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 Communicable Disease. What is a communicable disease???  What do you think it is?  Disease-Any condition that interferes with the normal or proper.

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Presentation on theme: " Communicable Disease. What is a communicable disease???  What do you think it is?  Disease-Any condition that interferes with the normal or proper."— Presentation transcript:

1  Communicable Disease

2 What is a communicable disease???  What do you think it is?  Disease-Any condition that interferes with the normal or proper functioning of the body or mind.  Communicable Disease-Disease that can be spread to a person from another person, or animal.

3 What causes a communicable disease?  GERMS!!!  Germs-organisms that are so small you cant see them without a microscope.

4 Pathogens  What do you think germs cause?  Pathogens-Germs that causes disease  Simple enough???  What do pathogens lead too?

5 INFECTIONS   Infections happens when:  1. Pathogens enter body  2. multiply  Cause illness  So What happens if body cant fight off the pathogens??  You become Sick :/

6 Types of pathogens  1. viruses  2. Bacteria  3. Fungi

7 Virus  Virus-small and simplest pathogen  Quick Review: What are pathogens??  Viruses causes mainly upper respiratory infections. Viruses include: Cold, influenza, pneumonia, chicken pox

8 Bacteria  Some bacteria are actually helpful!  They help digest food  Some live on skin and prevent infections.  Some bacteria is harmful and could cause:  Strep throat  Most foodborne illnesses

9 Fungi  Fungi is mainly consists of mold, yeast, mushrooms.  Fungi lives in warm temperature  Most are harmless but some are harmful  Harmful fungi could cause athletes foot.


11 How are pathogens spread???

12 Direct Contact  Some pathogens spread directly from one person to another.  Ex. Person who has pink eye may wipe their eye and then shake hands.  Wash hands!!

13 Indirect Contact

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