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The Wockey Goalie Drills Book Version 2.3 May 2008

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1 The Wockey Goalie Drills Book Version 2.3 May 2008
The Wockey Goalie Drill Book © CC wockey

2 The Wockey Goalie Drill Book
Table of Contents Skills Face Offs Skating Cross Mirror Bumper Butts Soccer Deflections / Cover Ups Game to 10 Cover Up Drill Adjustments Behind the Net Centering Drill Adjust to Pass Save Recover Save Shuffle - Angles Stick Work Stick Check Fun King of the Bottle Shoot Out Game Reaction Rapid Fire No Rebound Double Goalie Bounce Back Blinder Redirection Redirection – Boards Redirection – Shooters Back Wall Game Scoring Competition Puck Handling Pass pack back and forth Off Ice Drills The Wockey Goalie Drill Book © CC wockey

3 The Wockey Goalie Drill Book
Introduction This drill book is free for you to use and share. In return, please submit your ideas for inclusion in the drill book. This drill book is created under a Creative Commons license. You pay copy, distribute, display and perform the work; and you may make derivative works. You must attribute the work: “The Wockey Goalie Drill Book.” There are a lot of good goalie books and goalie camps out there. Some are listed on the Wockey Wiki. Many of these drills are based on favorites from those experiences. “Beware the Wockey, my son!” Note that the Wockey wiki has moved sites Please send feedback and ideas to – let me know whether this drill books is useful! CC The Wockey Goalie Drill Book © CC wockey

4 The Wockey Goalie Drill Book
Fast Thoughts A goalie is 40% (or more) of your team. You cannot win without a good goalie. Practices should reflect this. Assign one assistant coach as a goalie coach; or rotate the assignment. But work with the goalies – don’t use them as target dummies. Beginner goalies need to practice (a) correct saves (b) position and (c) recovery. To do this effectively, they MUST practice in a crease. A little to far right, left, forward or back, and they have a bad gap or they are off center. To be good, a goalie must know where the goalie is. Practice (draw it on the ice) with a crease!! Work for muscle memory. You don’t want goalies who think. You want goalies who react. A move must be perfected in practice to become instinctive in games. Each practice plan should in part reinforce core skills (muscle memory) and in part develop further goalie skills Make it fun. A goalie is a hard position, practicing the same moves over and over till they are perfect. Repetition can be tedious. Introduce gimmicks for no other reason than… its fun! One puck at a time – shooters are not allowed to shoot until acknowledged. The last thing you need is a puck to a goalies unprotected back side, taking your goalie out for several weeks. It’s true of all kids – it’s true of goalies – they will develop better if they do skills when they are not tired. Do your skill training FIRST, then do your power skating. Many coaches run power skating first, and then you have sloppy and ineffective skill practice. The Wockey Goalie Drill Book © CC wockey

5 The Wockey Goalie Drill Book
Fast Thoughts Mini pucks – use mini pucks in order to force the goalies to close their holes. White pucks – use in order to force the goalie to track the puck better. Combine drills with skating – goalie skates forward, back, drill. Goalie shuffles side-side, drill. Move and save – drop to butterfly, save. On back, up, save. On belly, up, save. As goalies advance and can achieve the skills in these drills, start combining the drills so that the goalie must do one save and then a different one. In other words, reinforce the skills and develop agility Most of the goalie drills I find online involve different formations of skaters firing pucks at a goalie along with a stupid comment like “your goalie will see lots of work.” If you cant identify exactly what move or what skill you are developing in the goalie (other than lots of shots), then the drill is for the shooters – NOT the goalie. You goalie is acting as nothing more than a target dummy. The Wockey Goalie Drill Book © CC wockey

6 The Wockey Goalie Drill Book
Goalie Stance Before we start talking about stances and how to coach a stance, watch the NHL and decide which is the “correct” goalie stance Watch MLB batters – which is the correct swing? Watch MLB pitchers – which is the correct pitching form? There is no one correct stance (or swing or pitch) Each goalie has his or her own unique stance that will work best for them. The goal of the coach is to bring out the best in that goalie – not force that goalie to conform to your notions – THE WORST goalie coach I have ever watched spent the first part of goalie practice telling everyone their stance was wrong and they had to conform to his notion of a goalie stance – he was saying this to travel goalies with GAAs of 1.6 whose team took 2nd place in the league. DON’T DO THIS. It is the fastest way to frustrate a goalie. There are generally three goalie stances: Up and down – with the leg pads close together (weakness is the goalie may be two straight up to get a quick kick off of his edges) Wide – with the legs spread apart in a “V” (the weakness of this stance is a large 5 hole – the advantage is a snapping butterfly) Hybrid – sort of in between the two What you want to look for in a good stance Stick should be on the ground in front of the goalie – not right at the feat but in front so that the force of a puck hitting the stick goes up the shaft into the arm – and does not simply knock the paddle back into the toes See glove The Wockey Goalie Drill Book © CC wockey

7 The Wockey Goalie Drill Book
Gloves & Blockers In a goalie stance, the glove should be out to the side, with the wrist pointed out. The glove should not be lazy down resting on the leg pads The wrist should not be pointed up making it hard to move the glove The glove should be slightly forward of the chest – in the vision of the goalie, able to catch a hard puck without getting knocked into the goal Old gloves: Keep a ball inside the glove to keep the pocket expanded. Use glove oil on the inside on the glove to keep the leather conditioned. Use glove weights. The Wockey Goalie Drill Book © CC wockey

8 The Wockey Goalie Drill Book
Goalie Schools & Camps Goalie Academy (Darren Hersh) Reston, VA Summer camps and training center Mitch Korn (Goalie coach of the Preds) Summer camps Sports International Hockey: Goalie Academy Popa Goaltending Goalie Guru Coach Econ Goalie Development International GDI We are glad to add your school here although we reserve the right to refuse to list groups for any reason. The Wockey Goalie Drill Book © CC wockey

9 Understanding the drills
- - - dashed lines is shooting ___ solid lines is skating The Wockey Goalie Drill Book © CC wockey

10 The Wockey Goalie Drill Book
TEMPLATE G Explanation text S Shooter action in green The Wockey Goalie Drill Book © CC wockey

11 The Wockey Goalie Drill Book
Goalie Holes There exist seven distinct positions a goaltender needs to cover: At the corner of the net on the ice on the goaltender’s stick side At the corner of the net on the ice on the goaltender’s glove side On the goaltender’s glove side, near the upper crossbar. On the goaltender’s stick side, near the upper cross bar Between the goaltender’s legs. Between the goaltender’s torso and stick side. Between the goaltender’s torso and glove side. - From Wikipedia. The Wockey Goalie Drill Book © CC wockey

