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The Inter-university Start-up centers for students’ innovations development & promotion 530349-TEMPUS-1-2012-1-FR-TEMPUS-JPHES Project duration: 15 October.

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Presentation on theme: "The Inter-university Start-up centers for students’ innovations development & promotion 530349-TEMPUS-1-2012-1-FR-TEMPUS-JPHES Project duration: 15 October."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Inter-university Start-up centers for students’ innovations development & promotion 530349-TEMPUS-1-2012-1-FR-TEMPUS-JPHES Project duration: 15 October 2012 – 14 October 2015 SUCSID database WP6, developed by T. Sergeyeva Kharkiv National University of Civil Engineering & Architecture, Ukraine

2 KNUCEA experience of using e-learning platforms & shared electronic environments V. Dudnik, T. Sergeyeva, N. Turlakova 40 Sumska Str., Kharkiv, 61002, Ukraine

3 Introduction BSCW platform using experience -Technical aspect -Methodological aspect -BSCW platform using for shared electronic environments for e-learning courses -Innovative educational technologies: virtual seminars -E-training materials KNUCEA P9

4 Virtual seminars were conducted in common between the students of universities which are the members of the consortium. In order to conduct virtual seminars it was necessary to adjust a technical base: - setting of a server and computers network, - receiving of own electronic address, - installing of the BSCW electronic platform. Technical aspect

5 Methodological aspects

6 Stage 1. Preparing of the base for conducting of a virtual seminar. 1. The potentialities of the BSCW electronic platform were studied: detailed instruction on how to work on BSCW with thesaurus for students was drawn up; 2. The instruction for students on how to participate in a virtual seminar was drawn up; 3. The instruction for students on how to register on the BSCW platform was drawn up; 4. The workspace of a seminar was elaborated. It consists of 5 folders: - “Information about the seminar” folder. (for information and materials about the seminar); - The “Discussion” folder. (for discussion of the seminar course); - The “Workgroups” folder. (for fulfilling of original works on seminar. That is where group members can discuss tasks, upload files with their developments and materials); -The “Announcements” folder. There are the terms of presenting results and other important information in that folder; -- The “Cafeteria” folder. (for personal and informal communication. That is where the first acquaintance takes place and student workgroups are formed). 5. The subject of the seminar was chosen. Methodological aspect

7 Stage 2. Registration of participants. All students’ e-mails were gathered and electronic-letters were sent to all students with assistance of the BSCW platform for registration of participants of the seminar. Using these letters students receive an access to their workspace. The facilitator has sent the instruction on how to work on BSCW with thesaurus to all participants on their e-mails from her own electronic mail-box. Stage 3. Conducting of the internal seminar for students on how to use the BSCW platform. A specific character of many students is that they rarely face with Internet-technologies in everyday life. To understand instructions originally seems to them very difficult. So it was decided to conduct a seminar for students in the auditorium of the “Distance Learning Centre” of KNUCEA. Students have registered on BSCW, entered into their workspace and created their personal profile under the facilitator supervision. A home task for students was to try all basis potentialities of the BSCW platform, get used to interface and learn to create objects and search necessity information in the BSCW folders using the instruction. Methodological aspect

8 Methodological aspects

9 Stage 1. Seminar course. Each virtual seminar was lasting for about 2 months. 1. During the first week (the so called week of a novice) they got acquainted with each other in the Cafeteria folder. Further, it was recommended to have personal and informal communication in that folder. 2. General discussion of the seminar topic and preparing for fulfilling of the original works were taking place in the “Discussion” folder. For the knowledge control there were some actual questions to the participants with the feedback over the e-mail to understand their level of competence. 3. Then there was forming of the workgroups and each group was given its own task. 4. Every group was working in its folder “Folder of workgroups” under the proper number. Special discussion was created in every “Workgroup” folder in which students could discuss their tasks, upload files with their developments and materials and fulfil their works. Methodological aspect

10 Stage 2. Presenting the results and evaluation of the seminar Then there was a stage of presenting results of the team work. Students were uploading their works in their “Workgroup” folder for evaluation by the teacher. Each workgroup had to upload the final variant of the original work in its folder up to strictly specified term! Writing of the work on given subject included an abstract part and research aspect. As a variant - adaptation of this development on a plant where students work. Besides a good shown seminar subject students’ marks depended on that as far as actively they were taking part in the discussions while the seminar and as far as skilfully they were fulfilling their original tasks. Expressing of interesting ideas, discussing of original works of other participants were taken in account as well. Methodological aspect

11 After presenting the results a final discussion was taken place. Participants of the seminar were expressing their opinion about work they have done, talking about difficulties they had to overcome, about advantages of work on the BSCW platform. In general students have estimated seminars positively. Participants of the seminar have expressed their wish to take part in such kind of training in the future. It saves time allowing them to lay out their participating in virtual seminar (discussions were conducted in off-line format) and gives an opportunity carefully to think over answers given and to define an idea clearly as distinct from usual seminar. Summary

12 E-book structure introduction The methodological approach used for training courses development was a good promotion of education tradition that helped to acquaint Ukrainian lecturers and students with high modern western standards. It was a kind of experience dissemination that enriched the didactic resources of Ukrainian scholars as well as facilitated understanding of cultural patterns. One of the most useful experiences was gained while developing e- training materials according to the didactically justified clear structure. The e-learning material corresponding to the European standards requirements met the needs of modern Ukrainian education both by content and by didactics.

13 E-book structure introduction Course structure: - Contents - Preface - Course goals - Glossary - Bibliography - Literature for study/ Recommended literature - List of pictures& tables - Introduction to chapters - Main ideas generalization/ Summary to the chapter - Problems for reflection -Tasks for chapters - Keys - Hyper-references -Term high lightness - Literature references

14 Evaluation of training course structure

15 Training material evaluation

16 Training materials evaluation Training material evaluation implies the differentiated analyses of the material by students, teachers and experts as well as general analyses of the findings. Special computer program provides the construction of courses profiles, the matrix of result distribution and the histogram of improvement prospects on the bases of students’, teachers’ and experts’ questionnaire. The findings are presented as graphic representation accompanied by summary and recommendations. The results are reflected by: - summary of learning material evaluation; - summarized table of comparative characteristics of training courses; - training courses structure evaluation table; - 45 training courses evaluation accompanied by summary and recommendations.

17 Training materials evaluation For the convenience of analyses different colors were used: green color indicates the profile constructed on the bases of students’ evaluation; blue color indicates the profiles constructed on the bases of teachers’ evaluation; red color indicates the profile constructed on the bases of experts’ evaluation.


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