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2013-14 On-Line Training Presentation. INSTRUCTIONS Review each of the following slides Find the words printed in GREEN then Email the list of words to:

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1 2013-14 On-Line Training Presentation

2 INSTRUCTIONS Review each of the following slides Find the words printed in GREEN then Email the list of words to: Complete the practice Test and email your answers to: Once the “Green” words are received you will be sent the answer key to the practice test

3 New On-Line Training Requirements Everyone must Review the “On-Line Training Presentation” Find the words written in Green and email them to: This is how we track that you accomplished this training requirement Everyone must complete the “Online Practice Test” Send the answers to: This is how we know you have taken the Practice Exam Both are available on the web site Go to: Training Information at the bottom of the page, select the desired link and follow the instructions

4 Web Sites: – Disqualification and Incident Reports Contacts Training Schedule On-Line Training & Testing Misc Information – Additional Training Presentations NFHS Training Videos Rules in Spanish – Schedules Personal Information Photos of fellow officials

5 Contacts: All available on Mac Brazelton: AssignorRigoberto Anguiano: At Large Home: 909-548-4513Home:909-622-2837 Cell: 909-226-3641 Cell: 909-843-7092 Ron Cardin: Instructor ChairmanGabriel Herrera: At Large Home: 909-989-6583 Home: 909-682-8694 Cell: 909-437-1241 Cell: 626-643-0817 Rick Bays: TreasurerTom Ewing: Vice-President Home: 909-989-3093Home: 909-627-5404 Cell: 951-212-4878 Cell: 909-240-2028 Fernando Barrera: Assessment Chairman Home: 909-986-0493 Cell: 909-418-8631

6 On-Line Testing Procedures Certification Test Link:, then select “training information”, then “click here to take the official test in English” (or Spanish): Enter, Unit: Foothill Password: soccer (lower case) Group: Foothill Then enter your first and last name This is the web address for the test: CSOA2013-14


8 © REFEREE ENTERPISES INC. 2012 RULE CHANGE Substitutions Rule 3-3-2b(1) Limitations on coaching during injury situations were removed. Whether a short injury stoppage or a prolonged stoppage, coaches from both teams may coach — give tactical and technical instructions, lend emotional support, etc. PlayPic ®

9 © REFEREE ENTERPISES INC. 2013 POINT OF EMPHASIS Goalkeeper Injury Rule 3-3-2b(2) There is much misunderstanding about what actions constitute a keeper having to leave the game. A player “attended to on the field or who is deemed injured by the referee shall leave the field and may be replaced.” PlayPic ®

10 If the referee stops play for the trainer to attend to an injured goalkeeper, the player may remain in the game. True False – Correct Answer

11 © REFEREE ENTERPISES INC. 2012 RULE CHANGE Substitutions Rule 3-3-2 and 3-4-1b Prior to entering the game after a goal is scored or when a player is injured and removed, players are required to check in with the scorer/timer – or referee if there is no scorer/timer. After checking in, the player must wait until he or she is beckoned onto the field by the referee. MechaniGram ®

12 © REFEREE ENTERPISES INC. 2012 RULE CHANGE Required Equipment Rule 4-1-1c The home team shall wear solid white jerseys and solid white socks, with shorts of any color. If tape or similar material is applied on any sock, it must be similar in color to the socks to which it is applied. Ankle braces do NOT have to be the same color as the socks. PlayPic ®

13 © REFEREE ENTERPISES INC. 2012 RULE CHANGE Misconduct Rule 12-8-1e While use of electronic communication devices with on-field players during play is still prohibited, the use of electronic devices on the sideline is allowed. PlayPic ® Halftime

14 © REFEREE ENTERPISES INC. 2012 RULE CHANGE Misconduct Rule 12-8-1f(14) (new) If a player commits handling or a contact foul while attempting to deny an obvious goal-scoring opportunity and the goal is scored, that player will be issued a yellow card. If the foul is considered serious foul play or the goal is not scored, however, the player will still be issued a red card.

