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Presentation by Buddy Bealer. What we will cover Shell Starting points Three hard truths Two energy scenarios One preferred scenario New Energy Future.

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Presentation on theme: "Presentation by Buddy Bealer. What we will cover Shell Starting points Three hard truths Two energy scenarios One preferred scenario New Energy Future."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presentation by Buddy Bealer

2 What we will cover Shell Starting points Three hard truths Two energy scenarios One preferred scenario New Energy Future Energy Security Energy Diversity CO 2 management Energy efficiency Shell Foundation Envirofit

3 Shell – who we are Operate in over 100 countries Employ over 100,000 people Traded on stock exchanges –Amsterdam –London –New York More than 300 distribution facilities Largest retail network 45,000 stations Aviation fuel over 800 airports Sell more than 3000 lubricants

4 Three hard truths An era of fundamental transitions: Rising global energy demand Supply will struggle to keep pace Unsustainable CO 2 levels in atmosphere CO 2 SUPPLY DEMAND

5 Two energy scenarios Scramble A more reactive approach, first focusing on increasing energy supply and then facing the consequences later. Blueprints Difficult decisions are taken sooner rather than later, leading to revolutionary changes and a better balance of economic, human and environmental needs. SCRAMBLE BLUEPRINTS

6 One preferred approach: Blueprints In our view, the Blueprints approach offers the best hope for a sustainable future –The environmental, human and economic outcomes seen in Blueprints make for a more sustainable world Realizing a Blueprints scenario will not be easy, but we are working towards it… BLUEPRINTS

7 Towards a new energy future The energy world is in transition Fossil fuels will continue to be primary source of energy for many years to come – but we need to be more thoughtful about how we get and use them –Maintain supplies of fuels and power from fossil fuels until cleaner energy technologies become viable –In tandem, reduce greenhouse gas emissions as an urgent priority –Use energy more efficiently – do more with less and make energy conservation a way of life We must work together – governments, businesses, individuals – to make changes needed to secure a responsible energy future

8 Towards a new energy future: Shell’s role Coordinated action needed to address the three hard truths. At Shell we are focusing on: –Energy diversity –CO 2 management –Energy efficiency –McKinsey: Pathway to low carbon economy –Energy security

9 Shell Foundation Founded in 1990 $250 million endowment Independent Enterprise Based Programs –Aspire –Breathing Space –Trading Up –Embarq –Excelerate –Climate Change

10 Shell Foundation – Breathing Space Over 3 Billion cook with biomass indoors More than 1.5 Million die a year from IAP –More ½ children under 5 Market Driven Solution Partner with Envirofit Goal 10 million stoves in five countries in five years Additional info and film at Shell Foundation and Envirofit websites

11 Envirofit Non-Profit Enterprise Based Solutions Two Stroke Engines Cook Stoves Awards: –October TIME magazine: heroes of the environment - Nathan Lorenz, Tim Bauer –2009 International Design Excellence Award –2008 PS Best of What’s New in Green Technology See videos at SF and EF

12 Envirofit G-3300 Reduces smoke and harmful gases by up to 80% Reduces biomass fuel use by up to 60% Reduces cooking time by up to 50% –Time to boil water

13 Sustainability

14 PSU EDSGN 100 Design low cost, sustainable, and culturally appropriate cooking system for use in developing world. Reduce IAP Reduce biomass fuel use Reduces cooking time (time to boil water) Sustainable/local business model You can make a difference today!

15 Shell – who we are Operate in over 100 countries Employ over 100,000 people Traded on stock exchanges – Amsterdam – London – New York More than 300 distribution facilities Largest retail network 45,000 stations Aviation fuel over 800 airports Sell more than 3000 lubricants

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