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Anatomy of the Cerebral Ventricles

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1 Anatomy of the Cerebral Ventricles
Francois du Toit Diagnostic Radiology Kimberley Hospital

2 The Cerebral Ventricles
Fluid filled (CSF) spaces within the brain 2 Lateral ventricles in each hemisphere 3rd ventricle, Cerebral Aquaduct, 4th ventricle midline Ependyma (thin epithelial membrane lining)

3 The Cerebral Ventricles


5 The Lateral Ventricles
Lies within each cerebral hemisphere: Frontal Horn (anterior) Body (atrium) Temporal Horn (inferior) Occipital Horn (posterior) Interventricular Foramen (of Monroe) connects each lateral ventricle with the 3rd ventricle at junction of anterior horn & body

6 The Lateral Ventricles

7 The Lateral Ventricles


9 Frontal (anterior) Horn
Extends into frontal lobe Roof & Ant extremity formed by: Corpus Collosum (Rostrum & Genu) Tapetum Floor & Lateral Wall Caudate Nucleus Medial Wall Septum Pellucidum


11 Roof / Anterior Border

12 Roof / Anterior Border

13 Frontal (anterior) Horn
Extends into frontal lobe Roof & Ant extremity formed by: Corpus Collosum (Rostrum & Genu) Tapetum Floor & Lateral Wall Caudate Nucleus Medial Wall Septum Pellucidum

14 Floor of Anterior Horn

15 Floor of Anterior Horn

16 Frontal (anterior) Horn
Extends into frontal lobe Roof & Ant extremity formed by: Corpus Collosum (Rostrum & Genu) Tapetum Floor & Lateral Wall Caudate Nucleus Medial Wall Septum Pellucidum

17 Medial Wall of Anterior Horn


19 Body of Lateral Ventricle
In Parietal Lobe Roof & Lateral Wall Corpus Callosum Tapetal Fibres Medial wall Septum Pellucidum Floor (medial) Thalamus Floor (lateral) Body of Caudate Nucleus Thalamostriate vein in between Body of Fornix lies above the thalamus Between the fornix and the thalamus Choroid plexus lies invaginated into the cavity of the ventricle in a groove - the choroidal fissure

20 Roof / Anterior Border

21 Body of Lateral Ventricle
In Parietal Lobe Roof & Lat Corpus Callosum Tapetal Fibres Medial wall Septum Pellucidum Floor (medial) Thalamus Floor (lateral) Body of Caudate Nucleus Thalamostriate vein in between Body of Fornix lies above the thalamus Between the fornix and the thalamus Choroid plexus lies invaginated into the cavity of the ventricle in a groove - the choroidal fissure

22 Body of Lateral Ventricle
In Parietal Lobe Roof & Lat Corpus Callosum Tapetal Fibres Medial wall Septum Pellucidum Floor (medial) Thalamus Floor (lateral) Body of Caudate Nucleus Thalamostriate vein in between Body of Fornix lies above the thalamus Between the fornix and the thalamus Choroid plexus lies invaginated into the cavity of the ventricle in a groove - the choroidal fissure

23 Body of Lateral Ventricle
Caudate Nucleus Thalamus

24 The Lateral Ventricles

25 Body of Lateral Ventricle
In Parietal Lobe Roof & Lat Corpus Callosum Tapetal Fibres Medial wall Septum Pellucidum Floor (medial) Thalamus Floor (lateral) Body of Caudate Nucleus Thalamostriate vein in between Body of Fornix lies above the thalamus Between the fornix and the thalamus Choroid plexus lies invaginated into the cavity of the ventricle in a groove - the choroidal fissure

26 The Lateral Ventricles
Body of Fornix Choroid Plexus Thalamus


28 Temporal (inferior) Horn
Extends anteriorly into Temporal Lobe Lateral wall Fibres of Tapetum Roof Tail of Caudate Nucleus Floor Hippocampus pes hippocampi anterior crus of the fornix arising from this

29 Temporal Horn of Lateral Ventricle
Tapetum Temporal Horn of Lateral Ventricle

30 Temporal (inferior) Horn
Extends anteriorly into Temporal Lobe Lateral wall Fibres of Tapetum Roof Tail of Caudate Nucleus Floor Hippocampus pes hippocampi anterior crus of the fornix arising from this


32 Temporal (inferior) Horn
Extends anteriorly into Temporal Lobe Lateral wall Fibres of Tapetum Roof Tail of Caudate Nucleus Floor Hippocampus pes hippocampi anterior crus of the fornix arising from this

33 Crus of Fornix Hippocampus Pes



36 Occipital (posterior) Horn
Posterior Extension of Lateral ventricle Extends into Occipital Lobe Arises from trigone of lateral ventricle posterior convexity of the body of the lateral ventricle May be absent / poorly developed / extend the full depth 12% bilaterally well developed