12 The Wockey Goalie Drill Book
Skills The Wockey Goalie Drill Book © CC wockey

13 The Wockey Goalie Drill Book
Face Offs G S S S S S S S S Goalie should be positioned just inside the read line of the crease and be in full goalie ready and low. Goalie should look in the slot for a shooter; and look at the face off player to see whether the opposing player will push the puck towards the boards or towards the crease (depends on how they are holding the stick). Goalie should be ready for the one time, and deep so as to not be able to stop the slot. S S The Wockey Goalie Drill Book © CC wockey

14 The Wockey Goalie Drill Book
Skating Goalie should be the best skater on the ice. Don’t let goalies slake during skating drills just because they are wearing futons. Get them to skate. Roller blade off ice. Bicycle. Play Ultimate Frisbee (anything aerobic using those legs) Skate out during spring league Play Goalie Hockey (goalies only) – objective is to get those lazy guys skating Go to power skating. Goalies need powerful legs with bursting energy. Skating should focus on burst drills - sprints The Wockey Goalie Drill Book © CC wockey

15 The Wockey Goalie Drill Book
Skating Goalie Stance Similar skating to regular skaters – skate the rink – BUT IN GOALIE STANCE Continue skating – on whistle, goalies bend knees and jump straight up, and then keep skating On Whistle – twirl clockwise – on whistle – twirl counter- clockwise On whistle – butterfly down and up Do it backwards (watch balance) G The Wockey Goalie Drill Book © CC wockey

16 The Wockey Goalie Drill Book
Fartleg (sp) G In cross country it is called Fartleg – long distance running of varying speeds. Here, skate in goalie stance with different speeds and directions – forward, fast, slow, backward, drop on knees, drop on belly – all done on coaches whistle Variation: Backwards Variation: Jump (over blue line) Variation: Jump 180 degrees and switch directions Butterfly Drop The Wockey Goalie Drill Book © CC wockey

17 The Wockey Goalie Drill Book
Jump the Stick Jump over the stick Jump back Jump over the stick and turn 180 Jump over the stick and turn 360 Skate on edges around stick Go the other direction G G The Wockey Goalie Drill Book © CC wockey

18 The Wockey Goalie Drill Book
Skate the Circle Skate in goalie stance – shuffle the circle. On the whistle, reverse direction. Good form. G G G The Wockey Goalie Drill Book © CC wockey

19 The Wockey Goalie Drill Book
Double Goalie Skating  Place two pucks or markers about goal-width apart. Skate between them. Shuffle left shuffles. Shuffle right Pause. Repeat. T Glide left; shuffle right. Pause. Repeat. Let one goalie lead, and make the second goalie react and follow  Skate forward, butterfly Skate backward, butterfly Pause. Repeat.  Up and downs. Go down. Go up. Switch legs go up with. Look for good form. Pause. Repeat. G G G G The Wockey Goalie Drill Book © CC wockey

20 The Wockey Goalie Drill Book
Cross A good warm up skating drill. The cross. Hockey circles are good to use but not necessary. * Goalie skates to goalies left and back with a T glide. * Goalie skates back with c cuts and forward * Goalie skates right with shuffle * Goalie skates forward and back with C cuts Variations: > Butterflies in center of drill > Two goalies together facing each other. One leads, other must react and follow lead. And switch leads. G Shuffle T Glide The Wockey Goalie Drill Book © CC wockey

21 The Wockey Goalie Drill Book
Mirror Drill Similar to cross drill. This drill involves two goalies. One leads, one follows. The first goalie shuffles, t glides, goes forward, goes back, butterflies – the second goalie must react and follow. Becomes a game of the lead goalie trying to fake out the following goalie. G Shuffle G T Glide The Wockey Goalie Drill Book © CC wockey

22 The Wockey Goalie Drill Book
Burst Drill Goalies do not skate full ice or for 30 straight – goalies skate in short bursts. This drill simulates that type of skating. Coach should go through the full range of skating skills (T Glide, Shuffle, C Cut, Spin 180). The movement should be short and bursty. 1) T Glide Right Burst 2) Rest 3) T Glide Left Burst 4) Rest Repeat G G Rest T Glide T Glide C The Wockey Goalie Drill Book © CC wockey

23 The Wockey Goalie Drill Book
Round the Net Skate Shuffle T Glide G Similar to cross drill. The shape is different but the benefit is similar. Simply skate around the net. T Glide across. C cut back. Shuffle forward. Skate forward. Excellent warm up drill. The Wockey Goalie Drill Book © CC wockey

24 The Wockey Goalie Drill Book
W Drill G Like the skating cross, this can be done in an X, a W, or a Z. In the W drill, the goalie is practicing forward and backward skating motion, and also crease awareness so that the goalie knows where the goalie is without looking down or skating back into the cross bar. Skating should be solid small motions in the legs with the upper body upright, square to the puck, and NOT making the motion of the legs. Going backwards, goalie can try to make one small power C cut, and then glide back to the crease, keeping full body square to the puck. The Wockey Goalie Drill Book © CC wockey

25 The Wockey Goalie Drill Book
W Drill - Shooting G Combine the W Drill – or something similar – with shooting. Work on skating, saves, and recovery. Goalie skates forward, shot, skates back. S S The Wockey Goalie Drill Book © CC wockey

26 The Wockey Goalie Drill Book
Z Drill G Like the skating cross, this can be done in an X, a W, or a Z. In the Z drill, the goalie is T Glides up to the right, then to the left, then right, and left – in a Z pattern. Variation. Going backwards to sliding butterflies to the post. The Wockey Goalie Drill Book © CC wockey

27 The Wockey Goalie Drill Book
Y Drill G Goalie simulates movement during breakaway. Goalie comes out. Goalie pushes back with a C cut Goalie glides back Goalie, at about top of crease pushes into a butterfly slide to the post Recover – Skate out – do it again to the other post Goalie should keep chest square to the shooter Combine this with “Breakaway Reps” The Wockey Goalie Drill Book © CC wockey

28 Bumper Butts Skating Backwards
Goalies only – skating backward drill. Goalies skate backwards trying to bump into each other. Who ever is knocked down is out. Last bumper goalie left is the winner. (be sure to get goal out of the way – goalies should stay in select zone) G The Wockey Goalie Drill Book © CC wockey

29 The Wockey Goalie Drill Book
Goalie Soccer Skating G G G G G G G G Skating drill. Goalies play soccer using goals as goales. G The Wockey Goalie Drill Book © CC wockey

30 The Wockey Goalie Drill Book
Summu Wrestling Sumu wrestling. Two goalies are in the circle. Object of the game is to get the other goalie out of the circle or pushed down. Goalies cannot grab, head butt, or grab the helmets. They just shove into each other. G G The Wockey Goalie Drill Book © CC wockey

