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Snow leopards weigh 77 to 100 pounds and they can live 22 years. Their size in length is 6 to 7.5 feet.

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3 Snow leopards weigh 77 to 100 pounds and they can live 22 years. Their size in length is 6 to 7.5 feet.

4 Snow Leopards mostly live in the Himalayas, in the high mountains of Central Asia, China, and Russia. They live in very rocky habitats. Snow Leopards live in the meadows in the summer time. Snow Leopards use camouflage to hide in high mountains.

5 Snow leopards eat animals such as rodents, deer, sheep, and boar. They prefer to attack their prey from above. Snow leopards stalk their prey and then can jump as far as 50 feet to attack it. Snow leopards can kill animals 3 feet bigger than themselves. Snow leopards will eat any meat that they can find.


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