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Corn Spanish term- maize. The plant A leafy stalk that produces ears which contain the grain.

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Presentation on theme: "Corn Spanish term- maize. The plant A leafy stalk that produces ears which contain the grain."— Presentation transcript:

1 Corn Spanish term- maize

2 The plant A leafy stalk that produces ears which contain the grain

3 The grain Also known as the Kernel- there are on average 600 kernels on one ear of corn

4 Who was the First people to raise and cook corn?

5 First people to raise and cook corn The Mayans

6 How did they process corn? Nixtamalization- grain is soaked and cooked in an alkaline solution, usually limewater, and hulled.grain cookedalkalinelimewaterhulled

7 When was maize introduced to Europe?

8 Late 15 th early 16 th century

9 What is the difference between sweet corn and field corn Sweet- sugar rich variety for humans Field- for livestock

10 Corn is the most widely grown crop in the Americas

11 What percentage is used to make ethanol?

12 40% Best known as the type of alcohol found in alcoholic beverages, it is also used in thermometers, as a solvent, and as a fuel. In common usage, it is often referred to simply as alcohol or spiritsalcohol alcoholic beverages thermometerssolventfuelspirits

13 Forms of maize used as food Flour corn Pop corn Dent corn Corn grown for corn flour a type of corn that expands from the kernel and puffs up when heated High starch, low sugar can be used as a vegetable, kernel has a “dent” in it

14 Forms of Maize Sweet corn Pod corn High sugar, eaten as a vegetable each individual kernel enclosed in a husk

15 Forms of Maize Flint corn amylomaize Known as Indian corn. Very tough kernels Used to make biodegradable plastics that are edible. First foods in space were covered with this

16 Why does the variation called pop corn pop?

17 Corn is able to pop because its kernels have a hard moisture-sealed hull and a dense starchy interior. Pressure builds inside the kernel, and a small explosion (or "pop") is the end result. Some strains of corn are now cultivated specifically as popping corns.

18 When was the first popcorn popper invented?

19 The first pop corn popper The first commercial popcorn popper Invented by Charles C. Cretors in 1885.

20 Can you think of applications for popcorn?

21 Popcorn can be found as early as 4700 b.c.

22 How did the Great Depression help popcorn growers to prosper? It was a snack that was inexpensive to buy- thus more was sold- the farmer prospered

23 How did World War II help the production of popcorn? Sugar rations kept candy at a minimum and popcorn became the “candy” of the times.

24 Did you know that there are two main shapes of popped kernels?

25 Mushroom and butterfly

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