31 The Wockey Goalie Drill Book
Over the Cliff G G First goalie on the line goes into goalie stance. Second goalie tries to shove the first goalie over the line. The second goalie just shoves. No running starts. Then switch positions. The Wockey Goalie Drill Book © CC wockey

32 The Wockey Goalie Drill Book
Tug of War G G Goalies on opposite sides of the line. Stick between them. Goalies pull on the stick and try to pull the other one across the line. The Wockey Goalie Drill Book © CC wockey

33 The Wockey Goalie Drill Book
Break out of Circle G G Goalie in the middle of the circle tries to break out of the circle. Goalies on the line try to keep him from leaving. Goalie who is it goes into the red dot and comes back out trying to bust though the line. G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G The Wockey Goalie Drill Book © CC wockey

34 Merry Go Round (2 Goalie Drill)
G Objective: Primarily a skating drill – also a recovery drill – useful for when working with two goalies One goalie stands in the crease; Other goalie is behind the net. Shooter shoots; First goalie makes save; First goalie skates to back of net while second goalie skates to front of net; Shooter shoots. Repeat. S The Wockey Goalie Drill Book © CC wockey

35 Butterflies & Deflections
The Wockey Goalie Drill Book © CC wockey

36 The Wockey Goalie Drill Book
Isolation G This is for young goalies who need to develop their saves – it can also be for older goalies who need refreshers. Goalie starts in the butterfly – shooter picks one particular shot – coach decides whether it is a deflection or a cover up. Shooter and goalie work only on that one particular element. Can isolate other aspects such as going down to the butterfly itself. S The Wockey Goalie Drill Book © CC wockey

37 The Wockey Goalie Drill Book
Tens G Reinforce good form. This is a good drill to start practice with. Take at a moderate rate where proper form can be monitored; and to warm up the goalie. 10 Shots to Lower Left Butterfly 10 Shots to Lower Right Butterfly 10 Shots to blocker 10 Shots to Glove Alt: Add 5 up and downs Alt: Repeat repetition S The Wockey Goalie Drill Book © CC wockey

38 The Wockey Goalie Drill Book
5 Pucks : Butterfly Form G This is a simple beginner drill to work on proper butterfly form. Place five pucks on the ice between the goalie and the coach. Each puck represents a different save. The center puck is full butterfly. The middle-right puck is a ½ butterfly right. The far right puck is an extended butterfly right. And so on for the left. Coach simply glides his stick forward and points at one of the pucks – the goalie makes the appropriate butterfly. This slower paced drill helps the coach work with the goalie and discuss specific gaps, angle of the stick, position of the glove S The Wockey Goalie Drill Book © CC wockey

39 The Wockey Goalie Drill Book
Basic Deflection Form G The objective is to develop a proper stick motion for deflecting pucks. In the butterfly, with the elbow up and the stick at a good angle (you do not want a shallow angle that will deflect the puck up and into the net), the goalie should move the stick blade in a semi circle in front of the goalie. The goalie wants a solid contact / deflection with the puck that will send it far to the back corner and not bounce it out in front of the crease. Goalie starts in the butterfly. Draw on the ice the semi circle the blade should follow. Take medium shots at the goalie with the goalie making solid motion thru the semi circle, deflecting the puck. S The Wockey Goalie Drill Book © CC wockey

40 The Wockey Goalie Drill Book
Goalie Bowling | | | | | | | | | | G Objective: practice good deflections to the corners. Make a game out of good deflections. Put up a set of plastic blowing pins. If the deflection is done properly, the goalie could knock them down Try with double nets and a competition between goalies to knock down pins S The Wockey Goalie Drill Book © CC wockey

41 The Wockey Goalie Drill Book
Goalie comes out to meet the shooter and cut the angles. Having met the shooter, goalie skates backwards maintaining a proper gap between the shooter and the goalie to keep the angles blocked. When shooter makes move, goalie follows the Y, moving to the post – a butterfly with the skate on the post. Skating Drill: Goalie goes through Y motion as a skating drill Skate out Butterfly to the left post Butterfly to the right Movement must become second nature To do this effectively, it is important for the goalie to maintain a proper gap and have movement with the shooter – effectively this will mean that the shooter has no angle and also cannot skate past the goalie. If the goalie has no motion and just flops to a butterfly, the shooter will deek around the goalie and hit the corner Y G S The Wockey Goalie Drill Book © CC wockey

42 The Wockey Goalie Drill Book
Practice the Y – do this outside the crease – the goalie is to practice the skating and movement  On whistle, skate backward  On whistle, butterfly down to post On Whistle up, and power to top of crease Variation,  Butterfly down to post, when reach post, go up again to goalie stance with a hard post G The Wockey Goalie Drill Book © CC wockey

43 The Wockey Goalie Drill Book
Drills G Shuffle left. The Push and butterfly right. Shuffle side – butterfly - shuffle side – butterfly – shuffle side…. In butterfly, shuffle left, shuffle right (can do this as a two goalie drill) Similar drill. In butterfly, lift left leg up and kick, pushing butterfly to right with slight rotation. Go the other way. G G The Wockey Goalie Drill Book © CC wockey

44 The Wockey Goalie Drill Book
Game to 10 G Control the rebound drill. Makes a good game. Shooter fires from the slot. Goalie attempts to (a) cover up or (b) deflect to the back wall. If goalie fails, the puck is still live. Shooter skates forward and attempts to put puck in. Goalie again attempts to cover up or deflect to the wall. Whoever succeeds wins the point – play to 10 points. Alternate: Play game without stick (dropped stick drill) S The Wockey Goalie Drill Book © CC wockey

45 The Wockey Goalie Drill Book
Deflection Game G G S Shooter fires puck at the first goalie; goalie deflects the puck at the second goalie and tries to score. Second goalie tries to make the save. The Wockey Goalie Drill Book © CC wockey

46 The Wockey Goalie Drill Book
Cover Ups The Wockey Goalie Drill Book © CC wockey

47 The Wockey Goalie Drill Book
Cover Up Game First to cover up the puck wins. Start the goalies with a series of different settings. Hopping up and down. Skating in a circle. Skating backward. Spinning. Goalies start doing their skating, coach blows the whistle, both goalies dive for the puck for a cover up. One who cover ups, wins. G G The Wockey Goalie Drill Book © CC wockey

