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Solving Nuclear Waste Issues. Introduction of the Issue Uranium is a naturally occurring rock! It can be found in the southwest United States. It is used.

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Presentation on theme: "Solving Nuclear Waste Issues. Introduction of the Issue Uranium is a naturally occurring rock! It can be found in the southwest United States. It is used."— Presentation transcript:

1 Solving Nuclear Waste Issues

2 Introduction of the Issue Uranium is a naturally occurring rock! It can be found in the southwest United States. It is used to power nuclear reactors. Open Pit Uranium Mine In Uravan, Colorado

3 The Problem (History) As a rock, Uranium is harmless. People live around Uranium, drink water that flows over Uranium, and breathe air that circulates around Uranium However, when uranium is mined and processed, it can be used for nuclear reactors, and then turns into nuclear waste called DEPLETED URANIUM

4 Depleted Uranium U-238 (HISTORY) Depleted Uranium is valued because of its very high density. Civilian uses include counterweights in aircraft, radiation shielding in medical radiation therapy and industrial radiography equipment, and containers used to transport radioactive materials.densityradiation therapyradiography Military uses include defensive armor plate and armor-piercing projectiles. armor-piercingprojectiles Depleted Uranium Bullet

5 Is Nuclear Waste Harmful? (ISSUE) Many countries argue that using depleted uranium in war causes health effects such as kidney damage, birth defects, and radiation poisoning Other countries argue that since the level of radiation in the depleted uranium is less than the radiation in unmined (natural) radiation, the health effects of depleted uranium are negligible.

6 Uranium has been mined to act as an efficient radioactive fuel to heat water in nuclear power plants. Nuclear plants use only one ISOTOPE of Uranium, U- 235. Only about 1% of all uranium is U-235 That means that 99% of the mined uranium is left over. This is U-238 and called DEPLETED URANIUM Steam from the cooling towers of a nuclear plant CAUSES OF THE PROBLEM

7 Major Cause nuclear weapons are effective in wartime situations because of their density (more dense than lead) nuclear weapons can easily penetrate tanks, armored vehicles, and other highly protected areas Military force is necessary in war

8 Here in Lemont, Argonne National Laboratory houses an old Nuclear reactor. This reactor was used in the development and production of nuclear Weapons for World War II. THE ISSUE IN LEMONT

9 Argonne National Laboratory was the major research Laboratory that helped designed the first atomic bomb used to end World War II. Lemont area residents live next to this old reactor and some of the radiation that still exists from its use. THE ISSUE IN LEMONT

10 Argonne works with local agencies such as the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, and the University of Chicago to make sure that radiation levels are safe for the community. MAJOR AGENCIES

11 Argonne National Laboratory, in conjunction with the U.S. Department of Energy, has worked for the last 60 years to make sure that any radiation that is produced or radiation that has remained since developing the atomic bomb Is safe and isolated from workers and the community. SOLUTIONS

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