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Acronym Scramble When I say “Go!”... Spell out the words in each acronym. Ask a neighbor for help. Look through your handouts for clues. Google it! 2.

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Presentation on theme: "Acronym Scramble When I say “Go!”... Spell out the words in each acronym. Ask a neighbor for help. Look through your handouts for clues. Google it! 2."— Presentation transcript:


2 Acronym Scramble When I say “Go!”... Spell out the words in each acronym. Ask a neighbor for help. Look through your handouts for clues. Google it! 2

3 X

4 Acronym Scramble When I say “Go!”... Spell out the words in each acronym. Ask a neighbor for help. Look through your handouts for clues. Google it! When you have them all filled in, stand up and shout “BINGO!” GO! 4

5 Acronym Scramble Disclaimer: The definitions that follow are my interpretation of each term. They might not always match the official “TEA-approved” definition. 5

6 Acronym Scramble AA Academically Acceptable The second-lowest of 4 possible ratings in the old state accountability system (AEIS). 6

7 Acronym Scramble AEIS Ratings: EX = Exemplary RE = Recognized AA = Academically Acceptable AU = Academically Unacceptable 7

8 Acronym Scramble NOTE: Your 2010-2011 state accountability rating was the last rating issued under the old system. State ratings were not issued for 2011-2012. Your 2012-2013 state ratings were issued under the new system on August 8, 2013. 8

9 Acronym Scramble AEA Alternative Education Accountability The state accountability procedures for rating alternative education campuses. 9

10 Acronym Scramble AEIS Academic Excellence Indicator System The old state accountability reporting system. 10

11 Acronym Scramble AU Academically Unacceptable The lowest of 4 possible ratings in the old state accountability system (AEIS). 11

12 Acronym Scramble AEIS Ratings: EX = Exemplary RE = Recognized AA = Academically Acceptable AU = Academically Unacceptable 12

13 Acronym Scramble AYP Adequate Yearly Progress The federal accountability rating system. NOTE: You did receive AYP ratings for 2011-2012. Texas has applied for an NCLB Waiver which includes a request to use state accountability to satisfy federal AYP requirements for 2013. 13

14 Acronym Scramble AYP Ratings: Meets AYP Missed AYP For 2011-2012: ELA = 87%Math = 83% What happens if our waiver is denied? For 2012-2013: ELA = 93%Math = 92% 14

15 Acronym Scramble BE Bilingual Education A program to assist LEP students. Required if: You have 20 or more LEP students in a particular grade who possess proficiency in the same primary language. 15

16 Acronym Scramble CCRS College and Career Readiness Standards An *emerging set of standards that increase the rigor of our expectations for students in K-12. *Published by **THECB in 2008. **THECB = Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board 16

17 Acronym Scramble CTE Career and Technical Education A vocation-oriented program aimed mainly at secondary students. 17

18 Acronym Scramble DAP Distinguished Achievement Program The highest-level high school degree program. New STAAR Requirement: To graduate DAP, a student must earn “Level III – Advanced Academic Performance” on STAAR/EOC for Algebra II and English III. 18

19 Acronym Scramble DAP Distinguished Achievement Program The highest-level high school degree program. New STAAR Requirement: To graduate DAP, a student must earn “Level III – Advanced Academic Performance” on STAAR/EOC for Algebra II and English III. HB5 changed this... 19

20 Acronym Scramble Graduation Plans: DAP = Distinguished Achievement Program RHSP = Recommended High School Program MHSP = Minimum High School Program RHSP + DAP = 82% of all students in Texas! What is the % for your campus and district? This is one of the indicators that contributes points toward Index 4 in the new accountability system. 20

21 Acronym Scramble Graduation Plans: DAP = Distinguished Achievement Program RHSP = Recommended High School Program MHSP = Minimum High School Program HB5 changed this... 21

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23 Acronym Scramble Graduation Plans: DAP = Distinguished Achievement Program RHSP = Recommended High School Program MHSP = Minimum High School Program PBMAS Standards for RHSP/DAP Diploma Rate: CTE = 70% LEP = 70% NCLB = 70% SPED = 20% What is the % for each for your district? 23

24 Acronym Scramble EcoDis Economically Disadvantaged Students who are coded in PEIMS as eligible for free or reduced-price lunch or eligible for other public assistance. 60% of all students in Texas! What is the % for your campus and district? 24

25 Acronym Scramble ELL English Language Learner A more student-friendly term for LEP. 17% of all students in Texas! What is the % for your campus and district? 25

26 Acronym Scramble ELPS English Language Proficiency Standards Language Standards (ELPS) must be integrated with Content Standards (TEKS) in every classroom that includes ELLs/LEPs. 26