48 The Wockey Goalie Drill Book
Cover Up Drill G Puck is placed about 1/3 in front of goalie and 2/3 in front of shooter (adjust as needed to let goalie win). Shooter counts to three; both go for the puck. Goalie tries to cover up and wrap stick around (a good “turtle”). Shooter tries to grab puck and put it into the net. The way the drill works, if the goalie does it perfectly, the goalie should win and the puck should be well protected by the stick blade. If the goalie makes any mistake, the shooter has a shot on the puck. This drill can be done anywhere on the ice. Skills: Practice solid cover ups, pushing puck into ice with trapper, and guarding puck with blocker and stick. S The Wockey Goalie Drill Book © CC wockey

49 The Wockey Goalie Drill Book
Cover Up Drill 2 G A simply drill to practice good form. Objective is for the goalie to cover up the puck – butterfly position – instead of deflecting it into the corner. The goalie wants to have as much equipment on the puck as possible. In the butterfly, the goalie gets a good stick (elbow up so the stick has a good angle and will not deflect the puck up) on the puck and receives it softly. Goalie then covers the puck with the glove, pushing the puck down into the ice – freezing the puck. Shooter takes ten shots on goalie – ten repetitions for good form. S The Wockey Goalie Drill Book © CC wockey

50 Cover Up Drill – Double Shot
G Objective: Practice covering up a bounced save. Shooter shoots first puck. Goalie can save, deflect, cover up. If shooter deflects or does anything other than cover up, shooter sends send puck at a moderate speed – goalie covers up second shot. S The Wockey Goalie Drill Book © CC wockey

51 Cover Up Drill – Double Shot 2
G Objective: Practice covering up a bounced save. (1) Shooter shoots first puck. Goalie deflects. (2) Shooter shoots 2nd puck; goalie covers up; (3) shooter charges the net and scoops up any garbage if the goalie bobbles the cover up. Shooter gives goalie light tap to simulate agitation in front of net. S The Wockey Goalie Drill Book © CC wockey

52 The Wockey Goalie Drill Book
No Second Shot G Objective: Train the goalie to instinctively cover up or deflect puck – no bounces. Goalie can significantly reduce a shot count (and goal opportunity) be eliminating 2nd shot opportunities How it Works: Shooter places a medium shot somewhere where it is hard for the goalie to handle, attempting to get the goalie to bounce it (for example, high leg pads or in gut). Shooter then charges the goalie attempting to scoop up the garbage. Goalie wants to either cover up puck or deflect it away. Goalie must simply react – not think – about what goalie will do. Fast reaction time. S The Wockey Goalie Drill Book © CC wockey

53 The Wockey Goalie Drill Book
No Second Shot 2 G Objective: Same objective with a bit more intensity near the crease. How it Works: Same as before except there are 5 pucks placed around the crease. The drill is not over until all 5 pucks are cleared. As the level of play improves, even a good clear can come right back at a goalie. S The Wockey Goalie Drill Book © CC wockey

54 It Aint A Goal if the Ref don’t See it
Objective: Recovery of a lost puck. Goalies pads are so thick and heavy that they have no idea whether the puck is under their pads or 3” behind them uncovered on the goal line. This simple drill seeks to train the goalie to cover up the lose puck behind them. Goalie stands ready (or starts in a butterfly or sprawl). The puck is dropped behind them. They must cover it up and move it forward away from the goal line. Goalies should get their gloves behind them, down on the ice, and scoop the puck forward away from the goal. As they get up, they should role their pads forward, push the puck away from the goal line. The Wockey Goalie Drill Book © CC wockey

55 The Wockey Goalie Drill Book
Glove & Blocker The Wockey Goalie Drill Book © CC wockey

56 The Wockey Goalie Drill Book
Glove & Blocker Objective: Good glove and blocker work. Goalie should stare the puck all the way into the glove (when the puck is in the glove, goalie should be looking at the glove – both eyes with depth perception – not peripheral vision out of one eye with no depth perception. Blocker deflections should be in the center of the blocker, deflecting back to the corner away from the crease. Shoot takes simple shots. 10 to the glove. 10 to the blocker. Work on good muscle memory. Variation: lacking shooting accuracy, shooter may simply throw 10 rounds at the blocker Variation: Use glove and blocker weights G S The Wockey Goalie Drill Book © CC wockey

57 The Wockey Goalie Drill Book
Adjustments The Wockey Goalie Drill Book © CC wockey

58 The Wockey Goalie Drill Book
Up & Down G Objective is to train goalie to read the shot. Goalie is ready on top of crease. Shooter alternatives randomly between shooting low (butterfly deflection) and shooting high (glove save / blocker). Goal is to anticipate the shot. Note: Shot takes something like 0.4 seconds to reach the goalie where the goalie takes something like 0.7 seconds to react – in other words, where the goalie reaction is slower than the shot, anticipation is crucial. S The Wockey Goalie Drill Book © CC wockey

59 The Wockey Goalie Drill Book
Too Deep in the Crease Tire G Young goalies play too deep in the crease and fail to cut the angles. This can be particularly crucial for shorter goalies. Young goalies should be encouraged to come out to the top of the crease. One training method is to place an obstacle in the crease – such as a tire – which they will trip over if they move too deep. The objective is to train goalies to hold their stance, cut the angles, and challenge the shooters. If goalies go back, they should go back to the posts following Mitch Korn’s Y – otherwise they should stay out and challenge. Alt: put a bag of pucks in the crease S The Wockey Goalie Drill Book © CC wockey

60 The Wockey Goalie Drill Book
Behind the Net G Two shooters. First shooters takes shot. Goalie deflects. First shooters skates, gathers puck, goes around back of net. First shooter has option of passing to second shooter or putting it in the back door. (if puck is deflected out of play, first shooter picks up spare puck behind net) Skills: Adjustment and tracking puck behind net. S S The Wockey Goalie Drill Book © CC wockey

61 The Wockey Goalie Drill Book
Behind the Net - 2 G Two shooters. First shooters takes shot. Then, first shooters skates around the back of the net, receives pass from 2nd shooter, and shoots. Skills: Adjustment and tracking player behind net. S S The Wockey Goalie Drill Book © CC wockey

62 The Wockey Goalie Drill Book
Behind the Net - 3 S G Objective: Good goalie movement in crease. Two shooters. Second shooter is behind the net. Shoots pass back and forth; goalie shifts to post to cover; shooters shoot at will. Goalie should make good TGlide between posts. S The Wockey Goalie Drill Book © CC wockey

63 The Wockey Goalie Drill Book
Behind the Net - 3 S G Shooter starts behind the net. Skates back and forth a little trying to get the goalie to over commit – skates forward and takes a close shot. Objective is to get the goalie to work the posts and be able to see what is behind him without turning around. The Wockey Goalie Drill Book © CC wockey

