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Asseyez-vous! See how many modes of transport you can remember! Fill in the sheet in front of you!

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Presentation on theme: "Asseyez-vous! See how many modes of transport you can remember! Fill in the sheet in front of you!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Asseyez-vous! See how many modes of transport you can remember! Fill in the sheet in front of you!

2 L’objectif: Donner des arguments pour et contre le transport. Mardi 17 septembre

3 On va à Paris… en bateau

4 On va à Paris… à cheval

5 On va à Paris… en voiture

6 On va à Paris… en train

7 On va à Paris… À vélo

8 On va à Paris… en bus

9 On va à Paris… à pied

10 On va à Paris… en trottinette

11 On va à Paris… en avion

12 On va à Paris… en taxi

13 On va à Paris… à moto

14 ALLER ? ALLER = TO GO Je vais – I go Tu vas – You go Il va – He goes Elle va – She goes

15 Task 1: Use the table on the sheet I have just given you in order to translate the sentences into French.

16 Activité 1: Pass the bomb... Everyone must pass an envelope filled with different sentences like the ones we have just looked at. When the music stops, the person with the envelope must take a sentence and translate it into French.

17 USING OPINIONS I like J’aime I don’tlike Je n’aime pas I prefer Je préfère

18 Reasons for using different modes of transport Sûr Ennuyeuex Cher Polluant Moderne Dangereux Pratique Confortable rapide Safe Boring Expensive Polluting Modern Dangerous Practical Comfortable Quick

19 Activité 2: Human sentences… 1) J’aime aller en avion parce que c’est très rapide! 2) Je préfère aller en voiture parce que c’est vraiment sûr. 3) Je n’aime pas aller en montgolfière parce que c’est dangereux.

20 Task 2: Write three of your own sentences using J’aime / Je n’aime pas / je préfère.

21 TO RECAP: Pen down, turn around BOYS VS GIRLS One boy and one girl will come to the front and stand back to back. They have to write the sentences I read out in English on their white board! You may change your mind UNTIL you put your pen down. When you think yours is right you have to put your pen down as quick as possible. The person to drop the pen first will win a point for their team IF you have written it correctly AND got ‘en’ or ‘à’ correct as well. If yours is wrong it passes to the other team and they could win the point. If they are both wrong I get a point!

22 Homework: for Thursday! On the sheet I have given you, use 3 different coloured pens or pencils and colour each category of words in the same colour.


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