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North American Doctoral Programs in Economics: An Overview Marek Hlaváč June 14 th, 2011.

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1 North American Doctoral Programs in Economics: An Overview Marek Hlaváč June 14 th, 2011

2 Ph.D. Program Rankings -U.S. doctoral programs in Economics are highly regarded -Top tier: -Harvard -Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) -University of Chicago -Stanford University -Princeton University -UC-Berkeley, University of British Columbia, etc.

3 Ph.D. Program Rankings -European programs modeled after the U.S. system: -CentER (Tilburg) -ECARES (Brussels) -Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona) -Stockholm School of Economics/Stockholm University -Bocconi University (Milan) -CERGE (Prague)

4 2 + 3 = 5 years -First two years: Coursework -Final three (or more) years: Research -Ph.D. students usually fully funded: -Years 1 and 2: often, no strings attached -Years 3+: -Research Assistantship -Teaching Fellowship

5 First Year -Microeconomics -I: Consumer and Producer Theory -II:Game Theory, Mechanism Design, etc. -Macroeconomics -I: Growth Theory -II:Models to Study Fluctuations -Statistics and Econometrics -Mathematics for Economists (or Math Camp)

6 Second Year -Field Electives: -Advanced Microeconomics -Advanced Macroeconomics -Advanced Econometrics -Labor, Public or Health Economics -Development Economics -Industrial Organization -Financial Economics, Asset Pricing -Political Economy -Economic History (largely neglected)

7 Years 3+ -Dissertation research -Proposal -3 shorter papers, rather than one long dissertation -“Essays in International Trade”, “Essays in Public Economics” -Committee: -Usually three members -One principal advisor -Job market (Year 5+) -“flyouts” -job market paper

8 -Microeconomics Mas-Colell, Whiston and Green (MWG): Microeconomic Theory Varian: Microeconomic Analysis Recommendations: Jeny, Rehle: Advanced Microeconomic Theory Nicholson: Microeconomic Theory: Basic Principles and Extensions Textbooks

9 -Macroeconomics Barro and Sala-i-Martin: Economic Growth Freshwater: Blanchard and Fischer: Lectures on Microeconomics Obstfeld and Rogoff: Foundations of International Macroeconomics Saltwater: Ljungvist and Sargent: Recursive Macroeconomic Theory Textbooks

10 -Econometrics Greene: Econometric Analysis Recommendations: Kennedy: A Guide to Econometrics Angrist and Pischke: Mostly Harmless Econometrics Textbooks

11 Publish or Perish -Top four economics journals: -American Economic Review -Journal of Political Economy -Quarterly Journal of Economics -Econometrica -Political Science -American Political Science Review -International Organization

12 Publish or Perish -Field journals: -Journal of Economic Theory -Journal of Finance -Journal of Development Economics -Journal of Health Economics -Journal of Public Economics -Journal of Labor Economics

13 Useful Websites and Books -EconPhD: -Resources for Economists (RfE): -Colander: The Making of an Economist – Redux

14 North American Doctoral Programs in Economics: An Overview Marek Hlavac June 14 th, 2011

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