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♫ Turn on your speakers! ♫ Turn on your speakers! CLICK TO ADVANCE SLIDES From The Heart Of A Saint From The Heart Of A Saint.

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2 ♫ Turn on your speakers! ♫ Turn on your speakers! CLICK TO ADVANCE SLIDES From The Heart Of A Saint From The Heart Of A Saint

3 How brief is our span of life compared with the time since You created the universe. How brief is our span of life compared with the time since You created the universe.

4 How tiny we are compared with the enormity of Your universe. How tiny we are compared with the enormity of Your universe.

5 How trivial are our concerns compared with the complexity of Your universe. How trivial are our concerns compared with the complexity of Your universe.

6 How stupid we are compared with the genius of Your creation. How stupid we are compared with the genius of Your creation.

7 Yet during every minute and every second of our lives You are present, within and around us. Yet during every minute and every second of our lives You are present, within and around us.

8 You give Your attention to each and every one of us. Our concerns are Your concerns. And You are infinitely patient with our stupidity. You give Your attention to each and every one of us. Our concerns are Your concerns. And You are infinitely patient with our stupidity.

9 I thank You with all my heart, knowing that my thanks are worthless compared to Your greatness. I thank You with all my heart, knowing that my thanks are worthless compared to Your greatness. —St. Fulbert Of Chartres (960–1028) —St. Fulbert Of Chartres (960–1028)

10 Dear Jesus, I’m so nothing compared to Your greatness and feel so unworthy of Your amazing love. Thank you for creating me and for wanting to be part of my life. I open my heart to You now. Please forgive my wrongs, change my life, and help me to love others with Your love. Amen. “For in Him (Jesus) dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily.” (Colossians 2:9) “For in Him (Jesus) dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily.” (Colossians 2:9) PRAYER: IF YOU LIKED THIS MESSAGE PLEASE PASS IT ON! IF YOU LIKED THIS MESSAGE PLEASE PASS IT ON! www.tommyswindow.comFor more PowerPoint messages click here:

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