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Safety Tutorial for Carpet Installer Al Pomerantz Finger Lakes Technical and Career Center.

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Presentation on theme: "Safety Tutorial for Carpet Installer Al Pomerantz Finger Lakes Technical and Career Center."— Presentation transcript:

1 Safety Tutorial for Carpet Installer Al Pomerantz Finger Lakes Technical and Career Center

2 2 Training Tasks for Carpet Installer Join Edges & Seams Cut and Trim to Wall Inspect & Prepare Surface Measure and Cut to Size Plan Layout Stretch Carpet and Secure Edge Calculate Material Needed Cut and Install Padding Install Using Adhesive Install Tack Strips

3 3 Pre-Test True/False Lift heavy object by bending over and lift. When working in a home it OK to use the kitchen. Always cut away from your body. The fumes from new carpet are harmless. Leave scraps in doorway.

4 4 Pre-Test True/False Answers Lift heavy object by bending over and lift. False When working in a home it OK to use the kitchen. False Always cut away from your body. True The fumes from new carpet are harmless. False Leave scraps in doorway. False

5 5 Appropriate Clothes Sturdy Work Boot Safety Toe Sturdy Pants Carpenter Jeans/Twill Shirts in layers, T-Shirt, Flannel Head Covering

6 6 Safety Equipment Consult this website for respiratory concerns – carpets.htm Knee Pads Lifting Techniques

7 7 Tools Stretcher Seam Sealer Carpet Cutter Glue Gun

8 8 Tools Carpet Roller Trimmers Knee Kickers Shears

9 9 Equipment/Machinery Must be 18 years to operate these Carpet Remover Floor Grinder Stripper

10 10 Electrical Power equipment will have either –Grounded power chord 3 prongs Don’t not use –if third prong is missing –Report it to supervisor –Double Insulated body 2 prong polarized plug Equipment has no metal parts – exposed to user No metal contact to user 3rd Prong

11 11 Floors, Doors, Exits Are floors safe –strength, no debris, non-slippery Doorways –Unblocked, unlocked, swings out Make sure you know the Exits

12 12 Chemical Hazards You have a right to know –Ask for MSDS forms Adhesive Seam Sealing Pad Seam Sealing Fumes New carpet odor

13 13 Ergonomic Hazards - Lifting Follow Lifting Rule for Heavy Objects Goto this Website m/drplott/lifting.htm On knees? –Use knee pads

14 14 Infectious diseases Working in Homes or Business –Unknown diseases may be present. –Wash frequently Tearing out old carpet –Dust mask, Gloves and Wash Frequently

15 15 Fire Know where the fire extinguishers and Exits are. –Commercial Buildings are Marked –Private Homes may not have Installers should bring their own. Class B or C

16 16 HOW and to WHOM DO YOU REPORT AN INJURY Report all Injuries –No matter how small Report them to your supervisor Make sure a written report is made

17 17 Robbery, Bomb Scares Do not put yourself in a position some one may accuse you of doing something you are not. –As an installer you work at other people’s establishments. Stay out of areas and thing not related to you job Always ask before touching, moving, or using Bomb Scares –Do not leave tools or packages behind

18 18 Angry/threatening Customers The customer is most important –delight the customer –if you cannot bring them to your supervisor explain the problem ask permission to be excused

19 19 Post Test True/False (Part 1) List your answers on Answer Sheet Lift heavy objects by bending over. Power tools can be used by age 18 and older. You must ask for MSDS forms. It is OK to use a power tool with a missing ground pin. You should have Class A fire extinguishes.

20 20 Post Test True/False (Part 2) List your answers on Answer Sheet You do not have to report a small scratch. It is OK to block a doorway. Look in homeowners garage for a broom. Clothing requirements include sandals as OK footwear. Wash hands and face before eating lunch.

21 21 Post Test Answers Part 1 F T F Part 2 F T

22 22 Safety Web Resources Chemical Safety –WWW.MSDS.COM – carpets.htm Ergonomics – Proper Tools and Safety Equipment –

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