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NSTA Student Chapters Discussion Forum Diane Abrams – President of the University of North Carolina Wilmington Chapter University of North Carolina Wilmington.

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Presentation on theme: "NSTA Student Chapters Discussion Forum Diane Abrams – President of the University of North Carolina Wilmington Chapter University of North Carolina Wilmington."— Presentation transcript:

1 NSTA Student Chapters Discussion Forum Diane Abrams – President of the University of North Carolina Wilmington Chapter University of North Carolina Wilmington Dr. Dennis Kubasko, JR. – Faculty Advisor

2 Affiliation This organization is affiliated with the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA), Arlington, VA, USA

3 Purpose and Objectives To promote the mission of NSTA, which is to “promote excellence and innovation in science teaching and learning for all,” To acquaint pre-service teachers of science with the support resources available from NSTA, To provide additional professional development in science education to pre-service teachers, To acquaint pre-service teachers of science with others like themselves at their university, and across the United States and Canada.

4 Advisor Qualifications –The faculty advisor for the UNCW NSTA student chapter will be a UNCW faculty member and should be in the Watson School of Education and preferably be a science educator. Responsibilities –The faculty advisor is recognized as the liaison between the NSTA and the student chapter. –The faculty advisor should preferably be an NSTA member.

5 Meetings There will be at least one general membership meeting every month. No formal parliamentary procedure Executive board will run all meetings.

6 Officers An executive board will govern the student chapter of NSTA. - president - vice-president/programmer - membership coordinator/secretary

7 Duties President – oversees and is responsible for the daily operations of the student chapter and is responsible for planning and coordinating meetings. Vice-President/Programmer – assumes duties of the president in the president’s absence, is responsible for assisting in the planning and coordinating meetings, and is in charge of promotion of the group to the student body. Membership Coordinator/Secretary – maintains membership records and official written records of the student chapter.

8 Agenda: NSTA Student Chapter Meeting Tuesday, September 26, 2006 Welcome! Introductions –Diane Abrams, President –Dr. Kubasko, Advisor –Student Introductions What is NSTA all about? –National Organization - Mission - Registration –State Divisions – NCSTA Conference in November! –Student Chapters – UNCW! –Our goals Meeting Ideas –Last year’s meetings (literacy, internet sites) –Ideas for this year - Speakers - Brainstorm! Officer Positions Questions?

9 Ideas for Meetings Guest Speakers on relevant topics Literacy in the Classroom Behavioral Management in science Safety in the laboratory

10 Getting Started - Student Chapter procedures guide - information on Student Chapter requirements Your university’s Campus Activities/Student Organizations Office

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