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A large group of diseases characterized by the uncontrolled growth and spread of abnormal cells. 1500 people a day die from cancer in the US!

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Presentation on theme: "A large group of diseases characterized by the uncontrolled growth and spread of abnormal cells. 1500 people a day die from cancer in the US!"— Presentation transcript:

1 A large group of diseases characterized by the uncontrolled growth and spread of abnormal cells. 1500 people a day die from cancer in the US!

2  What is mitosis?  What is the nucleus to the cell?  What is apoptosis?  How many cells are in the body on average?  How many new cells are developed each day?  What is neoplasm? Additional Video explaining Cancer.

3  Benign – noncancerous, generally harmless unless the growth obstructs or crowds out normal tissue.  Malignant – cancerous, grows rapidly and invades other tissues disrupting normal tissue.  Metastasis – when a malignant tumor cell spreads into other tissue in the body.

4  What are the main chemicals that plants need to grow large and have good color?  Are these the only chemicals that we need in our bodies?  Chemicals fertilizers vs. “Organic” natural fertilizers?

5  A cancer causing agent.  Carcinogens may increase the risk of cancer by altering cellular metabolism or damaging DNA directly in the cells, which interferes with the biological process, and induces the uncontrolled, malignant division, ultimately leading to the formation of tumors.  Examples: Arsenic, asbestos, radon, lead, UV radiation.  Found in UV Rays, tar in cigarettes and cigarette smoke, radiation, pesticides, indoor air that is not circulated with fresh outside air (contains a much higher level of gases and chemicals), gasoline and diesel exhaust.

6 Lifestyle Factors  Being overweight or obese and having a sedentary lifestyle.  Tobacco, alcohol, and drug use.  Diet Biological Factors  Genetics – most cancers seem to be some what genetic.  Reproduction Hormones – things that are related to a higher level of estrogen increase breast cancer  Infections – most notably STDs, HPV and cervical cancer, Hepatitis B and C. Environmental Factors  Radiations – X rays, radon gas, UV rays, etc.  Occupational Exposure – asbestos, chemicals, uranium, etc.

7 Skin Cancer - Most Common Cancer  Ultraviolet rays are the primary cause along with tanning beds. Where dying from skin cancer has never been so cool. Does having a tan protect you from skin cancer? NO!!!  High Risk Individuals  Spend a lot of time in the sun  Light skin, eyes, hair  What to look for  A symmetry: one half of mole does not match other half  B order irregularity: edges of mole are uneven  C olor: pigmentation is not uniform  D iameter: Moles should not be larger than 6 millimeters in diameter

8 How Do I Prevent Skin Cancer  Avoid the sun.  Wear properly applied sun screen over 15 spf.  Wear a shade hat and long clothing.  Food  Hot Peppers - contain a chemical called capsaicin, which gives them their bite. In cancer cells this induces a state of apoptosis, a process also referred to as programmed cell death. Basically hot peppers induce cancer cells to commit suicide.  Nuts- one of the best food sources of selenium, a vitamin that improves the efficiency with which DNA recovers following exposure to damaging free radicals. Nuts also contain high amounts of omega-3 fatty acids, which block a protein that has a natural sensitivity to carcinogens. Brazil nuts and walnuts tend to be the healthiest on this front, but all nuts contain both of these cancer-fighting nutrients.

9  More Fish, Less Chicken - Studies have found a surprising difference in how omega-3 fatty acids and omega-6 fatty acids influence the development of cancerous tumors in the body. In short, eat more fish (high in omega-3 fatty acids) and less chicken (high in omega-6 fatty acids).  Tea with Lemon - Green and black tea drinkers--those who drink at least two cups a day--will have a better chance at warding off skin cancer, according to the European Journal of Cancer Prevention. Teas, which are high in antioxidants and fight the development of cancer cells, make a difference, as does that little slice of lemon, which is also high in antioxidants.  Tomatoes - one of the only natural foods rich in lycopene, one of the strongest antioxidants available. Lycopene triggers enzymes in the body and around the cells that neutralize carcinogens and allow them to be quickly excreted from the body, especially if the diet contains a lot of fiber. Processing and turning tomatoes into sauce--marinara, ketchup--greatly increases the amount of lycopene per serving

10 Other Cancers of Great Concern  Breast Cancer  Female Reproductive Tract Cancers  Male Reproductive Tract Cancer  Colon Cancer  Pancreatic Cancer

11 How Can You Reduce Your Chance of Cancer  See Tools for Change pg. 218  Video Forward Way of Thinking of Treating Cancer Video Forward Way of Thinking of Treating Cancer  Regular screening  Avoid sharing needles from drug use, as well as piercing.  Do Not SMOKE!!!!  Aerobic exercise decreases breast cancer.  Limit animal fat (bad fat) and red meat.  Eat more dark green foods.  Avoid STDs with vaccines and protected sex.  Avoid 10am-4pm peak sunlight.  Drinking green tea.  Keeping hormone balance.  Drink plenty of water.  Vitamin D from 15 minutes.  Avoid unnatural hormones.  Avoiding pesticide and chemicals.

12   Study showing the affects of protein on cancer growth.   Information that can help you plan a diet the reduces you chances of cancer.

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