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Developing Our Alumni Chapters to Become Change Makers in Our Communities.

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Presentation on theme: "Developing Our Alumni Chapters to Become Change Makers in Our Communities."— Presentation transcript:

1 Developing Our Alumni Chapters to Become Change Makers in Our Communities

2 Objectives We will make the business case why our alumni chapters are vital to our communities which we live. We will discover ways and develop plans to become an impact alumni chapter in your community. Discuss creative strategies for continued engagement with government and civic leaders, university officials, corporate and community leaders.

3 Norms  Be Open  Treat others with RESPECT  Honor Confidentiality  Listen Actively  Participate at own comfort level  OUCH AND EDUCATE  Ask Questions  Share Talking Time  Have Fun

4 “Everything in life is 5 percent idea and 95 percent implementation”

5 Who Are You? Branding assessment – Who are you (NOTE: you must be everything locally that Sigma is nationally!) – How do you think you look? – How do others see you? – How do you close the gap between the two perceptions?

6 Who Are You? Branding assessment – How you ‘define yourself’ – How you distinguish yourself from the competition

7 Chapter’s Branding Materials Branding assessment – Are your local images acceptable to the national organization? – Who are you trying to reach? – What are you trying to say? – What is your tone in saying it? – Review and Revise what you say to keep it fresh

8 Your Message You can’t say it all You can’t be all things to all people Determine if your message will – Announce (establish brand) – Invoke Action (selling tickets) – Educate (solidify brand) – Clarify (emergency marketing)

9 Launch Points TV/Radio – Interviews – News Segments – PSA’s – Advertising

10 Launch Points Print Media – The Press Release – PSA’s – Feature Article – Advertising – Chapter Letterhead – Chapter Photos

11 Launch Points Most Accessible – THE COMPUTER – Web Sites – List Serves – Blogs – Emails – Evites, Constant Contact – Social Network Media

12 REMEMBER You represent a national organization Represent  ’s ideals Respect and honor  ’s rules of representation Short and to the point Review and revise Balance your use of technologies for the best chapter mix

13 REMEMBER Is your information relevant? Newsworthy? Dated? Start lead-ins STRONG, POWERFUL Write for the media Stick to facts (unless a feature)

14 REMEMBER Pick an angle and voice from which to speak and remain consistent Active, not passive voice Word economy (K.I.S.S. – keep it short, stupid) Minimize jargon, frat talk (unless you are ONLY speaking to greeks) DO NOT USE UPPER CASE EXCLUSIVELY

15 FINALLY Competition exists for ALL communication All information is NOT always picked-up and carried You can pay for professional placements It takes TIME to get news INTO the news

16 Why Do We Serve Humanity?

17 Bigger & Better Business Education Social Action Sigma Wellness The Fraternity’s Program Brand of Service to Humanity Civic Responsibility Personal Mission Cultural Responsibility Privileged Responsibility Faith Networking and Social Engagement National Visibility Program Consistency Reporting & Accountability Key Service Principles

18 Program Sponsorship Elevates our National Presence Leadership & Life Skill Development for Brotherhood Relationships Working Together


20 Centralized Giving Alumni: Through fundraising or earmarked funds each alumni chapter donates $500 to the Foundation. Collegiate: Through fundraising or earmarked funds each collegiate chapter donates $300. 234 x $500$117,000321x $300$96,300 $213,000 Planned and Other Giving: This is Giving based on individual donations from chapters(individuals in chapters), fundraising for Foundation and estate planning gifts. A very conservative estimate of averaged giving is used to illustrate the potential. Vision Casting

21 A Creative Suggestion


23 Crossing Path Event Planning Steps Event Components

24 Key Reminder for a Successful Event 1Event should be plan a minimum of 90 days in advance 2Perform phone survey with inactive brothers. Invite to Crossing Path Event 3Send special invitation to each in-active brother. 4Engage collegiate members 5Develop a theme or area of focus for your chapter’s Crossing Path Event. 6Select community agency, academic institution, or government agency that you will invite to participate in Crossing Path Event. Send formal invitations. Follow up with email, and telephone calls.

25 Creating an Excellent On Site Registration 1Generate a Contact List from attendee information 2Create ID Badges for all guests to promote networking and comfort 3Develop Press Kits/Info. Packets (Different versions for each group) 4Develop Registration Area – 2 tables (Sign-up & Information) 5Create a Open Business Card Drawing located @ Registration Table 6Ensure Committee Members are assigned to serve as host at doors and registration table. 7Create a Presentation (Pictorial Slides) to display activities of Sigma in your communities.

26 The Program 1Introductions (Address attendees as a group – Business leaders, Government Officials, etc.) 2Ensure Greetings from Key Leaders and Guest 3Include the occasion and purpose of Crossing Paths Event 4Present Official Fraternity Video 5Select Speaker that will be compatible to Sigma goals and vision 6Develop a script 7Ensure you focus on Fraternity’s strategic community initiative.

27 Create Information Kit for targeted re- activating members & Non-Members Components: Crescent magazine Fraternity’s Program Marketing Brochures and/or One Pagers Fraternity Fact Sheet Fraternity’s Mission and Focus Sheet Information about hosting chapter and local chapter leadership Chapter Presidential Greeting Message Notable Sigmas Marketing Sheet

28 Awards and Presentations Present awards to community leaders and/or community organizations in the areas of social justice, economic empowerment or education. Ensure you engage the Fraternity’s Strategic Community Partners: March of Dimes, American Cancer Society, CDC member organizations, i.e.…Local Health Departments. Present special recognition to local collegiate and high school students for academic excellence

29 “Everything in life is 5 percent idea and 95 percent implementation”

30 “A Vision without action is just a fantasy”

31 Tools for Implementation Sample Program Sample Promotional Flyer Sample Letter of Invitation Sample Letter of Greetings Sample Program Script Sample Questionnaire\Survey for Inactive Brothers Project Planning Tools Linkage and Accountability Grid

32 The Action Plan – Creating Your Chapter’s Legacy

33 Developing Our Alumni Chapters to Become Change Makers in Our Communities

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