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How to Write a Science Fair Proposal. I. TITLE State the name of your science fair experiment. Think of something catchy. No more than six words.

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Presentation on theme: "How to Write a Science Fair Proposal. I. TITLE State the name of your science fair experiment. Think of something catchy. No more than six words."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to Write a Science Fair Proposal

2 I. TITLE State the name of your science fair experiment. Think of something catchy. No more than six words.

3 II. PURPOSE – First sentence: What is your project about? Second sentence: One obvious fact about your experiment is stated here. Third sentence: What your experiment will show? Use 3rd person language when writing. Refer to yourself as “the experimenter.”

4 Example of a Purpose “This experiment aims to determine if the method of giving water to a plant affects the rate at which a plant grows. In order for a plant to perform photosynthesis, or grow, it is in need of water and light. This experiment will show whether the method of giving water to a plant will stimulate or slow the growth of the plant.”

5 III. HYPOTHESIS First sentence: “If…then” sentence statement. Second sentence and the rest of the paragraph answers the question “Why it will happen?”

6 Example of a Hypothesis “The experimenter hypothesizes that if a plant is given water through pouring it onto the soil, then it will stimulate the growth of the plant compared to having a mist sprayed upon the plant soil. Plants ingest water through the roots. Therefore, water must somehow be located near their roots. The experimenter hypothesizes that by pouring water on the soil, the plant will be able to soak up more water causing it to grow more rapidly.”

7 IV. MATERIALS - Determine the EXACT materials that will be used. Specify the brand. Be specific with amounts and express them in the metric system. Include any measuring instruments.

8 Example of a Material List Materials: - 1 2 liter bottle of Miracle Grow and cap - 1 liter of water - bottom of a protractor - 1 pot of coffee grounds - 12 packets of grass seeds - 1 500 milliliter beaker

9 V. PROCEDURE – Write the steps for the procedure in a chronological order. Write in the present tense or future tense. Make sketches if necessary.

10 Example of a Procedure Procedure: 1. Fill all plastic cups with soil to the same spot. 2. Label nine pots. Label the first three grass and water. Label the next three grass and coffee grounds. Label the last three grass and Miracle Grow. 3. Take 5 grams of grass seed and sprinkle them into all of the pots. 4. Pour 100 milliliters of water into all the pots.


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