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Legumes Beans & Peas Fr. Haricots, pois; It. Fagioli Pods with a single row of seeds Fresh & Dried (Pulses) Edible and Non-Edible Pods In French, “Legume”

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Presentation on theme: "Legumes Beans & Peas Fr. Haricots, pois; It. Fagioli Pods with a single row of seeds Fresh & Dried (Pulses) Edible and Non-Edible Pods In French, “Legume”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Legumes Beans & Peas Fr. Haricots, pois; It. Fagioli Pods with a single row of seeds Fresh & Dried (Pulses) Edible and Non-Edible Pods In French, “Legume” is an Vegetable Session Four CHRM 1110 Vegetable, Starch & Protein Basics

2 Know Your Beans High in protein, High in fiber, and the essential amino acid, lysine. The fiber and sugar in beans is not easily digested. Beans fix nitrogen in the soil… The “Three-Sisters” Session Four CHRM 1110 Vegetable, Starch & Protein Basics

3 Fresh Beans Edible Pods – Aka Green, String, Runner and Snap Beans Tough (Inedible) Pods – Flageolets, Lima, Fava (broad) Beans Session Four CHRM 1110 Vegetable, Starch & Protein Basics

4 Haricot Verts Fr. “Green Bean” Longer and more tender than green beans. More Complex Flavor Session Four CHRM 1110 Vegetable, Starch & Protein Basics

5 Dried Beans Mature beans, dried Most Need Soaking – Ex. Lentils Some are processed into flour or bean curd – Ex. Soybeans Session Four CHRM 1110 Vegetable, Starch & Protein Basics

6 Soaking Dried Beans Sort Rinse Cover with 3X COLD Water Soak Overnight Discard Water Session Four CHRM 1110 Vegetable, Starch & Protein Basics

7 Quick Soak Method Sort & Rinse Boil for 2 Minutes Remove from Heat and Soak for 1 hour Drain and discard soaking liquid Session Four CHRM 1110 Vegetable, Starch & Protein Basics

8 Fresh Shelling Peas Quickly lose flavor Most are frozen or canned English or Garden Peas French “Petit Pois” Soy Beans (Japanese, “Edamame”) Session Four CHRM 1110 Vegetable, Starch & Protein Basics

9 Edible Pea Pods Snow (Chinese) Peas Sugar Snap Peas Session Four CHRM 1110 Vegetable, Starch & Protein Basics

10 Okra Gumbo Aids thickening Session Four CHRM 1110 Vegetable, Starch & Protein Basics

11 GOURDS & SQUASHES Session Three CHRM 1110 Vegetable, Starch & Protein Basics

12 Merliton or Chayote Session Three CHRM 1110 Vegetable, Starch & Protein Basics V. Starchy V. Bland Can be used Raw Or, better Cooked

13 Cucumbers Session Three CHRM 1110 Vegetable, Starch & Protein Basics 2 Types Pickling Slicing Seedless, Hothouse or English Cucumber Green, Lemon & Pickling Waxing to preserve

14 Squashes Winter vs. Summer – Winter Varieties are Cooked – Summer may be eaten Raw Squash Blossoms (raw or battered & deep- fried) Session Three CHRM 1110 Vegetable, Starch & Protein Basics

15 Winter Squashes Session Three CHRM 1110 Vegetable, Starch & Protein Basics

16 Summer Squashes Session Three CHRM 1110 Vegetable, Starch & Protein Basics

17 MUSHROOMS & TRUFFLES Session Three CHRM 1110 Vegetable, Starch & Protein Basics

18 Mushrooms Fresh, Dried or Canned Raw and Most Cooking Methods Store Cool and Dry…in cardboard box or paper bag!!! Beware of true Wild Mushrooms, Purchase from reliable purveyor. Session Three CHRM 1110 Vegetable, Starch & Protein Basics

19 Portabella & Crimini Portabella are oversized Criminis Portabella…can be used as a meat or “steak” Substitute Session Three CHRM 1110 Vegetable, Starch & Protein Basics

20 Shiitake Mushrooms  Stems are inedible  Soak Dried in warm water for 10-20 minutes Session Three CHRM 1110 Vegetable, Starch & Protein Basics