15 A defender on the goal line sticks her hand out and attempts to prevent the ball from entering the goal but the ball crosses the line for a goal. The player should be cautioned not disqualified. True – Correct Answer False

16 © REFEREE ENTERPISES INC. 2012 RULE CHANGE Definitions of Playing Terms Rule 18-1-1n Simply tapping the top of the ball with the foot or stepping on the ball is not “putting it in play.” The ball is in play when it has been kicked and moves. PlayPic ®

17 On a corner kick, just touching the top of the ball without any visible ball movement is not a legal restart. True – Correct Answer False




21 © REFEREE ENTERPISES INC. 2012 RULE CHANGE Misconduct Rule 12-8-2c When a player receives a second caution in the same game, he/she will be disqualified with a red card and the team will play the remainder of the game without replacing the disqualified player (play shorthanded). 16:00 47:05 PlayPic ® 47:05

22 © REFEREE ENTERPISES INC. 2012 RULE CHANGE Misconduct Rule 12-8-2c, 5-3-1g For a subsequent yellow card to the same player in the same game, first show the yellow card and then show the red card. PlayPic ®

23 If the attacking team encroaches on a penalty kick and the ball is saved and held by the goalkeeper, the referee should blow the whistle and restart play with an indirect free kick. True False – Correct Answer

24 © REFEREE ENTERPISES INC. 2013 POINT OF EMPHASIS Penalty Kick Rule 14-1-4 The rule reads: “Once the kicker starts his/her approach toward the ball, he/she may not interrupt his/her movement.” A stutter step is not permitted, and the action must be continuous forward motion throughout the approach. MechaniGram ®

25 A player taking a penalty kick may stutter step as he approaches the ball. True False – Correct Answer

26 The clock is stopped for penalty kicks, cautions, disqualifications, and when a goal is scored. True – Correct Answer False

27 An attacking player is injured and must be removed from the game prior to his team taking a penalty kick. His replacement may take the PK. True False – Correct Answer

28 A player on the bench when the game ends may participate in kicks from the mark. True – Correct Answer False

29 NFHS Soccer Uniform Requirements

30 Current Team Uniform Requirements Front Front of Uniform Options 1 manufacturer’s logo 2¼ square inches is permitted on each item (visible anywhere on the uniform) Home team shall wear white jerseys and socks Visiting team shall wear dark jerseys and socks All jerseys shall be numbered on the front with a different Arabic number at least 4 inches in height This number must be placed on the jersey or short Page: 24


32 Illegal Home Team Jerseys Color Side Panels and Color Piping

33 Legal Home Team Jerseys

34 The home team may wear white jerseys with two blue stripes diagonally across the front. True False – Correct Answer


36 The goalkeeper’s jersey must have numbers on the front and back (unless the number on the front is on the shorts) True – Correct Answer False




40 © REFEREE ENTERPISES INC. 2013 EDITORIAL CHANGE Pregame Responsibilities Rule 5-2-2d(4) Inquire of each head coach whether each of his/her players will be properly and legally equipped at the kickoff. PlayPic ®

41 The winner of the coin toss must choose which goal to defend or to take the kickoff. True – Correct Answer False

42 NFHS Soccer Major Editorial Changes 3-1-3Each team shall submit a team roster, containing the first and last names and numbers of all players, and substitutes, all bench personnel and all coaches, to the officials at least five minutes prior to the start of the contest. The game shall not begin until this is complete. Players, substitutes, numbers, bench personnel and coaches may be added to the roster after the start of play. Goalkeepers may have two numbers listed on the roster, a goalkeeper’s number and a field player’s number. 3-3-7A team that elects or is required to play shorthanded for reasons other than misconduct may have the player(s) re- enter the game during a dead ball.

43 NFHS Soccer Major Editorial Changes 3-3-8A team which starts a game with fewer than 11 players, but at least seven players, may have its additional player(s) enter the game during a dead ball provided that the names of the additional players are on the team roster (3-1-3). 3-3-3 Situation B Goalkeeper A fouls Opponent B in the penalty area resulting in a penalty kick for Team B. Goalkeeper A is disqualified for committing serious foul play. Team A is permitted to substitute a goalkeeper from the bench but must have a field player leave the field. RULING: Team A must play short due to the disqualification (12-8-2) but must have a goalkeeper (3-1-1).

