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By Julie Dienno-Demarest, M.Ed..  Personality Assessment  ennea – Greek word for “nine”  grammos – “figure”  “nine pointed figure”  Development of.

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Presentation on theme: "By Julie Dienno-Demarest, M.Ed..  Personality Assessment  ennea – Greek word for “nine”  grammos – “figure”  “nine pointed figure”  Development of."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Julie Dienno-Demarest, M.Ed.

2  Personality Assessment  ennea – Greek word for “nine”  grammos – “figure”  “nine pointed figure”  Development of modern psychology  Roots in philosophical and spiritual wisdom of ancient traditions (2500 BCE)  Primarily concerns with self-knowledge

3  Myers-Briggs / Keirsey Temperament Sorter  ENFJ / ISTP / ESFP / INTJ… etc  Good for forming balanced teams, understanding gifts and talents of each person  Focus on appreciating differences  No “good/bad” …Just “different”

4  Enneagram  underlying motivation  This is why I do what I do  Basic motivation leads to behavior:  Healthy behavior  Average behavior  Unhealthy behavior

5  USEFULNESS  Personal growth You will always be you. Healthy… Average… Unhealthy…  Better understand others Motivation, priorities, and behavior of others Habit 5: seek first to understand, then to be understood  Enhance relationships Work, Family, Friends, Children

6  Symbolic Image  Circle: unity, wholeness, oneness  Triangle: The Law of Three Everything that exists is the result of the interaction of three forces  Hexad: The Law of Seven Process and development over time Nothing is static; everything evolves over time.

7  Principled, idealistic, orderly, strong sense of right and wrong  Healthy: conscientious, ethical, wise judgment  Average: critical, methodical, detailed  Unhealthy: self-righteous, inflexible, obsessive  If you want it done right, you’ve got to do it yourself.

8  Concerned, helpful, love and be loved  Healthy: empathetic, sincere, warm, appreciative, encouraging, generous, thoughtful, altruistic  Average: gushy, lots of good intentions, need to be needed, meddling “mother,” possessive  Unhealthy: if unappreciated  resentful & complain, play martyr & guilt others  I love you, you love me…

9  Self-assured, ambitious, success oriented, motivates others, networking  Healthy: high self-esteem, feel desirable, adaptable, energetic, charming, popular, authentic  Average: competitive  “winner,” pragmatic, goal-oriented, image conscious, problems with phoniness, arrogance, egotistical  Unhealthy: success at all costs  exploitative, opportunistic, immoral, pathological liars  Look at me!

10  Creative, unique, individualistic, genuine expression of self  Healthy: self-aware, introspective, intuitive, profoundly creative, genuine internal expression  Average: “artistically” expressive, fantasy & imagination, emotionally expressive (moody) or overwhelmed (withdrawn)  Unhealthy: if dreams/fantasies fail  angry at self, severely depressed, worthless, emotional paralysis  Nobody really understands me…

11  Perceptive, analytic, eccentric, thinker  Healthy: observe everything with extraordinary perceptiveness, love learning, excited by possessing knowledge  Average: specialized with knowledge, detached and preoccupied with data (live in their head), arrogant sense of intelligence  Unhealthy: reclusive, secretive with knowledge, “mad scientist”  Knowledge is power…

12  Likable, loyal, dependable, highly value trust  Healthy: engaging and friendly, trustworthy and hardworking, cooperative and reliable  Average: “team player” does what they’re told, indirect with conflict, indecisive, anxiety (“what if…”)  Unhealthy: insecure, dependent and clingy, inferiority complex, over-react to everything  I belong

13  Enthusiastic, busy, versatile, playful, generalist  Healthy: excitable extrovert, productive and prolific, joyful appreciation of life’s experiences  Average: insatiable appetite for new experiences, constant activity (“flighty”), fear being bored  Unhealthy: quickly and easily frustrated, impulsive, escapist  Carpe Diem! …Try anything once

14  Powerful, assertive, confident, strong, decisive, action-oriented LEADER  Healthy: courageous, noble and honorable leader, use power constructively  Average: “rugged individualists,” dominate people/situations, use power for self-interest  Unhealthy: ruthless and hard-hearted, dictatorial, hold on to power and prevail at all costs  Might makes right… Use your power for good not evil…

15  Peaceful, reassuring, passive, easy-going  Healthy: deeply receptive, open, patient  Average: overly accommodating, agreeable, avoid conflicts  Unhealthy: stubborn, neglect problems, fatalistic  Go with the flow… Don’t make waves…

16  The Wisdom of the Enneagram: The Complete Guide to Psychological and Spiritual Growth for the Nine Personality Types by Don Richard Riso and Russ Hudson  This is an all-around great resource; probably my favorite book on the topic, but also more in- depth understandings… offers a lot of comments on healthy-average-unhealthy as well as suggestions for spiritual growth.

17  The Enneagram Made Easy: Discover the 9 Types of People by Renee Baron and Elizabeth Wagele  This has a lot of comic-style images and cartoon- like explanations that make it an easy read to acquaint folks with the Enneagram for the first time.

18  Are You My Type, Am I Yours? : Relationships Made Easy Through The Enneagram by Renee Baron and Elizabeth Wagele  High school students love, love, love this book… and so do adults. The thing I like best about this one is how it explains what a given number likes and struggles with when it comes to interacting with others (of their same number and all the others).

19  Understanding the Enneagram: The Practical Guide to Personality Types by Russ Hudson and Don Richard Riso  This one has a great, easy to comprehend explanation of each type. I like that it calls out the characteristic virtue and vice of each number. I also appreciate the section it has on “mis-typing,” which helps participants figure out which number they are.

20  Julie Dienno-Demarest  

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