21 Morels Should be Cooked (Mild Toxins) Dirt S. France Cuisine Session Three CHRM 1110 Vegetable, Starch & Protein Basics

22 Porcini or Cèpe Italian Cuisine and Worldwide Dried or Fresh Raw or Cooked Session Three CHRM 1110 Vegetable, Starch & Protein Basics

23 Chanterelles or Black Trumpet Same Family Highly Prized if French Cuisine Session Three CHRM 1110 Vegetable, Starch & Protein Basics

24 Oyster Mushrooms Prized in Asian Cuisine & Medicinally Session Three CHRM 1110 Vegetable, Starch & Protein Basics

25 Hen of the Woods or Maitake American and Japanese Cuisine Asian Medicine Session Three CHRM 1110 Vegetable, Starch & Protein Basics

26 TRUFFLES Session Three CHRM 1110 Vegetable, Starch & Protein Basics

27 Truffles Tubers that grow near Oak Trees $$$Black (Périgord) & $$$$White (Piedmontese) Varieties $100’s to $1,000’s of Dollars per Pound Fresh, dried, canned, & processed (in oil) Don’t confuse with Chocolate “Truffles” Session Three CHRM 1110 Vegetable, Starch & Protein Basics

28 White Truffle $330,000 Session Three CHRM 1110 Vegetable, Starch & Protein Basics

29 Black Truffles, 2 oz. $192 Session Three CHRM 1110 Vegetable, Starch & Protein Basics

30 SALADS Session Eight CHRM 1110 Vegetable, Starch & Protein Basics

31 Salad Greens Green, red yellow & brown in color Leafy Vegetables Lettuces Chicory And Other Greens… Session Eight CHRM 1110 Vegetable, Starch & Protein Basics

32 Boston vs. Iceberg Softer, buttery Crisp, holds well Session Eight CHRM 1110 Vegetable, Starch & Protein Basics

33 Leaf Lettuce vs. Romaine Does not ship well Red & green types Crisp, holds well Holds up heavy dressings Session Eight CHRM 1110 Vegetable, Starch & Protein Basics

34 Baby Lettuces Or “Mesclun” from Fr. “mescla” to mix. Immature varieties of various lettuces Orig. Provence Delicate Session Eight CHRM 1110 Vegetable, Starch & Protein Basics

35 Micro Greens Smaller than Baby Lettuces Includes, kale, lettuce, spinach, carrot, etc V. Fragile…Expensive Garnish Session Eight CHRM 1110 Vegetable, Starch & Protein Basics

36 Chicory & Bitter Greens Most Slightly Bitter Hearty and can be cooked, grilled or braise Session Eight CHRM 1110 Vegetable, Starch & Protein Basics

37 Belgian Endive Shoot of Chicory Root Also a purple-tipped var. Grown shaded Very Bitter when Green Session Eight CHRM 1110 Vegetable, Starch & Protein Basics

38 Curly Endive (Frisée) Also a Chicory Session Eight CHRM 1110 Vegetable, Starch & Protein Basics

39 Escarole Also a Chicory Session Eight CHRM 1110 Vegetable, Starch & Protein Basics

40 Radicchio Looks like a small red cabbage Braised or grilled Used in Cold Salads As a base for cold salads Session Eight CHRM 1110 Vegetable, Starch & Protein Basics

41 Arugula or “Rocket” Cabbage Family Sim. To Dandelion Greens Spicy and Peppery Use small (tender) leaves Session Eight CHRM 1110 Vegetable, Starch & Protein Basics

42 Dandelion Greens Yes, the weed Use fresh or cooked Use small leaves, tender and less bitter Session Eight CHRM 1110 Vegetable, Starch & Protein Basics

43 Mâche or Lamb’s Lettuce V. Tender & Delicate Slightly nutty flavor Pair with other delicate greens and light vinaigrette Session Eight CHRM 1110 Vegetable, Starch & Protein Basics

44 Sorrel Tart & Lemony Sim. To Spinach Salads, soups, sauces and purées Session Eight CHRM 1110 Vegetable, Starch & Protein Basics