27 Acronym Scramble ELPS English Language Proficiency Standards Teachers should use ELPS *SEs and **PLDs to plan instruction for ELLs/LEPs. *SEs = Student Expectations **PLDs = Proficiency Level Descriptors 27

28 Acronym Scramble ELPS English Language Proficiency Standards Teachers should use ELPS *SEs and **PLDs to plan instruction for ELLs/LEPs. How many teachers on your campus have attended ELPS training? We offer ELPS training face-to-face and online in Project Share! 28

29 Acronym Scramble EP Exception Provision An additional feature in the old state accountability system (AEIS) that enabled a campus or district to improve its rating. This concept does not apply in our new index system. 29

30 Additional Features in AEIS There were three additional features in the system: Required Improvement (RI) Texas Projection Measure (TPM) Exceptions Provision (EP) Only one feature can be used per measure. However, different features can be used for different measures. 30

31 Additional Features in AEIS There were three additional features in the system: Required Improvement (RI) Texas Projection Measure (TPM) Exceptions Provision (EP) Only one feature can be used per measure. However, different features can be used for different measures. 31

32 Additional Features in AEIS There were three additional features in the system: Required Improvement (RI) Texas Projection Measure (TPM)  Index 2 (Actual Growth) Exceptions Provision (EP) Only one feature can be used per measure. However, different features can be used for different measures. 32

33 Additional Features in AEIS There were three additional features in the system: Required Improvement (RI)  2015 and beyond Texas Projection Measure (TPM)  Index 2 (Actual Growth) Exceptions Provision (EP) Only one feature can be used per measure. However, different features can be used for different measures. 33

34 Acronym Scramble ESL English as a Second Language A program to assist LEP students. 34

35 Acronym Scramble EX Exemplary The highest of 4 possible ratings in the old state accountability system (AEIS). 35

36 Acronym Scramble AEIS Ratings: EX = Exemplary RE = Recognized AA = Academically Acceptable AU = Academically Unacceptable 36

37 Acronym Scramble GPC Grade Placement Committee The group of people that decides whether or not to promote a student who has failed to pass STAAR for an SSI grade and subject. 37

38 Acronym Scramble HB3 House Bill 3 An act passed by the Texas Legislature in 2009 that outlines the requirements for STAAR and the new state accountability system. 38

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40 Acronym Scramble HB3 House Bill 3 The overarching goal of HB3 is to put Texas in the “Top 10” nationwide in the number of college-ready graduates we produce by the 2019-2020 school year. 40

41 Acronym Scramble LAT Linguistically Accommodated Testing A special administration of STAAR for qualified LEP students. NOTE: STAAR-L is similar to TAKS-LAT but they are different enough that TEA has changed the name. 41

42 Acronym Scramble LEP Limited English Proficient (Proficiency) A term used to designate a student for whom English is not their primary language and who has not yet become proficient in English. 17% of all students in Texas! What is the % for your campus and district? 42

43 Acronym Scramble LEP Limited English Proficient (Proficiency) 120 different primary languages are spoken by LEP students in Texas public schools. 43

44 Acronym Scramble LRE Least (Less) Restrictive Environment PEIMS codes 40 and 41. Code 40 = mainstreamed Code 41 = receives resource room services less than 21% of the day One of many PBMAS indicators. 44

45 Acronym Scramble MHSP Minimum High School Program The lowest-level high school degree program. 45

46 Acronym Scramble Graduation Plans: DAP = Distinguished Achievement Program RHSP = Recommended High School Program MHSP = Minimum High School Program 46

47 Acronym Scramble Graduation Plans: DAP = Distinguished Achievement Program RHSP = Recommended High School Program MHSP = Minimum High School Program HB5 changed this... 47

48 Acronym Scramble MHSP Minimum High School Program The lowest-level high school degree program. 48

49 Acronym Scramble MSR Minimum Size Requirement If a student group does not meet the MSR, that group does not affect accountability. AEIS MSR = 30 / 10% / 50 AYP MSR = 50 / 10% / 200 PBMAS MSR = 30 New Accountability System MSRs: All Students and EcoDis = *10 Race/Ethnicity groups and ELLs = 25 49

50 Acronym Scramble NCLB No Child Left Behind The federal law that drives the federal accountability system (AYP). 50

51 Acronym Scramble PBMAS Performance-Based Monitoring Analysis System The accountability system that evaluates a district’s performance in serving students in each of the following areas: BE/ESL CTE NCLB SPED 51

52 Acronym Scramble PEIMS Public Education Information Management System The state’s “master file” of data on students, teachers, schools, and districts. Make sure your PEIMS data is current and correct! 52