44 NFHS Soccer Major Editorial Changes 3-4-1 Situation A Substitute A12 reports to the scorer as the kickoff takes place. Eight minutes elapse before the first opportunity for a substitution occurs. The referee beckons A12 on the field; however, A12 is withdrawn by the coach of Team A. RULING: Substitute A12 is now a player because he/she was beckoned onto the field by the referee; therefore, player A12 must enter the game once beckoned. 3-5Change title to: SECTION 5 GOALKEEPER CHANGE 3-6Change title to: SECTION 6 EXCESSIVE PLAYER SUBSTITUTIONS

45 NFHS Soccer Major Editorial Changes 5-2-2d(4)Inquire of each head coach whether each of his/her players will be properly and legally equipped at the kickoff. Any questions regarding legality of a player’s equipment shall be determined by the head referee, or the center referee in a game officiated using the double-dual system of officiating.

46 NFHS Soccer Major Editorial Changes 5-3-1 Situation A During a shot on goal, B2, in the penalty area, reaches out and deflects the ball. Just as B2 deflects the ball with the hands, A2 kicks the free ball and (a) it goes into the goal; (b) does not go into the goal. RULING: In (a), award a goal and caution B2 for unsporting conduct; in (b) call handling, award a penalty kick, and disqualify B2 for serious foul play. (12-8-1- f13, 14), (12-8-2-d1), (14-1-1) 12-4-2, Note Delete Note

47 NFHS Soccer Major Editorial Changes 12-4-3The goalkeeper in possession of the ball shall not be interfered with or impeded in any manner by an opponent. This includes the act of bouncing the ball or dropping the ball for a kick or attempting to throw the ball or tossing the ball in the air to recatch. When goalkeepers put the ball on the ground, they relinquish their privileges as goalkeepers. 12-7-2Situation An attacking player takes a shot on goal which (a) goes directly at the goalkeeper, who is able to deflect it to the ground so he can dribble it with the feet to the edge of the penalty area and then pick the ball up with his hands to distribute; or (b) the goalkeeper must dive in order to reach the ball, deflect it away from the goal, then scramble to pick it up with his hands to distribute. RULING: In (a) Illegal. Goalkeeper is penalized for infringing when he/she picks up the ball with the hands after parrying; in (b) legal. The deflection is not considered a parry.

48 NFHS Soccer Major Editorial Changes 12-7-4Situation On a throw-in, player A throws the ball (a) directly to his/her own goalkeeper A within the penalty area who touches the ball with the hands; (b) to a teammate who heads the ball to his/her own goalkeeper within the penalty area who picks the ball up with the hands; (c) the ball is thrown to his/her own goalkeeper outside the penalty area by a teammate. The goalkeeper traps the ball with the feet and dribbles it into the penalty area where it is picked up. RULING: In (a), an indirect free kick is awarded to the opponent; in (b), there has been no violation; in (c) illegal. Award an indirect kick to opponent at spot of touching.

49 NFHS Soccer Major Editorial Changes 12-8-2 Situation B Player A2 dribbles along the goal line into the penalty area. The goalkeeper comes out of the goal mouth to challenge A2. A2 pushes the ball by the goalkeeper and steps off the field to go around the goalkeeper. The goalkeeper then steps off the field and violently contacts A2 to prevent A2 from completing the play. RULING: The referee must stop play, disqualify the goalkeeper for exhibiting violent conduct and restart play with an indirect free kick from the location of the ball at the stoppage or the goal area line as appropriate. 13-2-4 (new) If a direct or indirect free kick taken from outside a team’s penalty area goes untouched into a team’s own goal, a corner kick shall be awarded to the opposing team.

50 NFHS Soccer Major Editorial Changes 18-1-1eDEAD BALL – A term used to indicate a time when the ball is out-of-play. A goal can never be scored while the ball is dead. A restart can never be changed due to what occurs during a dead ball. Rules Comparison The 2013-14 rules book will contain an updated comparison of the major differences among NFHS and NCAA rules and FIFA laws.