64 The Wockey Goalie Drill Book
Behind the Net - S G The object of this drill is to work on post to post T Glides with Hard Posts. Shooter starts skating behind the net with the puck. Shooter has the option if shooting on the close post or the far post with a wrap around. The objective is to have the goalie start with a tight post, T Glide, and end with a tight post. Optionally, can add a shooter in the slot waiting for the pass. Reverse directions. S The Wockey Goalie Drill Book © CC wockey

65 The Wockey Goalie Drill Book
Post to Top S S G S Goalie starts at post. Shooter passes to slot Goalie goes from post to top of crease Shooter shoots. Repeat from other side The Wockey Goalie Drill Book © CC wockey

66 Centering / Position Drill
Draw guide lines in the ice to assist goalie with seeing center. Goalie should center on those lines when the puck is on them. Shooter weavers back and forth in front of goal. When goalie goes off center, shooter pops it into the gap. Alt: Go behind the net as well Skill: Centering on puck and not leaving a gap. The Wockey Goalie Drill Book © CC wockey

67 The Wockey Goalie Drill Book
Adjust to Pass G S S S Three Shooters. Shooters (forwards) pass back and forth at will. Goalie must adjust with pass. Shooters shoot at will. Skills: Adjustment and center on the shooter. Option: Same drill with defensemen on point and slap shots. The Wockey Goalie Drill Book © CC wockey

68 The Wockey Goalie Drill Book
Save Recovery Save G Shooter takes three shots on goalie. Goalie must stop the shot and then recovery. Shooter shoots from one, then from two, then from three. Skills: Goalie must adjust rapidly and house stay centered. Variation: Add different puck stations in order to work on different shots. S The Wockey Goalie Drill Book © CC wockey

69 The Wockey Goalie Drill Book
Butterfly Left - Right G S S Objective is good butterflies –good ½ left butterfly to left post – then good ½ right butterfly to right post. Speed of shots can vary depending on goalie – primary objective is to have the goalie correctly in good form make a ½ butterfly save. First shooter shoots at left (goalie perspective) corner, goalie makes ½ butterfly save, then 2nd shoot shoots at right corner, goalie makes ½ BF save – repeat. The Wockey Goalie Drill Book © CC wockey

70 The Wockey Goalie Drill Book
Butterfly – Up - Save Objective: Proper recovery from first butterfly with T Push to 2nd save and good save. The goalie must recover / get up with the correct leg. As diagramed, goalie would go to butterfly for (1), recover with left leg first, T glide for (2) with chest facing 2nd shooter – the whole key is the proper recovery with the proper leg. G S S The Wockey Goalie Drill Book © CC wockey

71 The Wockey Goalie Drill Book
Behind the Net S S G G Set up two goals facing apart with goalies facing away from each other. Three shooters around the goalies. Shooters circle puck around goal and then shoot in at will. Object of the drill is for the goalies to develop the ability to watch the game behind the net. If only 2 shooters, bounce passes off of a wall – acting as a third shooter S The Wockey Goalie Drill Book © CC wockey

72 The Wockey Goalie Drill Book
Behind the Net 2 S G G Similar to the previous drill, with the added dimension of using the wall to deflect the pucks into the nets – goalies must clear puck out of box or cover it up (draw box with permanent magic marker). Two shooters can shift from open space to open space. This drill is designed to work on the goalie being aware of the puck behind him and post-to-post movement. S The Wockey Goalie Drill Book © CC wockey

73 The Wockey Goalie Drill Book
Shuffle - Angles Goalie Shuffles back and forth N times (3 times?). A number is called. Goalie sets up on that cone / angle and receives a shot. The objective is to get the goalie to make a good set on an angle while in movement. G 6 1 5 2 S S 4 3 The Wockey Goalie Drill Book © CC wockey

74 The Wockey Goalie Drill Book
Pad Shuffles G S Goalie starts in butterfly. Shooters skates back and forth in close range. Goalie pad shuffles back and forth and tries to cover. Shooter shoots at will. The Wockey Goalie Drill Book © CC wockey

75 The Wockey Goalie Drill Book
Pad Slide – Left Right G S Pad shuffle drill Goalie stays down in butterfly. Proper save will most likely be an extended butterfly (XBF). Shot to right; goalie save. Shooter skates to left side; Goalie shuffles left. shot to left; goalie save. Repeat The Wockey Goalie Drill Book © CC wockey

76 The Wockey Goalie Drill Book
Adjust on “shot” G S Objective: Adjustment to a pass from one side to the other, where the recipient of the pass is set for a one timer. Goalie could focus on butterfly slide to the post. Goalie should work on deflecting the puck away from the crease. Goalie starts at the far post as if covering the pass. Shooter calls “shot,” goalie adjusts to the shooter, shooter makes a quick shot. The Wockey Goalie Drill Book © CC wockey

77 The Wockey Goalie Drill Book
Shuffle Right G S Objective: Work on goalie shuffling right with a small five hole, stick in the proper position, and square to the puck. Shooter picks up a puck, and circles across the crease at a moderate pace, drawing the goalie to follow shuffling right. Focus on developing form. When goalie opens the 5 hole, shoot – or shoot when all the way across crease. Circle around, pick up another puck and do it again. The Wockey Goalie Drill Book © CC wockey

78 The Wockey Goalie Drill Book
Crossing Pass G S S Objective: Defense against a cross the crease pass. This may be particularly relevant for a goalie who plays this angle too far out. The better the post position defending against the first shooter, the shorter the T Glide if it is a pass to the second shooter. If the T Glide is too long, the Goalie will take too long to get to the save, allowing a score. Set the drill up. First shooter has a choice of a straight shot at net, or a pass to the 2nd shooter. Goalie should T glide to save. The Wockey Goalie Drill Book © CC wockey

79 Breakaway (aka Meet and Greet)
The Wockey Goalie Drill Book © CC wockey

80 The Wockey Goalie Drill Book
Breakaways Goalie comes out and meets the shooter – stops – sharp C cut propelling backwards – glides back to the crease – when the shooter makes a move, reacts to the move with the proper save. Goalie must maintain a proper gap between shooter and goalie in order to cut off angles. Goalie also seeks to have motion so as to push down a butterfly gliding to the post. With no motion, goalie drops to a butterfly on top of the crease and shooter simply skates to the back door. Goalie does not want to go back too fast and end up too deep in the crease or having to come to a dead stop. Goalie does not want to go too slow so that shooter skates around goalie. How far out a goalie comes depends on how fast the goalie can glide backwards and how fast the shooter is. G If the goalie is not coming out far enough (meet and greet), draw a line on the ice that the goalie must come to before starting the backward motion. Where this line is depends upon the skating ability of the goalie. The goalie should come out far enuf so that when skating back, when the shooter shoots, the goalie is still in motion backwards keeping a constant gap with the shooter. S The Wockey Goalie Drill Book © CC wockey

