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Пашкова М.В.. " .  Do you like sport?  Do you prefer going in for sport or watching it on TV?

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Presentation on theme: "Пашкова М.В.. " .  Do you like sport?  Do you prefer going in for sport or watching it on TV?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Пашкова М.В.

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4  Do you like sport?

5  Do you prefer going in for sport or watching it on TV?

6  What kinds of sport are popular in Russia?

7 diving diving прыжки в воду прыжки в воду wrestling wrestling легкая атлетика легкая атлетика athletics athletics конный спорт конный спорт hiking hiking велоспорт велоспорт cycling cycling кёрлинг кёрлинг curling curling спорт. борьба спорт. борьба biathlon biathlon горный туризм горный туризм archery archery парусный спорт парусный спорт cricket cricket стрельба из лука стрельба из лука sailing sailing биатлон биатлон horse racing horse racing крикет крикет



10 An activity or sport of standing on a short wide board and moving very fast down a hill covered with snow

11 An extreme sport in which you dive through a hole into a very cold sea that has ice on the top.

12 A sport or activity of moving a rubber boat through water and round rocks in a river that is flowing very fast A sport or activity of moving a rubber boat through water and round rocks in a river that is flowing very fast



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16 tennis archery Indoor sports bowling tennis wrestling handball volleyball Outdoor sports sailing skating surfing baseball diving horse-racing ice hockey volleyball

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