53 Acronym Scramble PL Performance Level In PBMAS, the result that occurs when a standard is applied to an indicator. PL0 = Met Standard PL1 = A little below standard PL2 = A little more below standard PL3 = A long way below standard 53

54 Acronym Scramble RE Recognized The second-highest of 4 possible ratings in the old state accountability system (AEIS). 54

55 Acronym Scramble AEIS Ratings: EX = Exemplary RE = Recognized AA = Academically Acceptable AU = Academically Unacceptable 55

56 Acronym Scramble RHSP Recommended High School Program The mid-level high school degree program. New Requirement: To graduate RHSP, a student must earn “Level II – Satisfactory Academic Performance” on STAAR/EOC for Algebra II and English III. 56

57 Acronym Scramble RHSP Recommended High School Program The mid-level high school degree program. New Requirement: To graduate RHSP, a student must earn “Level II – Satisfactory Academic Performance” on STAAR/EOC for Algebra II and English III. HB5 changed this... 57

58 Acronym Scramble RI Required Improvement An additional feature in all 3 accountability systems – AEIS / AYP / PBMAS – that enables a campus or district to improve its rating. (AYP calls it Safe Harbor.) 58

59 Acronym Scramble SPED Special Education A program that provides services to students with disabilities. 9% of all students in Texas! What is the % for your campus and district? 59

60 Acronym Scramble SSI Student Success Initiative Requires students in grades 5 and 8 to pass Reading and Math STAAR in order to be promoted to the next grade. 60

61 Acronym Scramble STAAR State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness The name of the new state assessment system that began replacing TAKS in the 2011-2012 school year. 61

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63 Acronym Scramble STAAR State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness In 2011-2012, STAAR/Grades 3-8 completely replaced TAKS. In 2011-2012, STAAR/EOC replaced TAKS for 1 st -year Freshman and below. 63

64 Acronym Scramble TEKS Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills State Curriculum Standards This is what our teachers must teach! This is what our students must learn!! The TEKS are not optional!!! 64

65 Acronym Scramble TELPAS Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment System Uses *PLDs to assess LEP students in: Listening Speaking Reading Writing *PLDs = Proficiency Level Descriptors 65

66 Acronym Scramble TELPAS Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment System Uses *PLDs to assess LEP students in: ListeningBeginning SpeakingIntermediate ReadingAdvanced WritingAdvanced High *PLDs = Proficiency Level Descriptors 66

67 Acronym Scramble TELPAS Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment System Uses *PLDs to assess LEP students in: ListeningBeginning SpeakingIntermediate ReadingAdvanced WritingAdvanced High Do your teachers know the TELPAS ratings for each of their ELLs/LEPs? 67

68 Acronym Scramble – BONUS! TAIS Texas Accountability Intervention System Combining the state and federal school improvement processes into a single system! TAIS training will be offered at ESC-2 on September 19 th. 68

69 Acronym Scramble – BONUS! TSDS Texas Student Data System Comprehensive statewide data collection system, replacing PEIMS as we know it today and adding an optional studentGPS Dashboard. 69

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71 How will TSDS work? 71 Optional Skyward or TCC Reduced price Improved functionality Hosted system Data submission platform Supported by TEA Data available only to educators Powers studentGPS™ Dashboards Education reporting system Efficient Stable Expandable Optional Student performance reports Easy-to- understand Early warning flags Performance trends Statewide Pre-K through workforce data Publicly available Aggregated and anonymous Supports education research State-sponsored SIS Education Data Warehouse TSDS PEIMS TPEIR studentGPS™ Dashboards

72 How do we roll out to 1,237 LEAs? 72 Academic YearTSDS PEIMSstudentGPS™ Dashboards 2013/14Early adopters, 610,378 students Test PEIMS Migrate LPR to TEA Add early adopters, 722,068 students 2014/15Early adopters plus ≤1.5M students use TSDS for actual PEIMS submission Fall and Winter launch dates for ≤660K students 2015/16Add ≤1.5M students for TSDS PEIMS submission Fall and Winter launch dates for ≤660K students 2016/17All remaining LEAs migrated to TSDS PEIMS All remaining LEAs who want to use the dashboards Region 2 Early Adopters: Aransas County ISD (Rockport-Fulton) Gregory-Portland ISD Tuloso Midway ISD

73 Acronym Scramble – BONUS! MSASS Minimum Satisfactory Adjusted Scale Score From HB866... MSASS is a score that, within a three percent margin of error, is predictive that a student achieving that score would achieve satisfactory performance on an assessment instrument in the same subject administered to the student during the following school year. 73

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