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The Scramble for Africa. GEOGRAPHY OF AFRICA Continent – not a country Continent is three times larger than Europe Northern Africa – desert Sub-Saharan.

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Presentation on theme: "The Scramble for Africa. GEOGRAPHY OF AFRICA Continent – not a country Continent is three times larger than Europe Northern Africa – desert Sub-Saharan."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Scramble for Africa

2 GEOGRAPHY OF AFRICA Continent – not a country Continent is three times larger than Europe Northern Africa – desert Sub-Saharan Africa – diverse climates and topography

3 THE “DARK” CONTINENT “Dark Continent” – racist terminology referred to the people of Africa In reality, Africa has diverse groups of people with their own unique cultures and histories – Civilizations – Languages – Religions

4 FOREIGN HISTORY IN AFRICA Arab traders converted many North Africans to Islam Source of slaves for the Americas from the 17 th century

5 The “OPENING UP” OF AFRICA Mid-1800s Missionaries and explorers sparked foreign interest in Africa

6 DAVID LIVINGSTONE (1813-1873) Scottish missionary 1841-1873 – lived in central Africa – Explored Africa Named Lake Victoria after the British queen – Converted many Africans to Christianity – Wrote books on Africa which increased foreign interest

7 HENRY STANLEY (1841-1904) Welsh-American reporter Worked with Belgium’s King Leopold II and his African colonization company called the International African Society

8 KING LEOPOLD II OF BELGIUM (1835-1909) Took over land in central Africa – Leopold criticized for the cruelty of his rule in the Congo His actions started a European race for African colonies – “Scramble for Africa” – Diamonds, gold, ivory and rubber most important

9 BRITISH IN SOUTHERN AFRICA Boer War (1889-1892) Why? because gold was discovered there! – British won British took Cape Colony from the Dutch – Boers (Dutch colonists) moved north


11 BRITISH IN NORTHERN AFRICA Cape-to-Cairo Railroad – Railroad from South Africa to North Africa – Never completed

12 Cape-to-Cairo Railway: Crossing over Victoria Falls

13 AFRICANS IN AFRICA Only 2 independent African countries, everything else was colonized Ethiopia – Ruled by dynasty stretching back to at least the 1200’s Liberia – Formed by freed slaves under auspices of the United States government


15 REVIEW QUESTIONS 1.What led to the “Scramble for Africa”? 2.Which European nations controlled the most land in Africa? 3.Who led British imperialism in Africa? 4.Which African nations were left independent at the time of World War I?

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