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Independent Study French. Écrivez en anglais. Write on a piece of paper and hand in.. Je finis mes devoirs tous les jours. Il est furieux parce qu’il.

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Presentation on theme: "Independent Study French. Écrivez en anglais. Write on a piece of paper and hand in.. Je finis mes devoirs tous les jours. Il est furieux parce qu’il."— Presentation transcript:

1 Independent Study French

2 Écrivez en anglais. Write on a piece of paper and hand in.. Je finis mes devoirs tous les jours. Il est furieux parce qu’il attend Marie depuis deux heures. Elle porte une robe verte avec des collants roses. Je mange le déjeuner à deux heures et demie. Tu vas au centre-commercial pour choisir un chien demain?

3 In your textbook, look up the present tense endings of these regular verbs. Write the on paper and hand them in. Parler Finir Attendre

4 Current Events Visit the website above. Summarize a current event in France in one paragraph, in English.

5 BBC: Ma France This series will help your pronunciation greatly. Visit this link: flash/# You will need headphones. They are in the closet in the front of the room. Work through the videos. You should spend at least 15 minutes on this site a day. Log what you completed.

6 History Write a paragraph that answers the following questions: What are Les Caves de Lascaux? Where are they located? Why are they important? What do they tell us about early French history? Can you visit / see them today?

7 Project 1 Create a Powerpoint presentation on one of the regions in France

8 You must have the following slides: Slide #1 Title Slide -should contain the name of the region and a picture of the map, with an arrow pointing to the region. Slides # 2-5 -should consist of places of interest that a tourist would like to visit. You must have a picture for each. Slide #6 -Describe the historical significance of the region.

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