51 MISCELLANEOUS STUFF  All coaches on the roster must stay in the Team Area…not in the bleachers or press box communicating with the sidelines (ref rule 1.5.3 page 15)  It is the Lead Referee or Center Referee’s responsibility to insure that a misconduct report is submitted for all send-offs and all necessary incident reports such as Concussions, Injuries, Uniform Issues, Field Discrepancies and Miscellaneous items you feel need to be reported  If an Assistant Coach is misbehaving you should Caution the Head Coach if necessary to control behavior-The Head Coach is responsible for the actions of his bench personnel  Remember: NFHS Rules are written for Varsity Level competition so we has some flexibility when dealing with Uniforms (and other issues) at the JV and Frosh levels

52 UNIFORM REQUIREMENTS REVIEW  Home team Jerseys and Socks must be SOLID WHITE (Play the game but report uniform violations)  Visiting team Jerseys shall be dark in color and socks must have a single dominant color but do not have to match their Jersey color  If tape is applied over the socks it must be of similar color as that part of the sock to which it is applied  If an ankle brace is worn over the sock it does NOT have to be the same color as the socks

53 Ordinary Injury Rule 3-3-2(b)(1) Page 18 A coach or appropriate health-care professional may not enter the field without approval from a referee

54 Substitutions Rule 3-3-2(b) Page 18 Either team may substitute an unlimited number of players from the bench when a player from either team is injured and removed from the field

55 A player is cautioned. She may remain in the game if the coach chooses to do so. True False – Correct Answer

56 When a player must leave the field Rule 3-3-2(b)(2) Page 18 A player, including the goalkeeper, who is Injured and attended to on the field OR who is deemed injured by the referee Shall leave the field and may be replaced

57 A coach may receive multiple yellow cards for illegal equipment violations by different players. True False – Correct Answer

58 A player receives his second caution. The referee should show a yellow card followed by a red card. True – Correct Answer False

59 RULES GUIDELINES to be followed by SCSOA 2013-14 These guidelines/interpretations supersede the NFHS Rule Book. Rule 3 - Substitutions shall be conducted in the following manner. Players leaving the field must leave on their team's side anywhere along their touchline. If both teams are on the same side of the field, the players must exit nearest their bench. Substitutes must enter at mid-field, where the halfway line intersects the touchline and may not enter until the player they are replacing has left the field of play and has been directed to enter by the referee or assistant referee. Reason: Preventative mechanics and better control. If players exit the field on their own side or near their bench, there is less chance for confrontation with opposing teams, substitutes or spectators. Also, the referee has better control of players and less time is lost through substitution. In addition, scorekeepers are rarely used by the schools. For clarification, if a team starts with less than 11 players and a player or players arrive late, can they enter the game? NFHS rules will allow them to enter at the next stoppage in play provided their name is on the roster or is added to the roster, and they are properly checked for legal equipment.

60 Rule 4 - Section 4-2-2 refers to hair control devices being legal if made of soft material and not for adornment. SCSOA policy is that head scarves or bandanas will not be allowed under any circumstances. Reason: SCSOA feels these are not a necessity and fall under the adornment category as well as having potentially dangerous knots. Also, this will prevent gang colors from being displayed, which could lead to other problems. SCSOA will make an exception to permit headdress which is worn due to the individual's religious beliefs (e.g., burqa, hijab); however, such headdress is permitted only if the referee feels the item does not provide a safety concern for the player or an opponent (the referee is the sole authority in making such a decision). Rule 5 - 5-1-3 (a) deals with referee shirt color conflicting with the teams, where the referee must change to non-conflicting colors. SCSOA has adopted the standard colors approved by USSF for our referees. It is mandatory that the referees dress alike in a shirt that isn't in conflict with either team. Referees must carry alternate colors with them. If the goalkeeper is in conflict with teammates or opponents, the goalkeeper will change uniform. (Note: Recent rule change does permit referees and goalkeepers to have like color shirts.) SCSOA policy is that only 3-striped cuff socks will be permitted. SCSOA policy is that sunglasses will not be allowed to be worn by referees. The only exception is prescription glasses. No sunglasses allow for better game control through eye contact (both with players and referees). SCSOA policy is that referees will not wear jewelry (e.g., earrings, necklaces) as is the case for players on the field.

