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Jeopardy: Lesson 3 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $200 Q $200

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Presentation on theme: "Jeopardy: Lesson 3 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $200 Q $200"— Presentation transcript:

1 Jeopardy: Lesson 3 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $200 Q $200
Compare & Contrast Infer/Predict Multiple Meaning Words Compound Sentences TREE Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

2 $100 Question: Compare and Contrast
When you find the similarities between two things, you are 1)____________________; when you find the differences between two things, you are 2)_________________________.

3 $100 Answer for Compare and Contrast
comparing contrasting

4 $200 Question for Comparing and Contrasting
A helpful graphic organizer to use when comparing and contrasting is a ____________________.

5 $200 Answer Compare and Contrast
A Venn Diagram

6 $300 Question for Compare and Contrast
In the story, Off and Running, contrast the two main characters, Miata and Rudy.

7 $300 Answer for Compare and Contrast
Miata felt shaken; Rudy felt confident. Miata had plans to plant flowers and clean the graffiti; Rudy had plans to extend recess and offer more ice cream days.

8 $400 Question for Compare and Contrast
Compare and Contrast Non-Fiction text and Fiction Text.

9 $400 Answer for Compare and Contrast
Similarities (Compare) Differences (Contrast) Both are genres of writing Both are created for audiences to read Both are created by authors -Non-Fiction is realistic; Fiction is not realistic -Non-fiction text use t-maps; Fiction texts use story maps -Non-fiction text is mainly used for instruction; Fiction text is mainly used for entertainment.

10 $500 Question for Compare and Contrast
Compare and Contrast the strategies of Making an Inference and Making a Prediction.

11 $500 Answer for Compare and Contrast
Similarities (Compare) Differences (Contrast) Both are reading strategies Both involve you thinking beyond the text Both include you “reading between the lines” Both include you using the text to help you make a connection. Both need to be supported by evidence from the text. -When you make an Inference, you use the text and your prior knowledge. -When you make a Prediction, you use the text. -Inferences usually involve a character's feelings or thoughts. -Predictions are usually guesses about what will happen next in a story.

12 $100 Question for Infer / Predict
Read the scenario and make an inference about what type of student Ron is: Ron is a fifth grade student in Mrs. Naranjo and Miss Welch’s class. Although he knew he had nothing to worry about, he still had a pit in his stomach when report cards were being handed out. Mrs. Naranjo finally gave Ron his report card. She did not say a word; she simply smiled.

13 $100 Answer for Infer/Predict
Ron is a good student and cares about his grades.

14 $200 Question for Infer / Predict
Read the following scenario and make an inference about the type of job Mr. Stalb has: Mr. Stalb came home from work feeling more exhausted than normal. People are crazy drivers during the holiday season, and they ignore stop signs and traffic lights!

15 $200 Answer for Infer / Predict
Mr. Stalb is a police officer.

16 $300 Question for Infer / Predict
Read the following scenario and Make an inference about Henry: Poor Henry seemed to be a little hungry, so Mrs. Naranjo fed him some hay. Henry sniffed the hay, but didn’t nibble at all! Gabe came by with a carrot, and Henry gobbled it all up.

17 $300 Answer for Infer / Predict
Henry is a picky eater!

18 $400 Question for Infer / Predict
Read the following scenario and make a prediction about what Taylor might do next: Taylor is a very sweet and caring young lady, but she is also very shy. On the playground, she saw a bully picking on another student, but felt too afraid to confront the bully.

19 $400 Answer for Infer/ Predict
Taylor will tell an adult about the situation.

20 $500 Question for Infer / Predict
Please read the following scenario and make an inference: It hadn’t rained all season, and today was the big championship! Matt was so upset, he threw his baseball bat at the weather man on TV.

21 $500 Answer for Infer / Predict
The weather man forecasted rain for Matt’s baseball championship.

22 $100 Question for Multiple Meaning Words
What is a good definition for Multiple Meaning words?

23 $100 Answer for Multiple Meaning Words
Multiple Meaning words are two words that are spelled the same, and pronounced the same, but have very different meanings.

24 $200 Question for Multiple Meaning Words
What are two meanings for the word bowl?

25 $200 Answer for Multiple Meaning Words
Bowl- the sport Bowl- what you put ice cream in ;)

26 $300 Question for Multiple Meaning Words
What are two meanings for the word dampen?

27 $300 Answer for Multiple Meaning Words
Dampen- to make something wet Dampen- to crush someone’s spirit or mood

28 $400 Question for Multiple Meaning Words
What are two meanings for the word race?

29 $400 Answer from H3 Race- someone’s ethnicity
Race- a competition of speed

30 $500 Question for Multiple Meaning Words
What are two meanings for broke?

31 $500 Answer for Multiple Meaning Words
Broke- having little or no money Broke- having a broken leg

32 $100 Question for TREE What does the acronym TREE stand for?

33 $100 Answer for TREE TREE stands for: Topic Reason Example Elaborate

34 $200 Question for TREE What two sections of TREE are included in the introduction paragraph?

35 $200 Answer for TREE Topic and Reason

36 $300 Question for TREE What do you call the last sentence
of your introduction paragraph?

37 $300 Answer for TREE The thesis statement or opinion statement

38 $400 Question for TREE What happens if you do not know
who the author of a text is?

39 $400 Answer for TREE You simply say, “An author wrote a…”

40 $500 Question for TREE What are all the elements included in the first paragraph of TREE?

41 $500 Answer for TREE Author Setting Character
Character’s problem; how he/she feels; what he or she does Opinion sentence (thesis)

42 $100 Question for Compound Sentences
Compound sentences are two complete thoughts joined together by what two things? Please list them in the order they would appear in a sentence.

43 $100 Answer for Compound Sentences
Comma and a Conjunction word

44 $200 Question for Compound Sentences
What does FANBOYS stand for?

45 $200 Answer for Compound Sentence
F-For A-And N-Nor B-But O-Or Y-Yet S-SO

46 $300 Question for Compound Sentences
Explain how you could tell if a compound sentence is in fact a compound sentence? (What test did you learn?)

47 $300 Answer for Compound Sentences
Cover the conjunction word; if both sides of the conjunction word are complete thoughts, then you have a compound sentence.

48 $400 Question for Compound Sentences
On your white board, write a compound sentence that has the conjunction word “and.”

49 $400 Answer for Compounds Answers will vary

50 $500 Question for Compound Sentences
Write a sentence that has the conjunction word “or.”

51 $500 Answer for Compound Sentences
Answers will vary.

52 Final Jeopardy Please define the term “sentence” and list the
4 things every sentence must include.

53 Final Jeopardy Answer A sentence is a group of words
that express a complete thought. -capital letter -end punctuation -subject -predicate

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