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Field Bind Weed (Convolvulus sepium) Birdsfoot Trefoil (Convolvulus sepium)Armenian Blackberry (Rubus armenicus) Poison Hemlock (Conium maculatum) Pests.

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Presentation on theme: "Field Bind Weed (Convolvulus sepium) Birdsfoot Trefoil (Convolvulus sepium)Armenian Blackberry (Rubus armenicus) Poison Hemlock (Conium maculatum) Pests."— Presentation transcript:

1 Field Bind Weed (Convolvulus sepium) Birdsfoot Trefoil (Convolvulus sepium)Armenian Blackberry (Rubus armenicus) Poison Hemlock (Conium maculatum) Pests Clean Water Services

2 Pests Old Man’s Beard (Clematis vitalba)Policeman’s Helmet (Impatiens balsamorhiza) Yellow Flag Iris (Iris pseudacorus) English Holly (Ilex aquifolium) Clean Water Services

3 Pests Yellow Archangel (Lamiastrum galeobdolon)Lesser Celandine (Ranunculus ficaria) Garlic Mustard (Alliaria petiolata) Herb Robert (Geranium robertianum) Clean Water Services

4 Pests OSU Sea Grant

5 Pests

6 Herbicides Avoid if at all possible! Follow the label directions carefully Do not apply in standing water Try to stay above water-line in facilities Never apply when rain is forecasted Apply during calm weather, cool weather

7 Herbicide use: discretion of local jurisdiction Use herbicides only when a pest is uncontrollable by other, less toxic means.

8 Herbicides DON’T reach for herbicides at the first sign of a pest, make a plan! DON’T apply herbicides directly to water in a Water Quality Facility DO apply herbicides during dry weather (mostly June-September) DO apply herbicides when a pest is uncontrollable by other means

9 Irrigation P Plants are critical to the function of LID facilities Irrigation is essential for plant establishment and health EMSWCD

10 Irrigation P Irrigation especially important during establishment period (approx. 2 yrs) (true for native plants as well) Temporary irrigation fine for facilities with vegetation that can handle OR’s dry summers Pacific Sports Turf

11 Irrigation P High exposure areas can also require permanent Irrigation after the establishment period. Areas near pavement Vast areas of minimal shade or lots of wind exposure areas prone to drought or fire EMSWCD

12 Irrigation P Water Efficiency Hand watering and drip type irrigation systems are the most efficient irrigation methods. Adjusting the irrigation heads should be done as needed to ensure water is not wasted on hard surfaces. Avoid irrigating when the plants do not need water. Pacific Sports Turf

13 Irrigation P How to Irrigate Water must be applied in a manner that lets it percolate into the soils and not run off the surface. Hand watering- Put as much down as possible until water begins to migrate along surface. Then go to the next plant. Automated Systems Permanent Temporary Utilize several short watering times or cycle/soak. Pacific Sports Turf

14 Irrigation for Plant Establishment P 1 st Year Full irrigation schedule during the dry season to ensure good plant establishment. 2 nd Year Water less than previous year to encourage plants to adapt to local climate. 3 rd Year Should be little need for irrigation.

15 Irrigation P Do: Irrigate heavily but infrequently Water in the early morning or evening Automate if possible Check automated systems weekly during the heavy irrigation season Blow out any above ground system to winterize Don’t: Allow runoff Over water Allow overspray Irrigate when unnecessary

16 Soils USDA

17 Soils Healthy soils hold water, sediment, and pollutants Too much sediment (and compaction) will clog the system Regular maintenance will keep the facility working as designed City of Portland Environmental Services

18 Soils City of Portland Environmental Services

19 Soils Green Girl Land Development Solutions

20 Soils City of Portland Environmental Services

21 Soils Green Girl Land Development Solutions

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