61 Rule 9 - SCSOA will adhere to a 'common sense' rule in the case of football goal posts having crossbars and uprights that extend over the soccer goal and into the field of play. If a ball in play should hit the football goal posts, a goal kick or a corner kick will be awarded depending on which team last touched the ball. Do not award a drop ball for 'unusual circumstances.' You would be dropping the ball on the 6-yard line. Make sure your assistant referees as well as the coaches and the captains are aware of this interpretation prior to the game beginning.

62 Rule 9 - If the ball is caused to go out of bounds by two opponents simultaneously, the referee should make a decision as to which team to award the throw-in (use common sense). Reason: SCSOA feels the referee will maintain better credibility if he makes a decision on a throw-in rather than show indecision by giving a drop ball, as indicated in the NFHS rule book. Rule 13 - If the referee fails to give the correct signal for an indirect free kick, the kick must be retaken, regardless of the original outcome. This also applies to an incorrect signal for a direct free kick. Reason: Players will obviously respond in a different manner based on the visible signal which is given. (for example, a GK will try to touch the ball before it goes into the goal if he/she doesn't see an IFK signal; or a GK might purposely let the ball go in to the goal untouched if sees an IFK signal - if either of these signals were incorrectly given then a fair result has not taken place). This is the same policy as adhered to under USSF rules (Advice to Referees 13.9) but note that under NISOA college rules, the referee is directed to continue play in these circumstances even if an incorrect signal is given.

63 Rule 14 - The goalkeeper shall stand on the goal line - FACING THE BALL AND THE KICKER - between the goal posts, until the ball is kicked. The rule does not specifically state this as Advice to Referees does. Standing with his/her back to the kicker would be considered an expression of unsportsmanlike behavior and the GK should be cautioned. Page 91 Reference to READY FOR PLAY chart: When a restart is required. Change to the following: Page 91 Reference to READY FOR PLAY chart: When a restart is required. Change to the following: No whistle needed on a Drop Ball. Kickoff – Trail, Goal Kick – Trail, Corner Kick – Trail Penalty Kick – Trail, Free Kick – Trail, Throw-in - Official responsible for ruling on the legality of the throw Add to Chart: Trail referee starts play after caution, disqualification, injury, and encroachment (except in the case of a throw-in where the lead official is responsible for ruling on the legality of the throw-in) Reason: No whistle on a drop ball because the referee that initiates play has the ball in hand and doesn't need to blow the whistle to start play. The Trail referee initiating play on a drop ball may cause a problem if the referee dropping the ball is not ready for the restart. On a penalty kick or free kick, the Trail referee should be at the place of the kick. He is in a better position to control the restart since he will have to deal with encroachment or delaying kicks.

64 NFHS Official Soccer Signals - Goal – SCSOA strongly encourages the referee to blow his/her whistle when a goal is scored. Reason: Such a signal ensures that play is stopped and that there is no confusion as to whether or not the goal was scored. In addition, this is one of the required times that the clock is to be stopped under NHFS rules, and the whistle will always immediately precede the required hand signal.

65 CONCUSSION PROTOCOL Per CIF guidelines (CIFSS and State), any player, who is suspected of sustaining a concussion or head injury and is removed from the game, shall not return to play on that same date of competition. The player may only return to play in following days if he/she has received written clearance from a licensed health-care professional. In any NFHS rule book reference to a "health-care professional", we will abide by the CIF State definition of such an individual: "medical doctor (MD) or doctor of osteopathy (DO)”. LA CITY RULES or CIFSS RULES - For games which include a LA City team against a CIFSS team, the rules which the home team follows will be those under which the game will be played. However, if both coaches agree to abide by one team's set of rules, then the referee should also follow those rules. The bottom line - use common sense and just make sure that everyone is in agreement BEFORE the game begins.