81 The Wockey Goalie Drill Book
Breakaway Game Many Goalies – Many Shooters. Shooter breakaway on goalie – if they score, they stay in the game and go back to center ice – if they are stoned, they are out and go to the side. Goalies can do the same – goalies can rotate (1 shot per turn, 2 shots, whatever). If they make the save, they stay in the game. If they are scored on, they are out. Last players standing wins G S The Wockey Goalie Drill Book © CC wockey

82 The Wockey Goalie Drill Book
Breakaway Reps Set up three pucks. Shooter comes at goalie, goalie meets and greets, shooter shoots and immediately comes back for next puck and does it again. Do several reps. Objective is to reinforce the motion of the goalie on the break away. G If the goalie is not coming out far enough (meet and greet), draw a line on the ice that the goalie must come to before starting the backward motion. Where this line is depends upon the skating ability of the goalie. The goalie should come out far enuf so that when skating back, when the shooter shoots, the goalie is still in motion backwards keeping a constant gap with the shooter. S The Wockey Goalie Drill Book © CC wockey

83 The Wockey Goalie Drill Book
Recovery The Wockey Goalie Drill Book © CC wockey

84 The Wockey Goalie Drill Book
Post to Up G Recovery drill. A good drill to work on form. Goalie starts in a ½ Butterfly (½BF) to the post. Work on the form and make sure Goalie is in a proper BF with toe on the post. Goalie recovers square to slot. Shooter shoots. Goalie Saves Repeat from the other post. S The Wockey Goalie Drill Book © CC wockey

85 The Wockey Goalie Drill Book
Recover Drill G Objective: Strength ability recover and make the save. Goalie starts in a bad position, recovers, and makes save (1) On the back, up, save (2) On belly, up, save (3) Butterfly, up, save (4) Face back wall, turn, save (5) Sprawl or sitting, up, save Variation – use this drill to specifically work on blocker and glove S The Wockey Goalie Drill Book © CC wockey

86 The Wockey Goalie Drill Book
One - Two G Objective: Recover from the first shot and be able to stop the second. The first shot simple forces the goalie into a save or a move (ie, a butterfly from which the goalie must properly recover). This is not necessarily a difficult shot. The second shot is the key – a shot the focuses on a save the goalie needs work on. This might be particularly useful where shooters are going top shelf and the goalie needs glove or blocker work. The two shots are in rapid succession, with just enough time for the goalie to recover. Repeat in sets of 2. S The Wockey Goalie Drill Book © CC wockey

87 The Wockey Goalie Drill Book
Stick Work The Wockey Goalie Drill Book © CC wockey

88 The Wockey Goalie Drill Book
Stick Check G Stick Check drill. Shooter takes initial shot. Goalie Saves. And then Goalie makes a stick check on a second puck, previously placed in front of the crease. Note: Stick checks leave the net exposed. Goalie should practice stick checks and achieve a solid success rate before using them in game situations. This is an aggressive tool which must be pulled off successfully. S The Wockey Goalie Drill Book © CC wockey

89 The Wockey Goalie Drill Book
Stick Check 2.0 G Part Skating and Part Stick Check Drill. Pucks should be far enough from the crease so that the goalie has to really telescope out and then skate backwards in. Shooter shoots (1) and goalie deflects. Goalie skates out to (2), stick checks, and skates back. Shooter shoots (3). Goalie skates out to (4) and stick checks. Repeat. This can be a demanding skating drill. S The Wockey Goalie Drill Book © CC wockey

90 The Wockey Goalie Drill Book
Stick Check 2 G Objective is to develop a good motion for a stick check with a full telescoping extension, a good retraction, and a quick recovery. Place multiple pucks outside the crease on the far range of a stick check. Goalie goes down, stick checks puck, recovers, and shuffles to next puck – doing multiple reps. Work on good form. The Wockey Goalie Drill Book © CC wockey

91 The Wockey Goalie Drill Book
Across the Crease Pass G S Objective is to make the goalie more aggressive for across the crease passes to the back post. Set up a target (an orange cone) on the far side of the crease. Ideally this would be a deflection board that will bounce the pucks into the net. Shooter sets. Goalie lines up at the close post. Shooter passes to the target on the far side. Goalie attempts to defend – using a stick check (if you have a deflection board, goalie can practice a sliding butterfly to the far post). Can vary the angle that you shoot across crease. The Wockey Goalie Drill Book © CC wockey

92 The Wockey Goalie Drill Book
Loose Stick Drill L G Objective: Goalie has lost the stick. Once the puck is out of the zone, the goalie must efficiently move to pick up the stick. Hey, it happens. Variation: connect with other drills where goalie must protect goal without stick – and then move to pick up stick The Wockey Goalie Drill Book © CC wockey

93 The Wockey Goalie Drill Book
Power Play Pass Objective: Your team is on the power play. The opponent has iced the puck. The goalie retrieves the puck and headmans it forward to a team mate. This is one of those skills that you want your goalie to practice before implementing. Done wrong, it can leave the goal exposed. Beginner goalies should only play the puck when there is no opponent in the zone. Coach ices the puck – goalie retrieves and passes it to his team. Variation – vary the conditions. On one ice, skate forward as the opponent – the goalie does not play the puck; next, no opponent is in zone, goalie plays puck G The Wockey Goalie Drill Book © CC wockey

94 The Wockey Goalie Drill Book
Puck Handling A simple drill. Objective is to develop puck handling and passing by the goalie. Goalie stands in the slot where the shooter normally would, and takes proper goalie puck handling shots on net. G The Wockey Goalie Drill Book © CC wockey

95 The Wockey Goalie Drill Book
Fun The Wockey Goalie Drill Book © CC wockey

96 The Wockey Goalie Drill Book
King of the Bottle G G G Place bottle on red dot. Goalies on edge of circle attempt to knock over the bottle. Goalie in the middle attempts to protect the bottle – like a goal – and keep it from getting knocked over. G G The Wockey Goalie Drill Book © CC wockey

97 The Wockey Goalie Drill Book
Shoot Out Game G For shooters and goalies. Each Goalie and shooter takes a turn. If the shooter makes the goal, the shooter goes to the back of the line for another turn. If the shooter misses, the shooter is out. If the goalie stops the puck, the goalie goes to the back of the line for another turn. If the goalie misses, the goalie is out. Last shooter remaining wins among shooters. Last goalie remaining wins among goalies. Side (goalies v shooters) with the most players remaining wins. G G G G S S S S S The Wockey Goalie Drill Book © CC wockey