45 Spinach Flat-Leaf and Curly or “Savoy” for cooking Session Eight CHRM 1110 Vegetable, Starch & Protein Basics

46 Sprouts Not Salad Greens but… Baby alfalfa, mung bean, daikon or mustard plants Daikon and Mustard can be peppery Session Eight CHRM 1110 Vegetable, Starch & Protein Basics

47 Edible Flowers Edible…pesticide free Edible and for Garnish Nasturtiums, calendulas, pansies, cucumber flowers, & Squash blossoms Use only “edible” flowers Session Eight CHRM 1110 Vegetable, Starch & Protein Basics

48 Fresh Herbs Basil Thyme Tarragon Oregano Dill Cilantro Marjoram Mint Sage Savory Rosemary Session Eight CHRM 1110 Vegetable, Starch & Protein Basics

49 Nutrition: Greens No Fat Low Calorie High in Vitamins A, C, Iron & Fiber Dressings tend to make most salads high in fat and calories Session Eight CHRM 1110 Vegetable, Starch & Protein Basics

50 Purchasing & Storage Most packed in Cases of 24 heads Precut & Prewashed also – More expensive – Saves labor costs Store between 34˚F and 38˚F (Other veg at 40˚F-50˚F) Do Not Cut or Wash in Advance Do Not store with tomatoes, apples or fruits) Session Eight CHRM 1110 Vegetable, Starch & Protein Basics

51 To Tear or Cut? Tearing looks better and holds better Cutting saves time (and labor) Cab use small scissors for small greens Remove tough ribs/stems from romaine, spinach, etc. Session Eight CHRM 1110 Vegetable, Starch & Protein Basics

52 Washing All Greens should be washed. Washed Greens should be dried completely. Session Eight CHRM 1110 Vegetable, Starch & Protein Basics

53 Vinaigrette Dressings Classic 3:1 Ratio Oil to Vinegar, temporary Emulsion. Can Vary with flavored oils or Acid Strength Juices and replace some or all vinegar Olive Oil and Red Wine Vine. Nut Oils with White Wine or Sherry Vine Neutral Oils, Canola, Grapeseed, corn, safflower Use Herbs, Spices, Shallots, Garlic, Mustard, Sugar and /or Honey Session Eight CHRM 1110 Vegetable, Starch & Protein Basics

54 Other Dressings Mayonnaise-Based Dressings – Mayo as a base – Nay include buttermilk, sour cream, vinegar, fruit juice, vegetables, tomato paste, garlic, onions, herbs, cheese, anchovies boiled eggs Emulsified Vinaigrettes – A standard vinaigrette with whole eggs as an emulsifier Session Eight CHRM 1110 Vegetable, Starch & Protein Basics

55 Types of Salads Green Tossed Salad Green Composed Salad Bound Salads Vegetable Salads Fruit Salads Marinated (á la grecque) Session Eight CHRM 1110 Vegetable, Starch & Protein Basics

56 Parts of a Composed salad. Base – Leaves that line the plate Body – Main Item Garnish Dressing Session Eight CHRM 1110 Vegetable, Starch & Protein Basics

57 Today’s Menu Each Group Choose One: 1) French Lentil Stew Spaghetti Squash with Spinach, Feta, Basil & White Beans 2) White Bean & Squash Curry West Indian Black Bean Stew with Squash Corn Bread 3) New Orleans BBQ Shrimp with Maque Choux and White Rice & Andouille Corn Pudding 4) Chickpea, Eggplant, and Tomato Tarts, Falafel & Pita Bread CHRM 1110 Vegetable, Starch & Protein Basics

58 French Lentil Stew, Spaghetti Squash with Spinach, Feta, Basil & White Beans CHRM 1110 Vegetable, Starch & Protein Basics

59 White Bean & Squash Curry West Indian Black Bean Stew with Squash CHRM 1110 Vegetable, Starch & Protein Basics

60 New Orleans BBQ Shrimp with Maque Choux and White Rice & Andouille Corn Pudding CHRM 1110 Vegetable, Starch & Protein Basics

61 Chickpea, Eggplant, and Tomato Tarts CHRM 1110 Vegetable, Starch & Protein Basics

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