66 2013-14 SOCCER RULES CHANGES 3-3-1c(1) c. when a player is injured or removed from the field. 1. A coach or appropriate health-care professional may not enter the field without approval from a referee. During the time a coach or appropriate health-care professional is permitted on the field by the referee to attend to an injured player, coaching instruction shall not be given to any player on either team. Rationale: The application of this rule is not always practical. Enforcement of the current rule can create issues for game management. In situations of a prolonged injury, i.e. emergency medical help must be summoned; coaches presently are prohibited from conferring with their teams.

67 3-3-2 (new) and 3-4-1b 3-3-2 (new) ART. 2… Time for Substitutions: either team may substitute an unlimited number of players from the bench, provided they report per 3-4-1(a). b. a. When a goal is scored; c. b. When a player is injured and removed from the field. 3-4-1b ART. 1... To request a substitution, a substitute who desires to enter the game shall report to the scorer, giving his/her jersey number and the number of the player being replaced. a. The substitute shall remain at the scorer's table until a referee beckons the substitute onto the field of play. When there is no separate scorer/timer, incoming substitutes shall report directly to the nearest official from the official area. b. A substitute may enter the field of play after a score, when a player is injured and removed from the field or at the beginning of a period without being beckoned by the referee. After a score and when a player is injured and removed from the field, substitutes must be beckoned. Rationale: To simplify and organize the substitution rules and create uniformity among coaches, officials and players. In cases when players were allowed to enter the field freely, they are now to be beckoned by the official.

68 4-1-1c c. Both socks shall be the same color, with a single dominant color, but not necessarily the color of the jersey. If tape or similar material is applied externally to the socks, it must be of similar color as that part of the sock to which it is applied. Rationale: An increasing number of players are using excessive amounts of tape externally on their socks. This can be a multitude of colors and completely changes the look of the sock. This can cause confusion, particularly for the referees who may need to look at the sock to determine who last played the ball before it went out of play.

69 12-8-1e ART. 1... A player, coach or bench personnel shall be cautioned (yellow card) for: a. entering or leaving the field of play (except through the normal course of play) without the permission of an official; b. persistent infringement of any of the rules of the game; c. objecting by word of mouth or action to any decision given by an official (dissent); d. any incidental use of vulgar or profane language; e. any use of video or audio electronic communication devices with the on-field players or other persons to assist in coaching during play the game or any intervals. Examples: Amplifying devices, wireless communication devices such as cell phones, headphones, personal digital assistant, etc.; NOTE: A coach may engage in verbal communications with his or her own team during play.

70 12-8-1f(13) and (14) (new) 13. a player anywhere on the field (other than a goalkeeper within his/her own penalty area) who deliberately handles a the ball, attempting to prevent it from going into the a goal, and in which the goal is scored (12-8-2d(1)). 14. a player commits a foul, attempting to deny an obvious goal- scoring opportunity, and the goal is scored. Rationale: An unsuccessful attempt to deny an opponent an obvious goal-scoring opportunity by a foul (i.e., a goal is scored anyway) is punished by a caution (yellow card). Previously, this was a disqualification (red card).

71 12-8-2d(1) and (2) 1. a player anywhere on the field (other than a goalkeeper within his/her own penalty area) who deliberately handles the ball, preventing it from going into the a goal; 2. a foul by a player against an opponent who is moving toward his/her offensive goal with an obvious opportunity to score a player commits a foul, denying an obvious goal-scoring opportunity, preventing a goal. Rationale: This will bring this provision for serious foul play in line with the change that was made this past year in the misconduct penalties for intentional handling of a ball headed toward the goal. Other Rules Affected: 12-8-1f

72 18-1-1n n. FREE KICK – A method by which a dead ball becomes alive. The ball is placed on the ground and, while motionless, it is kicked unchallenged in any direction prior to being touched by another player. The ball is considered to have moved when it is touched by the kicker's foot in play when it has been kicked and moves. Simply tapping the top of the ball with the foot or stepping on the ball are not sufficient. There are two types of free kicks – “direct” from which a goal may be scored against an opponent without a second player touching the ball and “indirect” in which a goal may not be scored unless the ball is touched or played by another player of either team. Rationale: This will make the rule consistent with the traditions of the sport and helps to prevent trickery and avoid confusion on restarts. This particularly applies to corner kick situations where players have been taught simply to touch the top of the ball or to stand on top of the ball, and then walk away, followed by a teammate running on to the ball and dribbling it toward the goal. This change in the rule will make it easier for the referee to make a reasonable judgment as to whether or not the ball is in play. At the same time, it will make it more difficult for players to be deceptive with their actions on the field.