38 Choroid Plexus of Lateral Ventricle
Responsible for most of the production of CSF Extends from Inferior horn, through body, to interventricular foramen NO CHOROID PLEXUS in Occipital & Frontal Horn Continuous with Choroid Plexus of 3rd ventricle Invaginated into Lateral Ventricles medially (Choroidal Fissure)

39 Choroid Plexus of Lateral Ventricle

40 Choroid Plexus of Lateral Ventricle
Blood supply: Ant Choroidal a. (Branch of ICA) Post Choroidal a. (Branch of post Cerebral a.) Venous drainage: Sup Choroidal vein (begins at inferior horn and passes anteriorly to IV foramen) Joins Sup Thalamostriate v. to form Internal Cerebral vein at IV foramen


42 3rd Ventricle Slit-like space between Thalami
Width = 2-10mm (increasing with age) Thin anterior wall – Lamina Terminalis between ant commissure (above) to optic chiasm (below) Extension inferiorly into optic chiasm = supraoptic recess Floor = Structures of hypothalamus including pituitary whose hollow stalk is the infundibular recess of the ventricle Fold of Pia containing CP = Tela Choroidea Narrow Anterior Apex at IV Foramen Wider Posterior If Fluid accumulates = Cavum Velum Interpositum

43 Thalamus Third Ventricle

44 3rd Ventricle Slit-like space between Thalami
Width = 2-10mm (increasing with age) Thin anterior wall – Lamina Terminalis between ant commissure (above) to optic chiasm (below) Extension inferiorly into optic chiasm = supraoptic recess Floor = Structures of hypothalamus including pituitary whose hollow stalk is the infundibular recess of the ventricle Fold of Pia containing CP = Tela Choroidea Narrow Anterior Apex at IV Foramen Wider Posterior If Fluid accumulates = Cavum Velum Interpositum

45 Anterior Commisure Lamina Terminalis Optic Chiasm

46 3rd Ventricle Slit-like space between Thalami
Width = 2-10mm (increasing with age) Thin anterior wall – Lamina Terminalis between ant commissure (above) to optic chiasm (below) Extension inferiorly into optic chiasm = supraoptic recess Floor = Structures of hypothalamus including pituitary whose hollow stalk is the infundibular recess of the ventricle Fold of Pia containing CP = Tela Choroidea Narrow Anterior Apex at IV Foramen Wider Posterior If Fluid accumulates = Cavum Velum Interpositum


48 3rd Ventricle Slit-like space between Thalami
Width = 2-10mm (increasing with age) Thin anterior wall – Lamina Terminalis between ant commissure (above) to optic chiasm (below) Extension inferiorly into optic chiasm = supraoptic recess Floor = Structures of hypothalamus including pituitary whose hollow stalk is the infundibular recess of the ventricle Fold of Pia containing CP = Tela Choroidea Narrow Anterior Apex at IV Foramen Wider Posterior If Fluid accumulates = Cavum Velum Interpositum


50 3rd Ventricle Slit-like space between Thalami
Width = 2-10mm (increasing with age) Thin anterior wall – Lamina Terminalis between ant commissure (above) to optic chiasm (below) Extension inferiorly into optic chiasm = supraoptic recess Floor = Structures of hypothalamus including pituitary whose hollow stalk is the infundibular recess of the ventricle Fold of Pia containing CP = Tela Choroidea Narrow Anterior Apex at IV Foramen Wider Posterior If Fluid accumulates = Cavum Velum Interpositum

51 Cavum Velum Interpositum

52 3rd Ventricle Posteriorly - extends as small pineal recess into pineal stalk, and above this into suprapineal recess Roof - anteriorly, the anterior commissure, column of fornix and IV foramen. Behind this the body of the fornix, with Choroid plexus invaginating below the fornix 60% of people - thalami connected across the ventricle via massa intermedia (non-neural connection)


54 3rd Ventricle Posteriorly - extends as small pineal recess into pineal stalk, and above this into suprapineal recess Roof - anteriorly, the anterior commissure, column of fornix and IV foramen. Behind this the body of the fornix, with Choroid plexus invaginating below the fornix 60% of people - thalami connected across the ventricle via massa intermedia (non-neural connection)

55 Fornix Choroid Plexus Ant Commisure

56 3rd Ventricle Posteriorly - extends as small pineal recess into pineal stalk, and above this into suprapineal recess Roof - anteriorly, the anterior commissure, column of fornix and IV foramen. Behind this the body of the fornix, with Choroid plexus invaginating below the fornix 60% of people - thalami connected across the ventricle via massa intermedia (non-neural connection)


58 Cerebral Aquaduct Narrow channel connecting post end of 3rd ventricle with sup end of 4th ventricle 1.5cm in length. 1-2mm in diameter Passes through Brainstem with Tectum posterior to it and Tegmentum and Cerebral Peduncles anteriorly Nuclei of CN III,IV,V surround aqueduct and are called the periaqueductal grey matter