98 The Wockey Goalie Drill Book
Scoring Competition G G Scoring competition: Two goals face each other. Two goalies face each other. Shooter shoots puck in and both goalies try to knock the puck into the other’s goal. S The Wockey Goalie Drill Book © CC wockey

99 The Wockey Goalie Drill Book
Double Goal S G G S Shooter 1 passes to Shooter 2. Shooter 2 can shoot on either goalie, and can deflect puck against wall. The Wockey Goalie Drill Book © CC wockey

100 The Wockey Goalie Drill Book
Triangle Hockey Multiple Goalie Game. 3 Nets, 3 Goalies – in a triangle. Can have multiple shooters skating around. Shooters shoot – if it’s a save shooters try again – if it’s a score, that goalie is out, and a goalie on the sideline comes in. G S G G Shooter action in green S G The Wockey Goalie Drill Book © CC wockey

101 The Wockey Goalie Drill Book
Reaction Time The Wockey Goalie Drill Book © CC wockey

102 The Wockey Goalie Drill Book
Rapid Fire G Shooter fires a volley of shots at the goalie. Skill: Improved reaction time Variation: Pace can be adjusted as needed. Can do a slow steady pace, with shot and recovery, shot and recovery, to train goalie to make the save and get back set S The Wockey Goalie Drill Book © CC wockey

103 The Wockey Goalie Drill Book
Rapid Fire 2 G Shooter fires a volley of shots at the goalie. – Same but close up Skill: Improved reaction time Variation: Pace can be adjusted as needed. Can do a slow steady pace, with shot and recovery, shot and recovery, to train goalie to make the save and get back set. Variation: spread the pucks a little wider, lob the pucks at the goal, forcing him into a sprawl and scramble. A more gentle, scramble for the loose puck drill. Variation: Goalie starts in the butterfly position and practices shuffling and kicking pucks with pads S The Wockey Goalie Drill Book © CC wockey

104 The Wockey Goalie Drill Book
Rapid Fire 3 G Same as previously, spread the pucks out in front of the crease – shooter skates up and lofts one after another pucks, creating a rapid reaction scenario. Objective is reaction scramble in front of the net, increasing the goalies agility. S The Wockey Goalie Drill Book © CC wockey

105 The Wockey Goalie Drill Book
No Rebounds G S S S S S Shooter fires at goalie. If it is deflected or bounced, the forward shooters pop it right back at the goalie – and keep popping it back until there is a score or a cover up. The Wockey Goalie Drill Book © CC wockey

106 Double Goalie React and Cover Up
G G S S Goalie competition. Set up two nets, two goalies, and three shooters. First shooter in the slot shoots at either goalie. Goalies must focus and react. Goalie makes a save. If it is a deflection, forward shooters move in for the rebound and make a follow up shot. Skills: Reaction time and recovery for rebounds. Also some fun competition between goalies. S The Wockey Goalie Drill Book © CC wockey

107 The Wockey Goalie Drill Book
Bounce Back G S Goal is turned around to face wall. Goalie faces wall. Using a rubber ball like a racket ball, shooter throws ball against wall so that it will bounce into the goal. Goalies objective is rapid reaction time in order to stop the ball. Variation: Use pucks, with the same set up, shooting the pucks against the wall and into the net. The Wockey Goalie Drill Book © CC wockey

108 The Wockey Goalie Drill Book
Screen A blinder in put in front of the goal. This can be a board or a curtain. There should be enough clearance at the bottom to let the puck through. The blinder should be tall enough to obscure the view of the shooter by the goalie. Shooter shoots directly at goal. Goalies objective is quick reaction time when puck becomes visible under board. With a board, it is a low shot. With a blind, the shot can be through the curtain. Variation: Replace blinds with shooters or goalies Variation: Shooter skates up from behind the blind – shoot can shoot under the board, or go left or right, fully outside the board and visible, and shoot. G S The Wockey Goalie Drill Book © CC wockey

109 Screen Game – Two Goalies
Goalie-Goalie Object of the game is to have the goalies screen each other as best as they can – and develop skills of dealing with screens. Shooter takes 5 shots on the goalie. Should be 5 different standard shots. Screen-goalie does his best to screen goalie; goalie-goalie tries to make the save. If goalie-goalie makes the save or if screen-goalie blocks the shot, point for goalie-goalie If puck goes in the net, point for screen-goalie. Do sets of 5 shots and rotate G Screen-Goalie S The Wockey Goalie Drill Book © CC wockey

110 The Wockey Goalie Drill Book
Redirection G S Skater stands in front of goalie blinding goalie. First skater fires. Second goalie redirects the puck. S The Wockey Goalie Drill Book © CC wockey

111 The Wockey Goalie Drill Book
Redirection G Two heavy boards are placed at angels from goal. Shooter can shoot off of either board to score. Goalies objective is to react quickly to stop the redirection. Can promote sliding butterflies. Note: This tends to send pucks everywhere. Variation: Can put the goal on the side of the ice, perpendicular to the boards, and use the boards as a deflector. S The Wockey Goalie Drill Book © CC wockey

112 Redirection: Meet and Greet
Similar: This is meet and greet. Goalie comes out to meet the shooter – goalie cuts back and glides – shooter shoots – goalie pushes to a butterfly to that post. A good drill for reinforcing motion on the part of the goalie. Shooter is trying to get a deflection that will put the puck in the post corner. S The Wockey Goalie Drill Book © CC wockey

113 Redirection w Shooters / Tips
G S S Two shooters are placed on either side of goalie. Shooter can pass to either forward shooter or shoot directly. Goalies objective is to react quickly to stop the redirection. Can promote sliding butterflies. Variation: Move the shooters onto the crease and practice tips. Variation: Move shoots to Red line so goalie must go from top of crease to post. S The Wockey Goalie Drill Book © CC wockey

114 Redirection w Shooters (2)
G S Two shooters are placed on either side of goalie. Shooter can pass to either forward shooter or shoot directly. Goalies objective is to react quickly to stop the redirection. * Can promote sliding butterflies. * Can be used to practice 2 pad saves (which I don’t like). S The Wockey Goalie Drill Book © CC wockey

115 The Wockey Goalie Drill Book
Back Wall Game S G S Goal is turned around to face wall. Goalie faces wall. Box is drawn on ice (or use cones) First shooter fires puck against wall. Second shooter tries to get puck into goal as long as puck remains in box. Goalie’s objective is to knock puck out of the box. The Wockey Goalie Drill Book © CC wockey

