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186 attendees  NIP landowners49  USDA NRCS31  LA Depts. Wildlife & Fisheries and Agriculture & Forestry21  TMOs, consultants, DOD30  US Forest Service25.

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Presentation on theme: "186 attendees  NIP landowners49  USDA NRCS31  LA Depts. Wildlife & Fisheries and Agriculture & Forestry21  TMOs, consultants, DOD30  US Forest Service25."— Presentation transcript:

1 186 attendees  NIP landowners49  USDA NRCS31  LA Depts. Wildlife & Fisheries and Agriculture & Forestry21  TMOs, consultants, DOD30  US Forest Service25  TX Forest Service 7  LA &TX universities10  Other13

2  Call for an increase in LLP from 3.4 to 8 million acres by 2024.  Only possible if private landowners restore LLP. Planning committee USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service US Fish & Wildlife Service National Wild Turkey Federation TX-LA Longleaf Taskforce LA Department of Wildlife & Fisheries LA Department of Agriculture & Forestry LSU AgCenter Kisatchie National Forest Southern Research Station LA Society of American Foresters The Nature Conservancy

3 Agenda  4 concurrent tour stops in the morning on the Palustris Experimental Forest  Cajun shrimp boil  Keynote address by David Daigle, a NIP landowner who profits from longleaf pine  Landowner assistance workshop  Development of a forest management plan  Cost-share programs  Prescribed burning assistance  Professional advice Southern Forest Heritage Museum Planer Mill Long Leaf, Louisiana

4 Kisatchie NF foresters, Lynn McDonald and Jonny Fryar present information on how natural and artificial regeneration, TSIs, and prescribed fire are used to convert an existing stand to longleaf pine and at the same time optimize wildlife habitat. TOUR STOP 1 How to make a wildlife-friendly longleaf pine stand without clearcutting

5 TOUR STOP 2 Longleaf seedlings and wildlife habitat flourish with seedling choices and fire SRS scientist, Susana Sung discusses the importance of seedling quality with a landowner. LADWF Biologists, Cliff Dailey and John Robinette discuss “no-cost” first burns for qualifying landowners.

6 TOUR STOP 3 Growth and wildlife values compared among longleaf, loblolly, and slash pines SRS scientist, Dave Haywood describes the impact of longleaf’s “grass stage” on growth as he compares the three species’ productivity. TNC’s Latimore Smith and Consulting Forester, Steve Templin discuss longleaf’s “hidden” values such as a high quality ground layer, and heavier and straighter wood products.

7 TOUR STOP 4 Holistic management with intermediate stand activity and repeated fire Kisatchie NF Botanist, David Moore uses a SRS long-term study to show what the forest looks like when fire is excluded. National Wild Turkey Federation Regional Biologist, Luke Lewis identifies food for turkey, quail, and deer in frequently burned plots of the long-term study. Fallow and seeded disking techniques to grow food for wildlife were also demonstrated.

8 Keynote address David Daigle shares his longleaf success story. Landowner Assistance Workshop The afternoon was dedicated to helping landowners learn more about how to develop a longleaf management plan, take part in cost-share programs, get help with prescribed burning, and get professional longleaf advice.

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