73 NFHS RULES DIFFERENCES FROM USSF/NISOA Rule 1 – Boundary lines are to be 4 inches wide Penalty kick mark to be a 2 foot line or 9” spot Corner flag post must be at least one inch in diameter Nets are mandatory Rule 2 ‐ Home team provides 3 balls and at least 2 ball holders Approved ball must have NFHS logo

74 The game may be started without nets. True False – Correct Answer

75 Rule 3 ‐ Substitutions Both teams between periods, Goal kick, Goal Scored Play stopped for injury and player attended to on the field Injured player (including the GK) must leave field and may be replaced After cautions or disqualifications Possession: On a throw‐in or corner kick (other team can also substitute if team with possession substitutes) ‐ Unlimited number of substitutions for either team at these substitution opportunities NOTE: On a penalty kick the only substitute permitted is for injury or caution, and substitute may not take the penalty kick ‐ Players may be added to the roster after the start of the game

76 Both teams may substitute on either team’s goal kick or corner kick. True False – Correct Answer

77 Rule 4 - Uniforms Home team – all white jerseys and socks Visiting team – dark color contrasting with home team uniform Both socks must be the same color with a single dominating color NOTE: Shorts and socks of the goalkeeper are not required to be the same color as his/her teammates. Uniform numbers: on front and back (4” and 6”); number on front may be on shorts; this rule includes the goalkeeper CIF Ruling: Goalkeeper may not wear a jersey with advertising on it (e.g., Corona, Newcastle, or Coca Cola) Rule 5 ‐ Winner of coin toss can choose which goal to defend or to take the kickoff

78 Rule 7 ‐ Clock is stopped at appropriate times; time is not added on Clock is stopped for penalty kicks, cautions, disqualifications, when a goal is scored, and all other times the referee orders the clock to be stopped Rule 9 ‐ After temporary suspension of play (e.g., for injury, outside agent, any unusual situation), if one team is clearly in possession of the ball, the restart will be an IFK to the team with possession

79 A player is injured in the penalty area with the goalkeeper in possession of the ball. The referee stops play. The correct restart is an indirect free kick for the goal keeper’s team. True – Correct Answer False

80 Rule 12 ‐ Coaches may receive yellow and red cards ‐ Cautioned player must leave the field and may be replaced ‐ Player red carded during half‐time may be replaced ‐ Coaches receive a yellow card for first equipment violation ‐ Dangerous play against a teammate results in an IFK Rule 13 ‐ An indirect free kick is awarded to the opposing team at the spot where the ball was when play is stopped for misconduct by a person in the team and coaching area (not a drop ball even if neither team was in possession of the ball)

81 The referee may issue a yellow or red card to a coach or any bench personnel. True – Correct Answer False

82 A player who is disqualified between the first and second halves cannot be replaced. True False – Correct Answer

83 Rule 14 ‐ Player taking the PK cannot stutter step or abruptly change directions as he approaches the ball ‐ When there is an infringement by the attacking team, and the GK saves the ball, the game plays on; there is no IFK for the defense Rule 15 ‐ Throw‐in that doesn’t enter the field results in a throw‐in awarded to other team Kicks from the Mark – any eligible player can participate (not just those on the field) ‐ 11th kicker can be a player who has previously taken a kick (do not have to use all eligible players)

84 If a throw-in does not enter the field of play, the throw-in is awarded to the other team at the original spot. True – Correct Answer False

85 CIF Ruling ‐ Noisemakers are prohibited inside stadiums or playing fields at any CIF Southern Section contest. This includes horns, bells, sirens, and any musical instruments other than those in the band. The improper use of any of the above listed devices by supporters of a team would subject that team to possible forfeiture of the contest

86 THANKS – YOU ARE FINISHED Don’t forget to email your answers to:

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