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1 Complex programmes in the National Rural Strategy 2020 Agnes Illes Unit of Rural Programmes Ministry of Rural Development.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Complex programmes in the National Rural Strategy 2020 Agnes Illes Unit of Rural Programmes Ministry of Rural Development."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Complex programmes in the National Rural Strategy 2020 Agnes Illes Unit of Rural Programmes Ministry of Rural Development

2 2 preservation, enhancement of rural jobs maintain the rural population, restore the demographic balance assure nutrition and food safety, elimination of vulnerability increase the viability of the agricultural and food economy, increasing the market position of the crop and livestock production restoration of drinking water, protection of water resources, soils and natural wildlife and scenery preservation ensure energy supply, energy security based on local resources and systems, reduce vulnerability increase the rural life quality strengthen the relationship between city and the countryside Specific programmes are set in order to implement the strategy. Overall goals of the strategy

3 3 Programmes of the strategy Local economy development programme local food processing, local markets and food supply program complex local (regional) rural development (energy) program programme of rural- and farm tourism handicraft programme local cooperatives Regional complex national programmes

4 4 Development programme of farmsteads (tanyák) These special hungarian farms (tanyák) are traditional elements of the landscape They are part of the economic, cultural, and historical heritage As a part of the national and european heritage they have a special value Principally these farms are located on the Great Plain, mostly on the less favoured areas They fit the requirements of the sustainable development

5 5 Development programme of farmsteads

6 6 Development programme of farmsteads (tanyák) Problems: In the last few decades their number has been decreased dramatically The buildings and the infrastructure have been amortizated Lot of these tipical farms does not have electricity Public security problems

7 7 Development programme of farmsteads (tanyák) Action plan: In 2011 starts the Tanya development programme Objective areas: Supply of drinking water Maintenance of cart-roads Security service Configuration electrical supply Farm reconstruction Village caretaker service

8 8 Development programme of farmsteads (tanyák) Action plan: Establish markets for the goods from the farms Revision of the urban development plans in these areas Reparcelling Renew the regulation

9 9 Complex development programme in the Tisza Valley

10 10 Less favoured areas in the Tisza Valley

11 11 Problems: Flood, drought, inland inundation are present in the same time Climate change Risk of the ecological disasters Problems caused by the current not sustainable agricultural techniques Social and economic problems Less favoured area Unemployment Low salaries Huge amount of unschooled inhabitants Complex development programme in the Tisza Valley

12 12 This area has different problems, not just the flood protection but social, economic and environmental problems. It is necessary to deal with these objects in a complex way. The main aim is to create the conditions of the sustainable economic-social development. Complex development programme in the Tisza Valley

13 13 Action plan: Build reservoirs as a part of the flood protection action plan Support the landscape farming Flood-plain farming Infrastructure development Upgrade the accessibility of the region Ecotourism Local economic development Employment expansion Complex development programme in the Tisza Valley

14 14 Complex development programme in Homokhátság

15 15 Complex development programme in Homokhátság Problems: More than 50% of the population lives in farms (tanyák), in the peripheries of the villages (same problems as farms) Remarkable groundwater decline → the UN pronounced this region as a semiarid area Saline lakes are disappeared Descending harvests

16 16 Complex development programme in Homokhátság Action plan: Follow the Homokhátság Special Programme (2001-2008) Acquaint xerophytes Variety choice, experiments New cultivation techniques and farming systems Water management development Cooperation with the complex programme for the subregions of farms

17 17 Programme of„Ormánság” Consist of 45 settlements In 1800’s flourishing floodplain management Houses built on oak beams

18 18 Programme of„Ormánság” Targets agriculture which fits to the land Building complex water and land management (channels, lakes, raising the land of pastures and orchards) Education, mentoring, job training

19 19 Programme of Cserehát Motto: „Where you can still hear the silence” 50 settlements, 100 000 people Less favoured region Precious natural environment

20 20 Programme of Cserehát Development of local economy (home farming, local markets, social land programmes, rural tourism, renewable energy, communities, trainings, cross border cooperation)

21 21 Programme of Green Danube Fits to the Danube Strategy Aims to achieve the good environmental conditions, conservation of natural habitats, habitats of species Water keeping management

22 22 Rural development cooperation programmes in the Carpathian Basin Sustainable use of natural resources Rural development including regional, territorial development Rural development between the hungarian communities

23 23 Information: Thank you for your attention!

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