116 The Wockey Goalie Drill Book
Ramp G Ramp I made a ramp out of a 4x4 board and a sheet of aluminum. The aluminum is flexible and gives the puck a bit of extra lift. To keep the ramp in place, I used hand weights. If you make the ramp small, then some shots can go up the ramp, and some can go straight at the goalie – forcing the goalie to adjust and be ready. This gives the puck a nice little flip forcing glove work and alertness on the part of the goalie. S The Wockey Goalie Drill Book © CC wockey

117 The Wockey Goalie Drill Book
Puck Handling The Wockey Goalie Drill Book © CC wockey

118 The Wockey Goalie Drill Book
Back and forth First goalie skates with puck up to the cone and back. Gives puck to second goalie. Second goalie does same – and repeat. G G The Wockey Goalie Drill Book © CC wockey

119 The Wockey Goalie Drill Book
Passing G G Pass the puck back and forth. Do it with two hands on the stick. Do it with one hand on the stick. Ping the puck back and forth with one timers seeing how many times you can go back and forth. The Wockey Goalie Drill Book © CC wockey

120 The Wockey Goalie Drill Book
Behind the Net G Goalie starts in crease centered on shooter – perhaps practicing post. Shooter sends it along the boards; goalie moves behind crease, intercepts puck, and passes it back. Variant – shooter charges in along the boards and the goalie must pass it out along boards past shooter, or shooter steals puck and goes for the goal. S The Wockey Goalie Drill Book © CC wockey

121 The Wockey Goalie Drill Book
Off Ice Drills The Wockey Goalie Drill Book © CC wockey

122 The Wockey Goalie Drill Book
Off Ice Training Basics There are two big objectives for off ice training for goalies: (1) leg strength and agility and (2) eye hand coordination. Stretching, Jogging, Biking Role blading Eye Hand Coordination Sports Tennis, Ping Pong, Racket Ball, hand ball, volley ball, beach paddle ball Paddle with rubber ball attached by rubberband Juggling Use a blocker, hit a racket ball against a wall repeatedly Basket ball Jump rope Soccer against wall Hacky sack Catch using goalie glove Toss ball back in for in stance 2 or more balls simultaneously Slap the ball back and forth While Moving Bounce Reaction Ball off wall Tumbling – fwd or back ending is basic stance An option also is to get a small patch of artificial ice for your goalie to work on The Wockey Goalie Drill Book © CC wockey

123 The Wockey Goalie Drill Book
Stretches Neck Touch ear to shoulder, roll and touch chin to chest, roll and touch other ear to other shoulder The Wockey Goalie Drill Book © CC wockey

124 The Wockey Goalie Drill Book
Strength Training Focusing on leg strength Lunges while holding weights Squats One Legged Squats Note that muscles are strengthened by tearing them down and rebuilding them – true of stretching or weight training – it takes time to rebuild, like 48 hours. In other words, do not do this right before a game. The Wockey Goalie Drill Book © CC wockey

125 Strength Training in Stance
Medicine Ball toss Cable Pulls The Wockey Goalie Drill Book © CC wockey

126 Racket Balls Against Wall On Ice or Off Ice
Reaction Time Drill Goalie faces wall. Shooter is behind net with racket balls. Shooter tosses balls off back wall and towards net. Goalie attempts to block balls. Note that this will send racket balls everywhere. The Wockey Goalie Drill Book © CC wockey

127 The Wockey Goalie Drill Book
Jumping Put up a barrier. Goalie jumps back and forth over the barrier Jump Rope Lateral jumping Alternating legs; just one leg In Stance Back and forth; 2 across or 3 across… Squat position – jump fwd and back – kangaroo jumps The Wockey Goalie Drill Book © CC wockey

128 Wobble Board Balance, Reaction, Deflection
Wobble Board drill. Creates balance, reaction time, deflections and glover work. The wobble board can be made of a pipe with a board over it. Throw balls at the goalie and let him deflect them. Use a tennis rack and tennis balls, and fire five consecutive balls at the goalie. G The Wockey Goalie Drill Book © CC wockey

129 The Wockey Goalie Drill Book
Tennis Balls Similar to wobble drill. Hit tennis balls at goalie; goalie catches or deflects. Goalie should be in stance. Goalie can somersault forward, come up, hit tennis balls at him. Or do a down and hum (padded surface) and then deflect. Goalie can face away, spin towards partner, partner hits ball G The Wockey Goalie Drill Book © CC wockey

130 The Wockey Goalie Drill Book
Deflections Goalie in proper stance, practices deflecting balls. The closer to the feel of a hockey puck, the better – but be careful, if you use a hard ball like a lacrosse ball, the goalie will need protective gear. Street hockey pucks are an option. One book recommended team handballs or volleyballs (larger balls). Just like one ice versions, you can introduce screens and deflection boards. Just remember the goalie is not on ice and cannot move G The Wockey Goalie Drill Book © CC wockey

131 The Wockey Goalie Drill Book
Mental Training Goalies must develop focus and hit the ice mentally prepared to play Notice the mental prep of many athletes at the olympics Visualization drills Empty you mind of distractions: Use of things like IPODs to listen to music before the game or event Care not to get psyched out A mistake during tryouts is to be in the locker room staring at your competition – you will get psyched out. The Wockey Goalie Drill Book © CC wockey

132 The Wockey Goalie Drill Book
Health Sleep – proper and complete sleep Diet – proper diet Carbo loading before games Hydration Hydrate before thirsty Drink before the game, not just when the water has been lost The Wockey Goalie Drill Book © CC wockey

133 The Wockey Goalie Drill Book
Practice Plan The Wockey Goalie Drill Book © CC wockey

134 The Wockey Goalie Drill Book
Paste Drill Here Paste Drill Here Paste Drill Here Practice Plan for DATE Objectives & Comments _______________________ Objectives & Comments _______________________ Objectives & Comments _______________________ The Wockey Goalie Drill Book © CC wockey

135 The Wockey Goalie Drill Book
Game Tracking Use the following slide for tracking the goalie. Draw the path of the shots. In the table on the right Mark what save was made (for example BF = butterfly, SP = sprawl, SU = standup) Mark what equipment was used (ST = stick, PD = leg pad) Mark result (D = deflection, CU = cover up, B = bounce) Note BA for Breakaway on side If it is a goal, circle the shot number, draw the shot with an “O” at the end Use different color pens for the different periods Write notes on the side This should help you observe trends. What save does the goalie favor when tired Does the goalie avoid a save Does the goalie favor a save Is Glove Side High a weakness? Does your defense tend to force a particular shot – such as stick side corner The Wockey Goalie Drill Book © CC wockey

136 The Wockey Goalie Drill Book
Opponent: Date: M Opp The Wockey Goalie Drill Book © CC wockey X = Stop (x) = Globe Stop - = Deflection O = Score

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