are some of the famous representatives of Czech culture? * What is the stereotype of a Czech? * What are some typical Czech customs and traditions?

5 Useful vocabulary: to be situated – Eastern/Central Europe – moderate climate – neighbouring countries – highlands – fertile lowlands – engineering industry – automotive industry – parliamentary democracy – Slavic origin

6 Useful vocabulary: filling – heavy – fattening – unhealthy – dumplings – roast pork – sauerkraut – sirloin – creamy sauce – carp – potato salad – sweet fruit dumplings

7 Useful vocabulary: a writer – a poet – a composer – a painter – a film director – a politician – a pedagogue – a scientist – to be awarded the Nobel Prize – to win the Academy Award/an Oscar for – to compose – to direct – to invent

8 Useful vocabulary: extremely flexible – forced to adapt – envious – a thief – to steal – a good musician – cunning – insincere – to collaborate – The Good Soldier Schweik

9 Useful vocabulary: Easter Monday – the village feast – the Ride of the Kings – a pagan tradition – to whip – a stick made of willow branches – decorated/painted eggs – to dress up in local folk costumes – the harvest – to ride through the village on decorated horses

10 Imagine you are supposed to organize a week trip in the Czech Republic for a group of foreigners. Discuss the following issues with your partner and present your conclusion:

11 * what sights would you show them in Prague? * what other Czech town or village would you include in the programme and why? * where would you take them for a hiking trip and why? * any other relevant item of your own choice

12 * Prague old town tower view.jpg. [online]. 2010 [cit. 2013-03-08]. Dostupné z: _old_town_tower_view.jpg?uselang=cs * Vinohrad.JPG. [online]. 2008 [cit. 2013-03-08]. Dostupné z: _old_town_tower_view.jpg?uselang=cs

13 Vlastní odpovědi studentů. Možné ukázky řešení k jednotlivým otázkám: General characteristic of the country: a post-socialist/communist country in Central/Eastern Europe, common borders with Slovakia, Germany, Poland and Austria; consisting of three historic territories – Bohemia, Moravia, Silesia; formerly part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire; 10,5 million inhabitants; moderate climate, mountain ranges on the borders, fertile land in the south; inhabitants predominantly of Slavic origin Typical cuisine: roast pork with dumplings and sauerkraut, sirloin with creamy sauce, sweet fruit dumplings, carp and potato salad for Christmas

14 Famous Czechs: writers – Milan Kundera, Bohumil Hrabal, Jaroslav Hašek, Franz Kafka, Karel Čapek, Václav Havel composers – Antonín Dvořák, Bedřich Smetana, Leoš Janáček, Bohuslav Martinů others – Jan Amos Komenský, Jan Hus The stereotype of a Czech: envious, cowardly, extremely adaptive, notorious for stealing, good musicians

15 Czech customs and traditions: Easter – boys whipping girls with a stick made of willow branches, girls giving them decorated eggs in exchange a village feast – people dressed in traditional folk costumes parading through the village singing and offering the onlookers wine and cakes the ride of the kings – a young boy dressed as a girl in the local folk costume, has a rose in his mouth to prevent speaking, accompanied by young men in folk costumes, all of them on horses riding through the village

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