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Plant Structure and Growth Horticulture. Plant Taxonomy: How Plants Are Named Uses Latin Names(Example- Red Maple) Kingdom-(Plant) Phylum- (Spermatophyta)

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Presentation on theme: "Plant Structure and Growth Horticulture. Plant Taxonomy: How Plants Are Named Uses Latin Names(Example- Red Maple) Kingdom-(Plant) Phylum- (Spermatophyta)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Plant Structure and Growth Horticulture

2 Plant Taxonomy: How Plants Are Named Uses Latin Names(Example- Red Maple) Kingdom-(Plant) Phylum- (Spermatophyta) Class-(Angiospermae) Order-(Acerales) Family-(Aceraceae Genus-(Acer) Species-(Rubrum) Variety or cultivar- (October Glory) Scientific Name is usually listed as Genus Species Example- (Acer Rubrum)

3 Major Parts of a Plant Leaves –Where photosynthesis occurs Seeds –Method of sexual reproduction Flower –Site where reproduction occurs Stem –Transports nutrients and supports the plant Root –Take in nutrients and anchor plant

4 Parts of a Leaf Petiole –Stalk of the leaf Blade –Large, flat part of the leaf Midrib –Center vein from which all other veins extend Vein –Distribute nutrients and water from xylem –Collect food and take to phloem Margin –Edges of plant leaves

5 Seeds Method of sexual plant reproduction

6 Parts of a Seed Cotyledon –The first leaves of a plant Seed Coat –Outside covering of a seed Endosperm –Food storage tissue that nourishes the embryo Embryo –New plant developed after fertilization

7 Types of Seeds Monocots –A seed with only one cotyledon –All grasses are monocots Dicots –A seed with two cotyledons –All broadleaf plants are dicots

8 Flower Site for pollination/fertilization Beauty is used to attract insects Has both male and female parts Complete flower –Has both male and female parts –Can pollinate itself Incomplete flower –Has only male or only female parts –Must have another flower to pollinate

9 General Parts of the Flower Sepals –Green leaf-like parts that cover and protect the flower bud Petals –Are actually leaves –Brightly colored to attract insects for pollination

10 Male Parts of the Flower Stamen –Makes up all male parts Pollen –Male sex cell, similar to sperm Anther –Sac-like structure on top of the filament Filament –Short stalk that holds the anther

11 Female Parts of the Flower Pistil –Makes up all female parts Ovules –Female sex cell, similar to the egg Stigma –Sticky part of the system, catches pollen Style –Tube that leads from the stigma to the ovary Ovary –Place where ovule is fertilized by the pollen –Turns into a fruit or seed coat

12 Stems Transports food, water, and nutrients Supports the leaves and flowers

13 Parts of the Stem Xylem –Water and minerals travel up to other plant parts Phloem –Manufactured food travels down to other plant parts Cambium –Separates xylem and phloem

14 Major Parts of a Plant Roots –Take in water and nutrients –Anchor the plant and hold it upright –Store large quantities of plant food –Used to propagate or reproduce some plants

15 Types of Root Systems Fibrous Roots –Easier to transplant –Short, small, compact roots Tap Root –Difficult to transplant, since most of the tap root is cut-off –Tap root is primarily used for storage of food In both types, most nutrients and water are absorbed by root hair

16 Plant Processes Photosynthesis –Mixes light, water, and carbon dioxide in the presence of chlorophyll to produce sugar and oxygen Respiration –Combines sugars and oxygen to give off water and heat Transpiration –Loss of water through the leaves or stems –Causes wilting when soil is dry

17 Photosynthesis Process by which Carbon Dioxide and Water in the presence of Light are converted to Sugar and Oxygen Takes place in the Chloroplasts Carbon Dioxide + Water + Light + Chlorophyll = Glucose (sugar) + Oxygen

18 Respiration Process of sugars and oxygen combining to give off heat/energy, water, and carbon dioxide Takes place mostly at night Due to over-watering and poor soil drainage, roots often die due to not being able to take in oxygen Plants give off more oxygen than they use

19 Transpiration Release of water vapor from plants. Most transpiration occurs through the stomates of plants on the underside of the leaves. Air also passes in and out during this process. Process is used to cool or maintain heat within the plant.

20 Nutrient Needs All plants need certain nutrients to survive Macro-nutirents- needed in large quantity Micro-nutrients- needed in smaller quantities

21 Macronutrients Expressed as N-P-K, as a % of of weight N- Nitrogen P- Phosphorus K- Potassium or Potash

22 Micronutrients Ca (Calcium) Mg (Magnesium) S (Sulfur) Fe (Iron) B (Boron) Mn (Manganese) Cu (Copper) Zn (Zinc) Mo (Molybdenum) Cl (Chlorine)

23 Diseases Powdery Mildew caused by a fungus Looks like a white powdery growth on the plant Botrytis Blight caused by a fungus Gray fuzzy growth Pythium dark brown, rotted roots Damping –Off caused by a fungus and kills seedlings

24 Insect Pests Aphids- small green, round bodied insects –Excrete honey-dew –Cause yellow spots on leaves Fungus gnats- thin, gray colored flies –Damage is caused by the larvae, which are white worms with a black head Mealy bugs- oval shaped insects, covered with a white powder

25 Insect Pests Spider Mites- small yellow/red, 8 legs –leave a web on the plant –Leave yellow spots and strings on the leaves Thrips- very small insects, 2 pairs of wings –Transmit diseases between plants –Feed on leaves and petals White Flies- white insects, 4 wings –Live on the underside of leaves –Cause yellow spots on leaves

26 Biological Control of Pests Integrated Pest Management- –The use of other beneficial insects to control insects that are harmful to greenhouse crops –Example- The chalcidoid wasp is used as a control for whiteflies. It lays eggs in the pupa of whiteflies. The adult wasp emerges from the dead whitefly carcass and begins to look for more pupa to lay eggs in, which restarts the process.

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