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Written by Ed Young Cyberlesson by Norma Cierto Grade Level: Pre-Kindergarten.

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1 Written by Ed Young Cyberlesson by Norma Cierto Grade Level: Pre-Kindergarten

2 Have you ever imagined how life would be without eyes? In this book you will learn about seven blind mice who due to lack of the sense of sight, used the sense of touch to discover a strange “something” in their pond by exploring during seven days.

3 Materials Seven Blind Mice book Computer Answering charts Construction paper Worksheet papers Pencils, crayons,scissors,glue etc. A empty box and different shape and texture objects: sponge, pencil, eraser, puppet, icepack, book, markers, apple, ball, rock, etc.

4 Before Reading Look at the cover illustration, listen to the title of the book, and make predictions. Then discuss with your partner: what will the story be about? Take a picture walk through the story and make predictions (children will participate predicting by answering questions orally and teacher will record the answers on the chart) and the students will also make pictures of their predictions. Do you see the pictures? What color are them? How do you know it? What sense did you use to know it? Click on the eye to listen to a five senses song

5 During Reading Activity for whole group: Reading strategies: I will read the story, show the pictures and make questions to the children in each passage of the story. While reading, think about the characters and what they did in each passage. What do the pictures look like? What did the mouse think he found? Was it really a snake? What was it really? What day did it happen ? What color was the character? Did he use the sense of sight? why not? What sense did the mouse use to investigate? What other sense could he have use to explore it? What was the strange thing? Click on the mouse to learn about five senses

6 After Reading Two Comprehension activities for small group 1.- Retell the story by decorating the elephant. Glue the elephant picture in a construction paper. Decorate the elephant with the mice, remember what part of the elephant they discovered in each passage of the story. For example “red mouse goes on elephant’s feet” because he discovered it. what part of the elephant does green mouse go on ? what part of elephant does yellow one go on ? what part of elephant does purple mouse go on? what part of the elephant does orange mouse go on? what part of elephant does blue mouse go on what part of elephant does white mouse go on? Click on the elephant to print your picture

7 Name:Date:

8 The Seven Mice

9 After Reading (continued) 2.- Guessing box You have already learned that without the sense of sight, people’s life would be difficult. But we still can use our other senses to experience things around us. Imagine that you are blind like the seven mice of the story and your classmate (Jalen). Blindfolded, try to identify the objects contained into the box. Click on the mice to print the blindfolding answer chart

10 Guessing chart student ’s name

11 Beyond Reading Did you enjoy this story? Would you like to know more about blindness? Watch the video and then write a letter to your friend with visual impairment. Enjoy it! Click on the boy to open the website

12 Rubric Student AssignmentScore 3Score 2Score 1 comprehension: What did the seven blind mice discovered on each day? (decorating the elephant) correctly record all 7 things discovered by the seven mice. correctly record 4 to 6 things discovered by the seven mice. correctly record 3 or less things discovered by the seven mice. Knowledge Demonstrate understanding of the importance of the sense of sight in our life and how people can use the sense of touch when the sense of sight is absent.(guessing box) Identify all 8 items contained in the “guessing box “. Identify 4 to 7 items contained in the “guessing box” Identify 3 or less items contained in the “guessing box”

13 Credits 1.- Websites: pdf pdf ed ed 2. Text: Seven Blind Mice by ED Young 3. Graphics: most of the graphics were taken from the clip art gallery of Microsoft. ENUS292&q=seven+blind+mice&&sa=N&start=105&ndsp=21 ENUS292&q=seven+blind+mice&&sa=N&start=105&ndsp=21 GLQ_ENUS292&=&q=seven%20blind%20mice&um=1&ie=UTF- 8&sa=N&tab=wi GLQ_ENUS292&=&q=seven%20blind%20mice&um=1&ie=UTF- 8&sa=N&tab=wi

14 Teacher’s Page I will do this Cyberlesson in four parts. The first day I will do introduction to the class about the five senses and before reading activities, on second day I will do the during reading activities, third day, after reading first part and fourth day, after reading second part and beyond reading.

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