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Unlocking Potential presented by Lauren Avery & Hilary Burns Visual Model for 1:1 What’s the alternative?

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Presentation on theme: "Unlocking Potential presented by Lauren Avery & Hilary Burns Visual Model for 1:1 What’s the alternative?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Unlocking Potential presented by Lauren Avery & Hilary Burns Visual Model for 1:1 What’s the alternative?

2 "Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid." Albert Einstein

3 1.Who are we? 2.What brought us here? 3.What are we here to do?

4 Workshop Proposal Workshop begins with a 20 minute film of a student’s (and Specialist Tutor's) voyage through his undergraduate degree and the development of an alternative learning methodology to support a strong visual spatial ability… …a student who learns holistically, processing primarily in pictures then words; not linear, sequential. Participants will be invited to discuss the pros and cons of this approach and consider the viability of film as a form of alternative assessment?”

5 “The results obtained indicate that Chris has a severe specific learning difficulty (dyslexia) associated with reading, spelling, speed of working and the organisation of written work.” Assessment Profile

6 Lauren’s Methodology p.1 1st year: turning his written brief into a visual one, also visual mind maps for his lecture notes and log book. 2nd year: Research sessions – Chris would make initial mind maps on A1 then edit and structure into storyboards on A2. These research sessions were filmed which enabled Chris to edit from his reflections. We learnt from the 2nd year that reading back written words on his storyboards blocked him.

7 Lauren’s Methodology p.2 3rd year: The A2 storyboards were reduced to a series of A4 chapters in a coherent structure for 'reading'. Chris now drew symbols which served as his memory prompts for recalling and applying theory. Chris was filmed 'reading' his chapters over one day at a time in order not to overload him.

8 Chris 'reading' his storyboard

9 Confronting Challenges Please consider the following as you watch – implications for your own practice implications for inclusive practice implications for your institution FILM Post-film In groups, please discuss the challenges that you think might arise within your practice.

10 Confronting Challenges in the following areas? Assessor 1:1 Tutor Institution Student

11 “I really think that this film should be made available to a wide audience. I know that there would be a lot of interest. The technique that is used will be innovative for many, whilst at the same time being relatively simple. I am sure that there are other students who would benefit from this approach.” Dr. Caroline Davies, Consultant, IMPACT Associates Reflections on A Visual Dissertation

12 “The way that the film shows Chris' potential being unlocked is compelling. It also shows very graphically that someone who could have been regarded as a 'hopeless case' and not suitable for an HE course, could be transformed and could achieve his dream.” Dr. Caroline Davies, IMPACT Associates. Reflections on A Visual Dissertation

13 “Chris developed a confidence that was completely lacking at the start of his university study. He informs me that he continues to use this storyboard method to work out ideas, plan projects and in preparation to communicate with others about his artworks and exhibitions. It was wonderful to watch him grow from feeling unable and unhappy within his academic practice to a motivated, confident and creative student, who has gone on to be a very successful artist.” Lauren Avery (2012)

14 Reflections on A Visual Dissertation “In principle, we found that the assessment criteria were quite easy to move from one medium to another.” “The discussion of the quotations, and the use that's made of them in relation to the research question, is extremely important... there really isn't any reason why this can't be assessed in a visual documentary…. the more convinced I become that a well-made filmed documentary is a near-perfect equivalent of a written dissertation. ” Dr. Angeline Morrison, OU.

15 Reflections on A Visual Dissertation “It's particularly easy to pack as much detail, thorough research, convincing argument and good examples into a filmed documentary dissertation as it is to do so with a written dissertation.” Dr. Angeline Morrison, OU.

16 Host Institutional response MA TV production reframed their long project to include an appropriate multi-media application to the final project (so not standard dissertation). BA Film use blogs and critical incident reviews to engage with research and critical reflection. Caroline Cash, Course Leader, PGCHE, University College Falmouth (2012)

17 Elsewhere… “A number of people have seen your film and the general consensus is ‘blimey’. The transformation in the student is obviously radical and worthy of enormous praise to yourself and the flexible systems at Falmouth that allowed such progress to be made.” Jim Campbell Senior Lecturer The Arts Institute at Bournemouth.

18 SPACE Project… The research by Plymouth University on assessment.

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