59 Cerebral Aqueduct



62 4th Ventricle Aqueduct widens Posterior to the Pons
Narrows again in inferior part of medulla as central canal of the medulla & of spinal cord Floor = diamond shaped (rhomboid fossa) Formed by post surface of pons and upper part of medulla Roof SUPERIOR superior cerebellar peduncle with sup medullary velum between INFERIOR inf cerebellar peduncle and the inf medullary velum Over these lies the cerebellum

63 4th Ventricle

64 4th Ventricle

65 4th Ventricle Aqueduct widens Posterior to the Pons
Narrows again in inferior part of medulla as central canal of the medulla & of spinal cord Floor = diamond shaped (rhomboid fossa) Formed by post surface of pons and upper part of medulla Roof SUPERIOR superior cerebellar peduncle with sup medullary velum between INFERIOR inf cerebellar peduncle and the inf medullary velum Over these lies the cerebellum

66 4th Ventricle Roof

67 4th Ventricle Foramina

68 Foramina of 4th Ventricle
3 Openings in lower part of roof one median aperture (of Magendie) large opening in inf medullary velum beneath the cerebellum, which communicates with the cisterna magna two lateral apertures (of Luschka) at apex of lateral recesses of the ventricle open anteriorly just behind CN VIII into the pontine cistern Choroid plexus invaginates the lower part of its roof and is supplied by inferior cerebellar a.

69 Foramen of Magendie

70 4th Ventricle Foramina 3 Openings in lower part of roof
one median aperture (of Magendie) large opening in inf medullary velum beneath the cerebellum, which communicates with the cisterna magna two lateral apertures (of Luschka) at apex of lateral recesses of the ventricle open anteriorly just behind CN VIII into the pontine cistern Choroid plexus invaginates the lower part of its roof and is supplied by inferior cerebellar a.

71 Foramen of Luschka

72 4th Ventricle Foramina 3 Openings in lower part of roof
one median aperture (of Magendie) large opening in inf medullary velum beneath the cerebellum, which communicates with the cisterna magna two lateral apertures (of Luschka) at apex of lateral recesses of the ventricle open anteriorly just behind CN VIII into the pontine cistern Choroid plexus invaginates the lower part of its roof and is supplied by inferior cerebellar a.

73 Choroid Plexus of 4th Ventricle


75 CSF Production & Flow Total Volume of CSF = 150ml (25ml is within and around the spinal cord) Produced at 0.4ml/min Production independent of CSF pressure Principally produced by Choroid Plexus of lateral ventricles

76 CSF Flow Flows through Interventricular foramen into 3rd ventricle
Via Cerebral Aqueduct to 4th Ventricle Via Midline Aperture (of Magendie) into Cisterna Magna Via Lateral Apertures into Pontine Cistern From Basal Cisterns some fluid flows down and bathes the spinal cord The Remainder passes upward through tentorial hiatus and diffuses over surface of the cerebral hemispheres

77 CSF Flow

78 Into 3rd Ventricle (Monroe)

79 Into 4th Venticle (Cerebral Aqueduct)

80 Into Cisterna Magna (Magendie)

81 Down to Spinal Cord

82 Upwards over Cerebral Hemispheres

83 CSF Absorbtion CSF is absorbed through the Arachnoid Villi
herniations of arachnoid through holes in the dura into venous sinuses most numerous in sup sagittal sinus discrete in children with age they aggregate into visible clumps called arachnoid granulations these indent the inner table of the skull beside the dural venous sinuses

84 Arachnoid Villi

85 CSF Absorbtion 1/3 CSF absorbed along similar spinal villi OR escapes along nerve sheaths into perineural lymphatics This absorption is passive and dependent on hydrostatic pressure differences


87 Cavum Velum Interpositum
Fluid Collects in Tela Choroidea Narrow apex anterior Wider Posteriorly

88 Cavum Velum Interpositum

89 Cavum Septum Pellucidum
Two potential spaces between leaflets of Septum Pellucidum ANTERIOR Cavum Septum Pellucidum POSTERIOR Cavum Vergae Obliterate Postero-anteriorly during development CSP present in 100% of fetusses 85% Obliterate by 3-6months Absent CSP in fetus associated with significant CNS abnormalities

90 Cavum Vergae Seperation of the leaflets of septum pellucidum
Posterior extension to the splenium of corpus collosum Because of ordered obliteration – CSP almost always accompanies a Cavum Vergae

91 Cavum Septum Pellucidum
Cavum Vergae Cavum Septum Pellucidum Cavum Vergae

92 References Anatomy for Diagnostic Imaging, 3rd Edition Stephanie Ryan, Michelle McNicholas, Stephen Eustace Atlas of Human Anatomy, 2nd Edition Frank H. Netter

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